Chapter 21- Realization

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***KIAN'S POV***

I still can't believe that my sister thinks that she's 12. Her birthday was coming up in a few days. She was supposed to be 15. But now I guess we're throwing her another 13th birthday party. I thought about what 13 year olds liked to do. Then I realized something. If she thinks that she's 12 then she won't remember me turning 17. So in her mind, I'm 16. And I've only been 16 for a few months. Crap.

We needed to get her memory back. But how? I needed to tell mom. And I needed to tell her everything. If she came home and her daughter thought that she was 13, mom would freak out. I walked out of Jessie's hospital room and went outside. I called my mom.


"Hey mom. You busy?"

"Not at all. How are you and your sister?"

"Well I'm fine, but uh...Jessie she's in the hospital." I cringed in anticipation for how much she was going to yell. It was quiet for a few seconds and then she spoke. Very calmly.

"And why is your sister in the hospital?"

"Well uh...her heart rate was dangerously fast and she went into shock or something. I wasn't with her when it happened." I was getting nervous now.

"Who was with her?" she put emphasis on was.

"Jarrad?" it came out as a question and my voice was weak.

"Tell me everything that happened." she was trying to stay calm, but I heard anger in her voice. I began with caution.

'Well uh. At the beginning of summer like a week before you left, Jarrad and Jessie started dating. And they were dating until two weeks before Teen Hoot. They broke up because he cheated on her." I left out the part where I saw them making out. "And then at Teen Hoot, Sam asked her to go out on a date. And while they were on that date, apparently, Sam saw Acacia at Starbucks. And he started talking to Acacia and Jessie left them. Sam didn't even notice that she left until like 30 minutes after she was gone. He texted me and said that he was with Acacia and he didn't know where she was. I replied telling him that she was with me. Then I carried her out the door making sure that she wouldn't see Sam and Acacia together. We went back to the hotel and Sam tried to apologize, but she said that she didn't care. And then she called Jarrad and they got back together. On the plane back, I was going to the bathroom and I saw Jessie crying and Sam trying to talk to her. She wouldn't listen to him though. She was talking to this other guy. So I made Sam trade me seats. When the plane landed, Jarrad picked her up and they went on a date." I left out the part where they had sex on the beach. I didn't think that mom would like that very much. "And nothing really happened until recently. Jarrad found someone else that he wanted to be with so he told her that he was breaking up with her and that's when her heart started beating super fast. I wasn't at home. I was skating around when Jarrad called me and told me that he took her to the hospital. I got there as fast as I could. They had her in a coma for 3 days so her heart could rest. She woke up today and she can go home tomorrow. But there's just one more thing." As I said that my voice was getting shaky. "She can't remember anything that happened two years ago. She thinks that she's 12."

There was a silence. I heard my mom start to cry. It broke my heart. That is THE worst thing ever. Hearing your mom cry and knowing that it's your fault. After a minute or so, she said something.

"Did they say if it was permanent?"

"He doesn't know. But he said that some events may bring back her memory. I don't know what to do mom. I need your help."

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