Chapter 15- Sam

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It had been a week since Sam stormed out of the house. And all during that week Jarrad and I couldn't keep our hands off of each other. The only time that we weren't kissing is when we had to come up for air and when someone else was talking to us.

Also during that week, I hadn't seen Sam. Like at all. We were practically next door neighbors and I didn't see him. I was starting to get worried. Not even Kian had heard from him in a couple of days.

At first I thought that it was because I was with Jarrad, but then I realized that it was something more.

He said right in front of me that I was the love of his life and I didn't even respond in the slightest bit. I mean of course I loved Sam.

But did I love him like that? I loved how no matter what his cheeks were always red. I loved how his brown eyes were so deep and beautiful. Oh and I loved how he laughed. That was almost perfect. And the way he said my name made my heart melt.

WAIT!!!! What am I saying??? I love Jarrad. Not Sam.

And as easy as I came up with things about him that I loved, I came up with the things about him that I hated. I hate how he cheated on me right in front of my face. I hate how he tried to ruin my relationship with Jarrad. I hate how he rejected me and then had the nerve to say that he loved me. And that's the biggest thing. I hate that he loved me.

Doesn't he realize how much he's hurt me? How much I've cried because of him. I did not love Sam Pottorff. In fact. I think that I hated him.

But how could someone so perfect and so sweet cause me so much pain?

I needed to stop thinking about Sam, but the more I tried to get him out of my mind, the farther engraved he was in my thoughts.

I knew that I had to fix things with him. I missed him. There was no doubt about that. I needed him.

I decided that I would go over to his house tonight. I had nothing better to do anyways. Jarrad was going to Australia tomorrow at like 5 am, so we said our goodbyes earlier today and he said that he'd be back in a week.

I got dressed in some black tights and bra. I just put on one of Sam's hoodies and went over to his house. I figured that I could steal a shirt from him anyways.

I went over to his house and his mom answered. She said that she was going on a business trip and she'd be back in a few days. I don't know why, but Sam's mom and I have always been really close.

So I walked up to Sam's room he was laying on his bed asleep. I sat down and shook him awake. He sat up and saw it was me.

"Look Sam I'm really sorry about what happened last week, but we can't change that. Can we live for right now? Please?" I said giving him puppy dog eyes and pouting my lip.

"Yeah. I've missed you."

"I missed you too." I said while taking off my hoodie. Sam saw that I had only a bra on underneath it and freaked out.

"You're still with Jarrad. What are you doing!?!"

"Calm down. I came to trade you. Your hoodie for one of your shirts."

He said fine and I went to his closet. On the door I saw a picture of us from when we were younger. It was me and him hugging. I was going to look at it more when I remembered that I didn't have a shirt on. I knew exactly which shirt I wanted.

I got his green sweatshirt that looked like an Arizona Green Tea can. I already had his other one, but I couldn't help it. I just loved those shirts.

I turned around and Sam was on his phone, so I went and looked at the picture. It was from the day that I realized that I first liked Sam.

It was on my 12th birthday. Kian and Sam took me to the beach with their friends. When everyone else went and got ice cream Sam and I stayed behind. He asked me if I was having fun I said yes and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "Happy Birthday." Then he ran to get in the water. I just sat there looking like an idiot and feeling butterflies in my stomach.

I  remember that like it happened yesterday. I realized how much things have changed since then. How much I had changed.

"Jessie!" Sam yelled at me. I must've been thinking for  a while.


"You've been staring at that picture for like 10 minutes. "

"Oh. Sorry."

"So since you're taking that Arizona sweater can I have my other one back?"

"No. It's mine forever!!" I said while jumping on his bed.

"I'll tickle you if you don't give it back."

"Well sucks for you. I'm not ticklish."

"Oh really?" He said while getting on top of me and tickling my sides.

I couldn't stop laughing. "Okay, okay. You can have it back."

"That's what I thought." He said while getting off and laying down next to me.

It was only silent for a minute or two before I broke the silence.

"Sam can I ask you something?"

***SAM'S POV***

 I was just tickling her. She was laughing like crazy. God I loved her laugh. I loved the way she smiled. And how she looked in my clothes. She was beautiful. I loved her. More than anything.

We were just laying there in silence when she said something.

"Sam can I ask you something?"

I answered back almost immediately.  "Of course. Anything."

"Did you mean what you said last week?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know." she hit my arm playfully. "When you said that I was...well...the love of your life."

I sat up and felt panic run through my body. I spoke so quiet that I was sure she wouldn't hear me.  "I didn't think that you heard that."

Of course she was the love of my life. I couldn't stand her with Jarrad. Was made things even worse was that she lost her virginity to him. Now it's like she's his forever. They will have something now that she and I could never have. That broke me. I wanted her first time to be with me. But I wasn't just using her. I wanted to wait. I would wait as long as she wanted to. I would do anything for her.

"Sam? Are you okay?" she was now sitting next to me and rubbing my back. I hadn't noticed that there were tears in my eyes.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry for asking. I know it was stupid for me to-"

I cut her off. "No. It wasn't stupid at all. I was just...was caught off guard."


I was debating on if I should tell her. I grabbed her hands and looked deep into her eyes. "Jessie, you are the love of my life. You are my absolute everything. I can't live without you."

I leaned in to kiss her.

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