Chapter 17- Heartbreak

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Am I the only one that just stands in the shower and think? About everything. Like people. Like Sam.

It was one of those days that you just can't stop thinking about one person. Normally, it would be Jarrad. But not today. Today Sam was on my mind. It seemed like everything that I did reminded me of him. Watched TV? I remember the time that Sam and I watched a movie together. Eat breakfast? Sam always eats breakfast at our house.

No matter what I tried, I couldn't get him off of my mind. I was going to call Jarrad but then remembered the whole '7 hour time difference' thing and decided that I shouldn't wake him. And even that made me think of Sam.

I thought of how hard it was to wake Sam up and how he sometimes talked in his sleep. It was so cute when he did that.

Ugh!!!! I have got to stop that!!!

I thought about my dream last night. That's why Sam was on my mind all day. That's why I was so shaken up today.

-Flashback to dream-

I had just went over to Sam's house to apologize to him. I needed him. It made me sad that we weren't talking. I got up to his room and we talked about stupid stuff. I got a shirt from his closet and sat down while giving him his hoodie.

He tried to kiss me, but this time I let him. It wasn't long until it was a full on make out session.

Jarrad walked in. He wasn't mad at all. He said something about getting back with his ex from Australia and walked off. I was confused and hurt but then went back to kissing Sam.

Kian came over and saw us. He congratulated Sam and walked away.

Then Sam pushed me off of him and said that he loved Acacia and he could never love someone like me.

-flashback over-

It all seemed so real. What if Jarrad did get back with his ex? I mean. She's probably like 10 times better than I am anyways. And Sam. What if he did love Acacia and he was just playing me? Why wouldn't he love her?

She's gorgeous and I'm just...well. Me. Boring, plain, dumb, short, lonely, loser me. I really needed to put some positive thoughts in my head.

It's just a dream. I'm overreacting. Girl Code was right. We do stress out about our dreams. Like it's actually going to happen or something. I laughed at myself for being so dumb.

But Jarrad's ex was probably just as gorgeous as Acacia. What if, right now, Jarrad was in the same bed as his ex and Sam was with Acacia. Gosh. I'm being so paranoid.

Sam wasn't with Acacia and Jarrad was in his bed alone. I was still thinking when the doorbell rang. I went and answered it. And my biggest fear had come true. There stood Sam. And he was holding Acacia's hand.

"Jessie are you okay?" Sam asked while trying to get my attention. I must've spaced.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why?" I said looking at his and Acacia's hands linked together. It made me sick.

"You look pale. Like you've seen a ghost."

"I guess I'm just tired." I was lying through my teeth. I wasn't tired at all. I was scared.

"Where's Kian?" Sam asked still looking concerned.

"He's still asleep." I said gesturing for them to come in. "I'm going to go and get some sleep." I said that to try and get away from Acacia. I was about to break. I couldn't let them see me.

"Okay. Sleep well." Sam said and headed up to Kian's room.

I went into my bedroom and closed the door. I had to call Jarrad.

"Hello?" He answered sounding tired.

"Jarrad is there someone in the bed with you?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"What?" he sounded extremely confused.

"Is there. Someone. In the. Bed with. You?" I said pronouncing every syllable.

"No. Baby why would you even ask that? What's wrong?"

"I had a dream last night that you cheated on me."

"Baby, it was just a dream. I would never hurt you. You know that."

"I know, but it really shook me up."

"I promised you that I wouldn't hurt you. I keep my promises. Especially the promises to the people that I love."

"I love you too." I chuckled a bit. "Go back to bed. Do you know what time it is?"

"Yeah. I do. Goodnight baby. Or good morning. Which ever you like better."

I laughed and we hung up.

See. I was just being paranoid and worrying for nothing. I knew that Jarrad would never even think of hurting me. Why would I question that? I actually felt relieved about the whole thing so I decided to just  go ahead and actually take a nap.

Man. Naps are great.

I. Love. Sleep.

And my boyfriend of course, but sleep and food came in for a close second.

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