Chapter 13- Love

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I pulled back the covers and it was Sam. He was just laying in my bed. Asleep.

His face looked all puffy and red. I could tell that he had been crying. I shook him trying to wake him up.

"Sam?" I paused while he rubbed his eyes and focused his eyes on me.

"Jessie!!! Thank God you're okay!" he pulled me into a hug.

"What are you doing?" I said pulling away.

"I...I was just broken. I didn't...I didn't want to hurt you. And you didn't come home. And I...I thought that left for good. Because I...I-I." tears started to form in his eyes. "I cheated on you and I got mad at you for moving on." he was crying now.

"Sam it's fine. It's all in the past. Done and over with."

"Jessie I will never forgive myself for what I did to you."

"It's okay. Seriously. I love Jarrad now. And when I saw you with Acacia I realized that I wasn't over him."

"I'm so sorry."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course! Anything."

"Why are you in my bed?"

"I came in here and cried and then fell asleep I guess."

"Well you should probably leave before Jarrad comes back in."

Sam said okay and left. Jarrad walked in.

"What was he doing in here?"

"It's nothing I promise."


Jarrad and I got in bed and we laid down. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Jarrad." It felt so good to say. I did love him. And he loved me back.

"I love you too Jess." And with that, we fell asleep.

I woke up and Jarrad was still sleeping with his arms wrapped around me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek to wake him up.

"Good morning beautiful." He said while kissing the top of my head.

"Good morning."

We got dressed, went down stairs, and ate breakfast. There was a note on the counter.


            Sam and I decided to take a little trip. We'll be back tomorrow around noon. Not going to have phone service, so don't bother calling. Don't do anything stupid. Please. Remember my #1 rule. And I'm serious. DO NOT BREAK THAT RULE! Okay we'll see you tomorrow.




DON'T BREAK THE RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jarrad looked at me. "What's the rule?"

"We already broke it at the beach yesterday." I said winking at him.

"Yeah. That was fun."

"Wanna break the rule again tonight?" I said biting my lip.

He didn't reply. He just kissed me, but I knew what that meant.

Most of the day we just watched movies on the couch. It was around 10 and I couldn't wait any longer.

I got on Jarrad's lap and started kissing him. We broke the kiss for only a moment while he took off my shirt. He started kissing my neck and I started moaning. "Jarrad" He picked me up and took me to my room. Before I knew it, we were having sex.

It was just as amazing as the first time. I got up and took a shower while Jarrad slept. I got back in my room and fell asleep too.

-One Week Later-

Jarrad and I were still dating. I love him so much!!! Kian was with us pretty much the whole time this week, so me and Jarrad were being extra careful. Kian still wasn't happy about me being back with him.

Kian said that he didn't feel good so he was going to bed early tonight. I asked him what time and he said around 8. Wow. He must really feel sick.

I don't know why, but Sam was still at our house. It seems like he never left.

I texted Jarrad and told him to come over at 8 and we could have some fun. If you know what I mean.

It took forever for Sam to go to bed, so Jarrad and I had to wait until 11.

Everyone was asleep so Jarrad and I didn't waste any time. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other. I don't know what it was about this time that was so different from others, but it felt 10 times better than before. I couldn't help myself. I was practically screaming Jarrad's name. After that, we both went to bed exhausted.

Jarrad is so amazing. I'm so lucky to have him. He's perfect. In every way.

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