Chapter 9- Truth or Dare?

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It seemed like it took forever for the guys to come back up to the hotel room. We decided on doing a live show, so we set the camera to where it could see all of us, and we tweeted out that there was a live show going on. We all introduced ourselves and we told them what we were going to do.

We had the fans tweet us would you rather questions and we got started. Jc was reading all of the questions.

"Okay first one is to.....uh....Jessie. Would you rather get punched in the face by a crazy fan or not be able to drink Arizona for a year?"

I replied almost instantly "Get punched in the face." Everyone started laughing and I said "Seriously. I can barely go a day without Arizona."

"Okay. The next question is for.....Sam. Would you rather not be friends with Kian anymore or not be a part of O2L?"

Sam said "That's a really hard one. I love O2L, but Kian is my best friend. Sorry Kian. I guess we aren't friends." Everyone was laughing hysterically.

We did a few more would you rathers and then moved on to regular questions and talking about stuff. When we got bored, we decided to end the live show and we started playing truth or dare. We just did some basic dares and asked silly truths, but Jc decided that that was getting kinda boring.

It was Sam's turn and he chose dare. No one was prepared for what Jc said next.

"I dare you to go to Jessie's room and make out with her for 10 minutes."

My jaw dropped and my eyes got wide. To my surprise, Kian didn't look mad at all.

"Go on." Jc said grabbing Sam and I and pushing us towards my room.

Sam and I walked in and Jc closed the door behind us and said "Have fun you two."

When we got in the room, I sat on the bed and Sam sat next to me. He grabbed my hand and said "We don't have to."

I quickly said back, "No. I want to."

He kissed me and there were sparks. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach. I felt weak. I knew almost instantly that I liked him again. I was falling for Sam Pottorff. And I was falling hard.

What started out as an innocent kiss ended in a full on make out session. I was on Sam as we kissed, then he flipped us over to where he was on me. He leaned down and slowly started to kiss my neck. I was trying my best not to moan knowing that the others were listening.

I couldn't help it. "Sam" I moaned pulling him as close to me as possible.

He kissed my lips and was running his hands up and down my body. His kissed my neck again and I let out a slightly louder moan.

"Ahhhhhheeeeeeemmm" Someone said from the door. Sam stopped and we looked up to see all of the guys standing in the doorway.

We quickly got up and I said "How long have you guys been standing there?"

Jc started laughing and said "Well considering that 10 minutes was up about eh....I don't know about 5 minutes ago. Probably since about then."

I looked down and blushed a deep shade of red and then quickly said "Well's getting late so uh...I'm gonna go to bed."

"You're right. We better all go to bed. It's almost midnight. Gotta be up early tomorrow!" Ricky said a little too excitedly.

Sam turned to me and mouthed "I'll text you"

I slightly nodded my head and changed into my night clothes.

About 10 minutes later, Kian came into my room and said "Can we talk?"


"Okay. I'm going to talk and I really just want you to listen."

"Okay?" I said as I was getting into bed.

"Look Jessie, you were right a couple of weeks ago. I do need to let you grow up. And starting now I'm going to, but not with Jarrad. I know that older brothers aren't supposed to set up their little sisters with boys, but I'm going to. I think that you and Sam would make a perfect couple. I know that he would treat you right and love you the way that Jarrad never would have. I was so mad at Jarrad for using you like that. And I know that Sam isn't going to use you. I know because he came and talked to me about dating you a few minutes ago. I trust Sam. Just please. For me. Give him a chance."

I sat there looking at him and he said "You can talk now."

"Look Kian, I know that you say all of that stuff now, but-"

"Jessie I promise. You two can do whatever you want to whenever you want to. But no sex!!! That's breaking mom's and my rule."

"I think that that rule was  supposed to be for you."

"I know, but she didn't know that you'd have a boyfriend that spends the night with you all summer."

"Okay Kian. Just let me think about it."

"Okay. Night Jess." Then Kian tucked me in like he used to when I was scared or upset. He is such a good brother.

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