Chapter 22- Remembering

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I was so excited to be going home today! And tomorrow was my birthday! Life was really great right now. I mean, it was for me anyways. Everyone else was acting really weird. Maybe they were planning a surprise party for me. Man that would be great.

And Sam. Oh my god Sam. It was so great. He was keeping me safe. I mean I haven't had any bad dreams since that one night, but I said that I did so he would stay with me. But that dream really was a nightmare.

Why would anyone want to ever date Jarrad? He's, well, not to be mean or anything, but he's gross. And kind of ugly. But Sam, Sam was perfect. And so hot!!!!

Kian came in my room with a bag of clothes and said "Okay. Let's get you home." I smiled and they left the room.

I quickly put on my clothes and walked into the hallway where they were waiting. Sam put his arm around me and we walked to the car. Gosh he was so cute.

When we got home, I went upstairs and took a real shower. I hadn't had one in forever. The showers I took at the hospital left me smelling like hospital when I got out. I didn't want to smell like that. I wanted to smell like strawberries. I love strawberries.

When I got out of the shower I walked into my room. There were clothes in my closet that I've never seen before. The blankets on my bed were different. I picked up my phone. Wait. This wasn't my phone. It was too long. Where did I get this? And there were pictures on it.

Pictures of me and...Jarrad? Eww. We were kissing. Why was I kissing him? And I looked different. I haven't really noticed before, but I look more...mature. I had...curves? What the hell happened in that hospital?

I got dressed in some sweat pants and a t shirt and went downstairs. I ran to Kian. "Kian what's going on?" I asked frantically. "What kind of phone is this and why am I kissing Jarrad in the pictures on this phone? Kian I'm scared."

"Jessie, we weren't supposed to tell you this because the doctors feared that you would find out."

"Find out what?!" I yelled.

"Jessie, forgot the past 2 years of your life. On your birthday tomorrow, you aren't turning 13. You're turning 15. You're 14 years old right now. You dated Jared and well you know. And you dated Sam too. Sam cheated on you and Jarrad just broke up with you a few days ago. That's why you were in the hospital. You were in shock from when he told you. So much shock that your heart started beating too fast and you passed out. While your heart was beating fast, your brain forgot the last two years."

"So you mean I-" "I dated-" "They-" "I'm not a-" I couldn't finish a single sentence. I was so in shock. How could I not remember this. Kian just sat there looking at me. until I finally choked out one sentence "I need to remember."

"I know." Kian said and then looked down. "The doctor said that if we reenact certain things that happened in your life that you might remember. I'm not exactly happy about this, but it's what we have to do."

"What do you mean?" I was completely clueless. I still can't believe that I had sex with Jarrad. What was wrong with me?


In the past hour, I have been kissed by Sam. Kissed by Jarrad. Cheated on, twice. Gone on a date with Trevor. Dated Jarrad. And was dumped by Jarrad. Dated Sam. And was dumped by Sam. Told that my mom had gone to Africa. I've been caught almost having sex by Kian. And then was confronted about having sex by Kian and Sam.

Gosh. My life was a mess. I can't believe that all of that actually happened. And when I say that I was caught almost having sex I don't mean like actually. Just  pretend. I would never have sex with Jarrad. Well, I guess that I have. But that's not my point here. I actually don't know my point in all of this.

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