Chapter 4- Big Changes

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I was still in shock from what my mom said at dinner. I just couldn't wrap my mind around what was happening. I couldn't decide if this was a good thing, or if it was awful. It was a little past midnight now. I knew that the one person that I wanted to talk to the most was the one person that I couldn't talk to. Dad. He had died a few years ago in a car wreck. A drunk driver hit him on the driver's side. He died a week later in the hospital.

I could feel myself starting to cry. I thought about the dinner conversation.

-5 hours earlier-

"Hey mom!" Kian and I said simultaneously.

"Kian? You made lasagna? I'm impressed." my mom said sarcastically.

We sat down and ate and Kian went and was scooping ice cream for dessert.

"So kids, we need to have a family discussion" she said as Kian came to the table with our bowls.

"I have been offered a promotion at work."

"That's great mom!" I said wondering why this was so important.

"Yes. It is." She paused as if looking for words to say. "But the job doesn't require me to stay and work at this hospital. Or any hospital for that fact."

"Well mom, you are a doctor, and doctors work in hospitals. So where are you going to work?" Kian asked sounding confused.

"That's what I'm getting to." She continued "I am going to live in Africa for 4 months and treat sick kids and study diseases."

"Wait, so you aren't going to be here for 4 months??" I asked in shock.

"That's what I just said, isn't it?" She replied trying to make a joke.

"Well when are you leaving?" Kian and I both asked.

"Next week."

"NEXT WEEK!?!?!?"

"Yes. You guys are going to be living here alone. I expect you to behave yourselves, respect this house, NO SEX" she put emphasis on no sex and looked at Kian when she said it "no wild parties, and when the time comes getting to school on time."

Kian and I just sat there in shock.

"The hospital gave me the rest of the week off so I could pack and spend time with you."

-present time-

I still couldn't believe that she was just leaving us. For 4 whole months.

What I really couldn't believe is that she trusted us. Two teenagers, in a house, for 4 months. That's not the smartest thing that my mom has done. In fact. It's probably the dumbest.

She would be sending Kian and I enough money to pay the monthly bills and groceries and giving each of us $50 extra.

I decided to call Jarrad and tell him the news.




Jarrad picked up sounding tired.


"Hey Jarrad. I have something to tell you"


" mom...she's going to live in Africa for 4 months and she left the house to Kian and I while she's gone."

"That's great babe. Can I sleep now?"

"Ha-ha. Sure. Goodnight."



I'm pretty sure that he won't even remember that.

-The Next Week-

I can't believe that mom is leaving in the morning. Kian, Mom, and I just spent the past week packing and doing stuff as a family. I should probably sleep though....

As I was trying to get some sleep, I was thinking about Jarrad. I hadn't talked to him for almost a week. I was going to call him but dropped my phone on the floor and didn't feel like picking it up. Yeah I know. I'm lazy.

-The Next Morning-

We're at the airport dropping off mom. We said our goodbyes and she reminded us of the rules that we had to follow. Number one being no parties. The second being no sex, she once again put emphasis on this rule and looked at Kian. She said that she'd try to call one of us everyday. We kissed our mom goodbye and it all felt real. Me and Kian were on our own. For 4 months.

As Kian was pulling out of the airport parking lot he looked at me, put his sunglasses on and said "Let the fun begin!!!"

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