Chapter 23- A Fun Day

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It's been about three months since I "forgot" part of my life. Apparently what made me remember was a nightmare. The day that I was trying to remember things, after I went to sleep, I wouldn't stop screaming. The scary part is that I'm not even sure what I was dreaming about.

But that was in the past. I didn't want to live in my past. I wanted to live in the moment. That started with me forgiving Jarrad. So yeah, he broke up with me and it was his fault that I was in the hospital and stuff, but that was like a wake up call for me.

It's because of him that my life is good today. If he didn't break up with me, I would still be with him in a miserable relationship. But we're friends now. I mean of course there will always be a small place in my heart for him, but that's expected with a first love. Right?

As far as things with Sam go, well, it's complicated. We hang out a lot. He hugs me and kisses me on the cheek and little things like that, but he's never asked me out. Maybe he's just scared. I don't know. But what I do know is that I was happy.

My mom came home last week. She already knew about all of the drama, so she wasn't that mad. Just glad that I was okay. She did, however, say that they wanted to give her similar job offers in the future. Hopefully not four months long though. Or as far away.

Anyways, Sam was going to be here in a couple of hours to pick me up. We were going to go shopping with the guys and then do a live show. I went upstairs and took a shower.

I threw on a pair of high waist denim shorts and a white crop top with the words "Forever and Always" on it. I put on my black studded combat boots and straightened my hair. I put on a black beanie and put on some mascara and eyeliner.

By the time I was done, it was about 20 minutes until time for Sam to pick me up. I went downstairs and got on Netflix. I turned on Wilfred and started to watch it. A few minutes after the episode was done, there was a knock on the door.

I turned off the TV and grabbed my wallet and phone. I opened the door to find Trevor. Not Sam. Weird.

"Hey Trevor?" I said, my statement coming off more as a question.


"Uh...where's Sam? I thought he was picking me up." I looked behind him and Sam's car wasn't there.

"Oh, well he was, but I thought that we could go to the beach for a while and hang out." he said with a smile.

"Okay, well are the guys going to come too?"

"No. They're doing an O2L video about relationships and well, I haven't really been in one, so I thought that I wouldn't be much help to them."

When Trevor said that, I was really shocked. He was really nice. Tall, well compared to me anyways. He was pretty cute. Funny. Smart. Very talented. Pretty much everything a girl looks for in a guy. And I haven't noticed it before, but he has a really cute smile. And I could look into his eyes forever.

That's weird. Okay. Uh. Let's focus on the situation at hand. He wants to go to the beach. Just the two of us. I realized that I haven't said anything back to that yet. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and said "Yeah. Uh. Just let me get my swimming suit on."

I ran upstairs and pulled off my clothes. I wore a neon orange bikini and had some sunglasses that were neon orange too. I left my hair down and put on a loose fitting tank top and some shorts on and grabbed my flip flops.

When I was halfway down the stairs, I remembered that I had mascara on. I didn't want it to run. I ran back upstairs and took it off replacing it with waterproof mascara. After that I made sure that I had everything and I met Trevor in the living room.

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