Chapter 12- Going Home

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I walked closer to the door and heard Sam say something. "What do you mean she called Jarrad?" He sounded hurt, confused, and angry all at the same time.

"She said that he made her feel better so she called him."

Sam was about to say something when I walked in and said "What's for dinner?"

Kian looked at me and said that Jc and Ricardo were getting us Taco Bell.

-Three Days Later-

I was really excited to be going home. On the plane I sat in between Sam and a guy named Drew. Drew and I were talking and he asked me if I had a boyfriend. As soon as Sam heard that, he grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek.

"Sam stop it!!!" I let go of his hand and pushed him away.

Drew looked down and said "Oh."

"He's not my boyfriend. He just thinks that he is." I said and looked at Sam with a disgusted face.

"Does that mean that you're single?"

"No. I'm sorry. I'm dating my brother's friend."

Sam got mad and he yelled "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BACK WITH HIM? HE CHEATED ON YOU!!!"

"Calm down bro." Drew said looking at Sam.

Then I looked at Sam with tears forming in my eyes. I said three words that broke me. I acted like I was fine but I wasn't. It hurt me that he left me for Acacia just like that. A tear fell as I said "So did you."

After that I couldn't stop crying. I cried on Drew's shoulder while he had his arm around me. Those were all of the feelings and emotions that I'd been holding in for the past few days. Every time Sam tried to talk to me, Drew told him to shut up because he was the reason that I was crying.

Kian was walking to the bathroom and he saw me crying.

"What's wrong Jess?"

Drew told him everything. Kian looked at Sam with a look of 'why' then said "Sam switch me seats."

Sam said okay and Kian sat down. He hugged me as I cried the rest of the plane ride. I said bye to Drew and told Kian that I didn't want to see Sam, so as soon as I got off of the plane I called Jarrad. he was coming to pick me up.

Jarrad got there and he drove me home. We went up to my room and he said "So are you ready?"

I got nervous and hesitated before saying "For what?"

"Our date. We're going to go to the beach."

"But we always go to the beach."

"I know, but this time is special."

I said okay and told him to get out so I could put on my bikini.

After I got changed we got in his car and he drove to the beach. I took off my cover up and we got in the water. I was wearing my pink and white polka dotted bikini this time. Jarrad picked me up carried me out of the water when the sun was starting to set.

He set me down on our blanket and sat beside me. I asked him "What are we doing?"

"I am watching a beautiful sunset with my beautiful girlfriend. And you are watching the sunset with me."

"So I'm watching the sunset with the best boyfriend in the world?"

"Ha-ha. Yeah. You could say that." He said this while putting me on his lap.

"I missed you Jarrad." I said while kissing him on the cheek.

"I missed you too Jess."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "You are absolutely perfect. In every way. And I know that it's soon, but....I...I love you."

"Jarrad." I said while blushing. "I love you too."

Jarrad kissed me and it wasn't like any other time before. It wasn't like any kiss that I have ever had. It felt perfect. I felt so safe. It felt so right.

It was so passionate and gentle at first. He pulled me closer and I put my arms around his neck. Before long, we were making out.

Everyone else had left the beach so it was just us. He laid down and I was on top of him as we kissed. He put his hands on my hips and turned us over.

He kissed my neck and I let out a slight moan. "Jarrad"

As he continued I said something that a 14 year old probably shouldn't say. Or any teenager really.

I whispered "I'm ready."

"Are you sure?"

The only thing that I said was "Please."

And let's not get into detail. Trying to keep things PG-13. But it was....amazing.

We got dressed and laid there for a bit. I was in Jarrad's arms when he asked.

"You okay, Jess?"

"I've never been better." I said that and kissed him.

"We should probably get going."

"Oh. Yeah. Kian is probably worried."

I hadn't realized how late it was until we got in the car. I guess that we laid there for longer than I thought. It was a little after 2:00 am.

Jarrad drove me to my house and we sat in the driveway and made out in the car for like 20 minutes. It was almost 3 now. I told Jarrad to come inside and he could spend the night.

When we got inside I found that Kian was up.


"I was on a date." I said while smiling and looking at Jarrad.

Jarrad grabbed my hand and said "Yeah. We went to the beach. Sorry for keeping her out so late."

"And what did you two do at the beach?" Kian said looking mad.

"We watched the sunset and talked" Jarrad said before I could.

Kian was about to say something when I said "Kian, me and Jarrad are going to bed." I grabbed Jarrad's hand and ran upstairs.

I went to Kian's room and got some clothes for Jarrad to wear. He went to the bathroom and changed.

I opened my door and went to my closet. I put on some cheer shorts and a sports bra.

I couldn't find my charger, so I turned on the light.

And there was someone in my bed....


(Author's Note)

I feel like no one is reading this. Please comment if you are. And tell me if I should continue.

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