Chapter 3- Jarrad

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We walked for about 5 minutes until the beach was completely out of sight. The tears had stopped but the pain had not. Was Sam telling the truth? Was Jarrad only using me? I couldn't bare the thought. I started to cry again. Then Jarrad suddenly walked in front of me and stopped.

"Jessie I can't stand to see you cry anymore." he said while grabbing my hands. "I didn't actually have to get my phone. I just wanted to be alone with you. We need to talk."

I said nothing but looked deeply into his eyes.

"I really like you Jessie." he continued "I have liked you for a while now, but I didn't want to say anything because of Kian. He's my best friend and he wouldn't exactly like me dating his sister." He moved closer and said in a softer voice "But right now I don't care about Kian. I just want you."

He had me right then and there. I knew that Sam was wrong. About everything. Jarrad wasn't going to just use me. Jarrad was going to love me. And I was going to let him. And I didn't care about what anyone else had to say about it.

I stepped closer making our lips only inches from touching and said "You have me."

And that's when it happened. Jarrad kissed me. It was absolutely perfect and everything that I could've ever imagined. He kissed me softly but with passion. After a few seconds, the kiss deepened and I put my arms around his neck. He kissed me with more passion and put his hands on my hips pulling me closer.

I pulled away and said "Not here. Kian could see us."

He said okay and we walked the rest of the way home. When we got there, we went into the living room and turned on the Netflix and put on a movie. It didn't matter which one because we weren't watching it. We were talking about us.

"Kian can't find out." 

"I know that he's your brother, but he'll understand."

"He won't let you come over anymore."

"Yes he will. Just because we're dating doesn't mean that things will change."

 "Jarrad, do you remember my last boyfriend?"


"That's because I've never had a boyfriend."


"Because Kian scared off any guy that tried to get close to me."

"I'm telling you, things with us will be different. We can tell him."

"But don't you wanna spend the night without them being suspicious?"

"Yeah. I promise, we can tell him. It's gonna be fine."

"But Jarrad." I said moving closer and rubbing his leg while I bit my lip.

"Okay" his voice cracked. "We won't tell. This'll be our little secret."

The movie was over and it was only around noon, so I went in the kitchen to make lunch while Jarrad went home and changed. I decided that I should text Kian and tell him that we made it home okay.

(Kian=K & Jessie=J)

J:  Sorry Kian. I forgot to text you when I got home. Jarrad just went home to change, but he's coming back. I'm making lunch. You want some?

K:  No. Don't make anything. I'm getting some Taco Bell to bring home.

J:  Okay. Thanks. Don't forget to get some for Jarrad.

K:  Okay. I'm on my way.

J:  Pick up some Arizona. We're out.

K:  Okay I will.

J:  Okay see you soon.

K:  WAIT!!!!!!!!!!! What were you and Jarrad doing for like 2 hours?!?!?!

J:  Calm down. We watched a movie.

K:  Okay. I'll be home in 10. 


While I waited for Kian to get home I decided to get changed. I just put my sports bra and cheer shorts back on and redid my hair to where it was in a pony tail instead of a bun.

When I went back downstairs, Kian was just walking in the door with Sam.

Kian took one look at me and said "For God's sake will you please put some clothes on?"

I mocked his tone and said "For God's sake will you please give me my food?"

We both laughed and went in the kitchen to eat. Sam was sitting down beside me when Jarrad came in the back door.

"We got you some food." I said sliding the bag across the table to him.

"We?" Kian said looking at me. "Last time I checked you were 14 and didn't have a car, a job, or money."

Everyone laughed and we sat down to eat. I could feel Jarrad looking at me the whole time we ate. He was sitting across from me so it wasn't that noticeable, but every time I looked up we ended up blushing.

I'm guessing that Sam saw me and Jarrad because he was getting mad. He was about to say something when I cut him off.

"Oh yeah, Kian, I forgot to tell you. Mom said that we couldn't go anywhere tonight because she had to talk to us. It sounded pretty important."

After we ate lunch, we all went in the living room and got on Netflix. We watched a couple episodes of 'Wilfred' and then decided to watch a scary movie instead. We put on 'Children of the Corn'. I suggested it because I've seen it before and I know that I could get scared. This would give me a chance to be closer to Jarrad.

I waited for a really scary part to jump into his arms. And I was right. Kian didn't suspect anything, so me and Jarrad stayed on the couch and cuddled for almost 4 hours because we decided to watch the 2nd one too.

By that time it was around 5 o'clock and I had to start on dinner. Mom was going to be home in an hour so I thought that she would enjoy having a meal ready for her when she walked in.

I started making lasagna. After I put the noodles in to boil, I started making the sauce from scratch. Just the way mom liked it. When the pasta was done I put the first layer in and started putting the sauce and cheese in the pan when I felt Jarrad's arms wrap around me from behind as he pulled my body closer to his.

I put what I had in my hands down and turned around and kissed him. It was only a small kiss at first, but then Jarrad picked me up and we were making out. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He started to kiss my neck and I suppressed a moan.

"JARRAD HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET US SOME ARIZONA!?!?!" Kian yelled from the living room. I could here him coming in the kitchen. I made Jarrad stop and he let me stand on my feet again. He then quickly grabbed a noodle, broke it, and dipped it in some sauce. Kian walked in and he was about to yell at Jarrad again when he saw that he was eating some food he stayed quiet.

After I put that lasagna in the oven, I told Sam and Jarrad to go home because mom was going to be home in 20 minutes. When they left I went upstairs and put on some black tights and one of Kian's sweaters.

When I went back downstairs, I took the lasagna out of the over and made plates for everyone and set them on the table. I also poured three cups of water.

That was when I heard my mom pull in the drive way. I yelled for Kian to come down and when she got inside we all sat down for supper.

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