Chapter 19- Hurt

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I'm so sorry. Wattpad messed up like it had a whole bunch more on it and then it got erased. I'll try to make it as good as it was the first time. And I would like to thank my ass for letting me pull this chapter out of it.


It had been a week since that god awful day at the beach with my family. Ugh. I hated my family.

Things with Jarrad have been less, I don't know. Less something. We made our way out of the Cupcake Phase. For all of you that don't know what the Cupcake Phase is, it's when a couple is like all lovey dovey and can't keep their hands off of each other. So it's pretty much just a phase where public displays of affection always take place.

Jarrad and I were past that. Like way past that. He's been very...distant lately. Like he's lost interest. He promised that he would come to me if he had feelings for anyone else. Like one day, I went to give him a kiss and he just kind of moved his head so I kissed his cheek instead. I got nervous.

I woke up this morning and texted him. I told him to come over at 12 so we could talk. He said okay and I went to take a shower. When I got out, it was already like 11. I threw on a pair of pink shorts and a grey cut off top. After I straightened my hair and put on mascara, it was 11:50. Jarrad would be here in about 10 minutes.

I went downstairs and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I was eating it when Kian came downstairs. He had a troubled look on his face. "What's wrong Kian?" I said putting more cereal into my mouth.

"Uh. Nothing. Just some. Uh. Bad news."

"What is it?"

He didn't answer for a while. He looked like he was deep in thought. "Uh. Nothing important."

I wasn't convinced, but I didn't want to ask him anything further. I was finishing my bowl of cereal when he walked out the door.

***KIAN'S POV***

I woke up this morning and checked my phone. Usually I had a bunch of Twitter notifications, but today I had a text. It was from Jarrad.

Jarrad:  Kian, I am so sorry. I found someone else that I like better than Jessie. I know that we probably won't be friends after this, but I have to tell her. I haven't cheated. I just don't want to hurt her more than I have to. I'm coming over at noon. That's when I'm going to do it. I am so sorry Kian. And know that I mean that.

I was so pissed. I got dressed and went downstairs to grab an Arizona. Jessie asked me what was wrong. Oh crap. Was it that obvious?  I couldn't be here for much longer. It was almost noon. I didn't want to do something stupid, so I grabbed my backpack and left.

I couldn't stand to see my baby sister hurt again. I couldn't and wouldn't do this. It was my job, as a big brother, to protect her. And I wasn't doing my job very well. I'm so ashamed. Letting her date my best friend. Letting my best friend date her. Well that one happened twice. So I guess letting her date my best friends. And letting them date her. Letting them cheat on her. Both of them. Cheaters. Maybe if I handled the situation more like mom would have.

I can't see her cry. I can't see her hurt. Ever since Dad died, her and mom have been my whole life. I'm the man of the house. And I'm supposed to keep the ladies happy and safe. Now that mom's in Africa, Jessie is the only thing that I have. She reminds me so much of mom. If only mom were here she would know how Jess was going to feel down to the last detail. I had an idea though.

Used. Worthless. Miserable. Stupid. Pathetic. I knew that because that's how the rest of the family makes her feel. They call her, to her face I might add, a pathetic loser. They say things like "You need to be more like your brother." "Do something with your life." "Why aren't you smart like your brother?" "Stop being so weird."

I can't seem to figure out why my family hates her. Is it because she's unique and original. She doesn't need to change. She's fine just the way that she is. As long as someone's happy then they should be left alone. Right?

I walked over to the garage to get my penny board. Jarrad was walking up the driveway. I tried my best not to, but I couldn't stop my legs from walking. I walked over to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt. And said loudly enough that he knew how mad I was, but not too loud as to where Jessie could here.

"Look, Jarrad. We're supposed to be friends. Friends don't date each others sisters. Let alone break up with them. It's taking all of my will power to not beat you senseless. Now you go in there. Say what you have to say, apologize and leave. And you'll be sorry if I see you around here again. Got it?"

He nodded his head and I opened the door. "Jessie, Jarrad is here." I said while giving him one last glare. He walked in and I started skating away. I didn't know where I was going, but I wasn't going to be back for a while.


"Jessie, Jarrad is here." I heard Kian yell from the door. I was putting my bowl in the sink. Then I got an Arizona and took a sip. Jarrad came in and sat down at the table. I took another drink and sat down at the table too.

"Jarrad I think that we should talk." I said while setting down my drink.

"Yeah. I know. Look, Jessie, I never wanted to hurt you, but I think that we should break up. I found someone else that I like more than you. I just don't feel the spark when we kiss anymore. I haven't cheated. I promise you that. It's just that I think that things can go better with her. Please don't be mad. I just didn't want to hurt you, so I came to you and told you just like you asked me to. I'm so sorry."

My throat was so dry. I was having trouble breathing. The room was spinning. I wanted to talk. But I couldn't. I tried to take a drink but I couldn't move. My lungs. They wouldn't work. It's like my brain had gone completely dead. The room started spinning faster. I couldn't move. My heart. It hurt so bad. I couldn't bear it. I was seeing black dots everywhere. The room. Was black. Why was the room dark? I fell. I hit the floor. Hard. Paralyzed.

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