Chapter 20- What?

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I woke up. In a very strange room. I looked up. I had an IV in my arm. I was in the hospital. What happened? Why was I here? There were two people in my room. Kian and someone else. Who was the other person. They were sleeping.

"Kian?" my voice sounded hoarse. Almost like I'd lost it. I cleared my throat and said louder than before. "Kian?"

He woke up and looked around. I looked at him and said "Why am I here? What happened?"

"Jessie! You're awake!"

"Where's mom?"

"What do you mean? You know that mom is in Africa."

"What!?! Mom's in Africa?? Why didn't she take us with her?"

"Stop it. That's not funny." he said looking at me funny.

What was he talking about? Why didn't she tell us that she was going?

"Stop what?"

"The joke isn't funny anymore. I'm going to get a doctor to tell them that you're awake. Don't act like this when I get back." he said and then left the room.

The other boy in the room had woken up. Who was he? He looked kind of familiar. But I couldn't place a name to him. Maybe I'd seen him with Kian before.

"Jessie I'm so glad that you're okay." he said while giving me a hug.

I pushed him away. "Who are you?" I said kind of rudely.

He looked at me with a confused expression. "Stop messing around. It's Jarrad. You know that."

Jarrad? Who in the world was Jarrad? And why was he in my hospital room giving me hugs. "I'm sorry I don't know a Jarrad."

"Jessie, I'm sorry about what happened and I know that it was bad, but you don't have to act like this."

What in the world was he talking about? What happened? And why was it bad? I was about to ask him when Kian came in the room with a doctor.

"Hello Jessie. I'm Dr. Martin. How are you feeling?" He asked while shaking my hand.

"Uh...confused. Can someone please explain to me what happened?"

"Well, your heart was beating way too fast and you passed out. Your friend Jarrad brought you in and we slowed your heart rate. You've been in a coma for about 3 days." Dr. Martin said and then looked at my heart rate thingy.

"Why did Jarrad bring me here? I don't even know him."

Dr. Martin, Kian, and Jarrad looked at me with surprised faces. "Jessie I told you to stop it." Kian said rudely.

"Stop what Kian?!" I said almost shouting.

"Calm down Jessie. Your heart needs to relax. Now, you say that you don't know Jarrad?" Dr. Martin questioned me.

"No. At least I don't think that I do."

"Jessie, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"12." I said. He was a doctor. He knew how old I was. He was the doctor.

"Okay. Well we're going to run some tests to make sure that everything in you is going good okay?"


He just asked me random questions like the date and weird stuff. I think that this guy was crazy. Then he took Kian into the hallway for about 5 or 10 minutes.

When Kian came back in, he looked like he just saw a ghost. What was wrong with him.

"What's wrong Kian? Am I going to die?" I said scared.

"No, no, no. You're fine. You can go home tomorrow."

"Okay cool, but I think I'm going to take a nap." I said and then I closed my eyes.

***KIAN'S POV***

I was so pissed at Jessie. I told her to stop playing around. Sometimes she just took things too far. So now the doctor was asking a bunch of simple questions like the date, what grade she was in. And little stuff like that.

When he was done, he pulled me into the hallway. He looked at me with sympathy. What was going on?

"Kian, there's no easy way to say this, but I believe that your sister has forgotten the past two years of her life. This may be temporary or this may be permanent. Sometimes when the heart beats dangerously fast, it can cause the brain to...well...mess up. And forget some things."

"So, you're saying that she thinks that she's 12?" I asked about to cry.

"Yes. You're going to have to remember these things with her. She won't know about any of the current events. There may be something that can jog her memory. Like perhaps a certain person or place or activity."

"When can she go home?" I said flatly.

"We'll release her tomorrow."

"Thank you." I said and walked back into her room. I told her that she could go home tomorrow and she went to sleep. Then I explained the whole thing to Jarrad. He looked sick. He should feel sick. This whole thing was his fault.


I have one commenter and she's really awesome, but it's not that hard to leave a comment or vote, so 2 votes and 2 comments for the next chapter. I already have it done along with the chapter after that. There's some pretty interesting stuff that happens...

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