Chapter 6- The Setup

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It had been a few weeks since my mom had left for Africa and everything was going pretty good. Well, at least I thought that things were good. I had a sense that there was something going on with Sam. He's been different since that day at the beach. I know that I shouldn't have yelled at him. He was just trying to help I guess. But it doesn't matter. He was wrong.

I knew that Jarrad wasn't using me. If he was he would've tried something, but he hasn't. He's been sweet and patient. He knew that I was a virgin, and I knew that he wasn't. I don't think that he was going to do anything because know....I'm still Kian's little sister.

When I woke up the next morning I knew that Jarrad, Kian, and Sam were all going to be downstairs. I slept until noon. So I went in the bathroom and took a shower. When I got out I dried off and blow dried my hair and straightened it. I put on some mascara and eyeliner so I could look good for Jarrad. I realized that I forgot my clothes in my room, so I wrapped myself in the towel and left the bathroom.

I heard someone coming up the stairs when I got to my room. I closed my door and began to get dressed. I walked over to my closet and picked out some high waist light blue shorts and a white and yellow tank top. I was picking out shoes when there was a knock on my door. I figured that it was Kian so I said come in.

I was wrong. It was Sam.

"What do you want, Sam?" I said rudely because the sass was real when I was around him.

"Calm down. I just wanted to apologize for a couple of weeks ago. It was out of hand. I have no place to judge him or you."

"It's fine, but that really hurt. It made me think that if he was just going to use me that you thought that I would let him."

"No that's not what I meant at all. I just don't want him to hurt you."

"And he won't."

"Well, I should probably tell you what I really came up here for. Kian, Jarrad, and I are going out tonight and Kian didn't want you to be alone."


"We decided that since you're single we would set you up with one of our friends."


"Yeah. Trevor is going to hang out with us tonight."

"But Trevor is my friend too. Does he know that you're setting us up?"

"Yeah. We figured that since you guys are both 14 that you'd be good together."

"And what is Jarrad going to do?"

"His girlfriend is going to come out with us."

I felt a panic run through my body. What did he mean? Was Jarrad cheating on me? "Have you even met his girlfriend?"

"No but he said that he'd try to get her to come."

He left my room and I got my phone. I put on some black combat boots and walked downstairs. When I got to the kitchen I saw that everyone was eating. It was silent until I spoke up.

"So Jarrad, I hear that your girlfriend is coming out with us tonight."

" she said that she didn't want to come. I'm just gonna go home."

"No don't!" Kian said almost immediately. "We're just going to the movies and grabbing some pizza. Me and Sam aren't going to have girls with us anyways."

"Okay cool. Then I guess that I'll come out with you guys."

That's when I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it"

It was Trevor. He looked taller since the last time that I saw him. But I couldn't really tell. Everyone looked tall to me. I was only 5'3''.

"Hey" Trevor said pulling me into a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever."

"Hi. I know it's been a long time." I said while trying not to sound suspicious.

I took Trevor in the kitchen where everyone else was at and everyone gave him a bro hug. Jarrad looked a little mad when he looked at Trevor. We got in the car and went to the movies.

I texted Jarrad.

Jessie:  Jarrad don't be mad. I like you. I promise. I'm not going to do anything.

Jarrad:  It's not you that I'm worried about. It's him. I think that Sam has something planned. He doesn't want us together and you know it.

Jessie:  If he had something planned don't you think that he would've tried something himself?

Jarrad:  I don't know. Just be careful. Please.

Jessie:  I promise I will be. Just don't get jealous.

We walked into the theater when Trevor grabbed my hand. I looked over at Jarrad and if looks could kill, Trevor would be dead. The movie started and I said "Hey and Jarrad are going to get some snacks and stuff."

Everyone nodded and Jarrad and I walked out. We walked around the corner and he grabbed me and started to kiss me. I kissed back but said "Jarrad we can't. Someone could see us."

"I don't care. I just want you." he said in between kisses.

"Wait until tonight. After everyone goes to bed we can go to my room."

"Ugh. Okay."

We went to the counter and got popcorn, skittles, and a few bottles of water. We got back into the theater and sat down and watched the movie. We got pizza and went home. We were all pretty tired so we all went to bed.

All of us except for Jarrad and I. We stayed up until we knew that everyone else was sleeping. I changed into a black lacy bra and panties to match, but I couldn't let Jarrad see me in that...yet, so over it I put on some old cheer shorts and Jarrad's old tank top.

I heard a knock on my door. I got off of my bed and opened it and saw that it was Jarrad.

"Hey" I said. He didn't even bother to answer. He just kissed me. So passionate yet gentle. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He closed the door and pushed me against wall.

Things got more heated and we got to the bed. We broke the kiss for only a few seconds while he slipped off my shirt then his. He began kissing my neck and I tried to suppress a moan. I couldn't.

"Jarrad" I moaned and pulled him closer.

He was running his hands up and down my body.

"Mmm Jarrad" I moaned again slightly louder than before.

He stopped and got off of me. My light was on. We weren't alone.

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