Chapter 18- Family

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Jarrad's coming home today!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! I haven't seen him in a week. This makes me so happy!!!!

But I have some really bad news. My mom called me yesterday and it turns out that there's some sort of family reunion at the beach tomorrow. I wasn't looking forward to this. At least Jarrad would be here. I told him that he didn't have a choice. He was coming with me.

Maybe with him being there, they won't be so mean and judgmental. Ugh. Tomorrow is going to be the worst day ever.

Anyways, I told Kian that I wanted to meet Jarrad at the airport, so he drove me there.

We went into the Starbucks and ordered some coffee while we waited for the plane to land. I finished my coffee and started to look for him. His plane was supposed to land like 10 minutes ago. I was getting anxious.

Just when I was about to ask the lady at the desk when the flight was landing, I heard a familiar voice. It was Jarrad!! "Jessie!" he yelled and opened his arms for me to come and hug him.

I ran towards him as fast as I could. I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. He put me down but we didn't break the hug. We stood there for a while and Kian walked up to us.

"So are you guys going to stay like that forever?" Kian said while laughing.

Jarrad let go, but grabbed my hand. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and we started walking to the car. I heard a few girls yell Kian's name. Ugh. The perks of having a famous brother.

We stopped and Kian took pictures with the girls and they talked for a bit. Jarrad and I were still standing there holding hands when one of the girls asked "Are you two dating?"

I looked at Jarrad and he kissed my hand and said "Yeah. We are."

Another girl asked "Isn't it weird dating your best friend's little sister? And isn't she like 3 years younger than you?"

"Well yeah she is, but I don't care. And it was kinda weird at first, but now it's not."

Kian laughed and said "Yeah. Not weird for you."

Kian said that we had to leave and we walked to the car. On the drive home we talked about the reunion. I was so happy that Jarrad was home I forgot about how much I hated my family.

When we got home, we all just chilled. We watched a few movies. Ate some food. Drank some Arizona and went to sleep. Jarrad stayed the night because he was just going to have to come back over in the morning.

We just talked and cuddled all night.

We woke up in the morning and got ready. I decided not to wear a swimsuit because my family would call me names and stuff.

I took a shower and got dressed. I wore a pair of high waist mint green shorts and I white tank top on it that said no worries in gold. I put on some white sandals and straightened my hair. I didn't want to put on any makeup because last time I wore makeup around my family I got "You're 14. You're way too young to wear any makeup."

I headed downstairs and ate an apple while I waited for Kian and Jarrad to be ready. When they came down, we all got in the car. Kian drove and Jarrad sat in the passenger seat. I was in the back.

We pulled up to the beach and I saw everyone there. My whole family. This was going to be a long day.

We all got out of the car and started walking. Jarrad grabbed my hand and said "Jess are you okay? Your hand is freezing and you're shaking."

"Yeah. I'm fine, but maybe we shouldn't tell them that we're dating yet. Maybe, I don't know. Before we leave?"

He said okay and we walked over to say hi to everyone.

My aunt said "Oh Kian. How nice of you to bring Jarrad."

My whole family knew Jarrad was Kian's best friend. They knew pretty much everything about Jarrad. They just didn't know that we were dating.

My aunt looked over to Jarrad and said "Does a handsome young man like you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes. I do." Jarrad said respectfully and then glanced at me.

"Well who is the lucky gal?"

Jarrad didn't say anything, so I spoke up. I guess now was as good a time as any to tell everyone. "Jarrad is my boyfriend." I said grabbing his hand.

She looked shocked and disgusted. The only thing she said was "Does your mom know that her 14 year old daughter is dating her brother's 17 year old best friend?"

"Not yet." I said and looked down.

"Well she's going to find out right now." She said. She picked up the phone and called my mom. I guess that she expected some huge reaction from her, but my mom only said "Aww. I knew that they would get together some day."

My aunt looked at me disgusted and then went and told the rest of my family. I got so many judging stares. I got fed up and told Kian to take me home. I told Jarrad to stay there so Kian wouldn't be alone with them.

Kian drove me home and dropped me off. Jarrad gave me kiss and they left for the beach again.


Kian and I got back to the beach and talked to their family some more. Jessie's aunt came up to me and said something that really pissed me off. "Why are you dating her? You could have any other girl you wanted. Like someone that's actually pretty and smart and-" I cut her off.

"Your right. I could have any other girl. The thing is, I don't want any other girl. Jessie is perfect. And no she's not pretty. At all. And that's because she is absolutely beautiful, gorgeous, and flawless. I'm with her because I love her. And only her. She is my world. If you were actually a good person then you would realize how awful you treat your own niece. She's your family member for crying out loud. No one should ever be treated the way that you treat her." I pretty much yelled that.

She just stood there in shock and looked at me. Then I said "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and be with my beautiful girlfriend and get away from her judgmental aunt." then I walked off.

I walked back to Jessie's house and we watched movies all day. I'm so glad that I have her. She's perfect in everyway. I love her more than anything.

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