Chapter 24- Loving Him

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I woke up in Sam's arms. Somehow in the night we had managed to shift to where Trevor was on the floor and I was laying with my head on Sam's chest. I looked around. The living room was a mess. What happened last night? Something that I obviously don't remember. I must've been asleep.

I knew that it was hard to wake up Sam, and he had a tight grip on me. I couldn't exactly get up, so I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he loosened his hold. I smiled and got up trying not to step on Trevor. All of the guys were still here. Sam on the couch, Trevor and Ricky on the floor, Connor in the chair, and Jc, wait, where was Jc. That's weird. His car is here.

Anyways, I went in the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I know. Livin' that healthy life. I ate it and went upstairs. I grabbed a towel and took a shower. I got out of the shower and dried off. When I went in my room, I saw someone on my bed. It was Jc. Good thing I was wrapped up in a towel. He was on his phone and didn't notice me at first.

"Jc, can I have my room back?" I said. The sass was real.

"Uh. Yeah sure." he looked up from his phone. "Oh- I uh- I didn't-" he stuttered.

"Just get out." I said pointing to the door.

"Right." Jc quickly got up and left the room. It was gross. He was only in his boxers. I'm supposed to sleep in that bed!

I got dressed in some black tights and Sam's Arizona sweater. I let my hair air dry so it was all wavy and stuff. I though I looked pretty good today. I didn't bother putting on any make up though.

I opened my door to find Jc just sitting in the hallway. "You can come back in." I said walking out. I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water. Everyone was still asleep.

I walked back up to my room and Jc was on my bed. I needed to talk to someone. And I guess that he was the someone.



"Do you think that you think that he likes me?"

"No." he said flatly.

"Oh." I said and looked down.

"He loves you. More than anything in the whole world. And he never and I mean NEVER stops talking about you."

I smiled and looked up at Jc, "Really?" I was kind of shocked. I didn't think that he would still love me.

"Yes. Really."

"Then why hasn't he asked me out or anything? It's been like months since Jarrad and I broke up." I said laying down.

"I don't know. Maybe he's just....scared."

"Of what?"

"The fact that you might say no. He just doesn't want to mess anything up between you two. But I think that you guys have something really special."

"Thanks Jc." I said giving him a hug.

"No problem Jess."

Jc and I always had this bond that was similar to a brother sister type thing. So really, I guess that he was like another big brother. Most of O2L was. Except for Sam and Trevor. Sam because I like him. And Trevor because I'm older. I mean we were both 15 now, but I still had him beat by a couple of months.

After Jc and I talked, I went downstairs. Everyone was still sleeping. We have a carbon monoxide tester in the living room and when you press the "check" button, to see if it's working, it beeps really loud. I braced myself for the noise and got ready. I pressed the button and ran upstairs. It took a few seconds before it would beep. that gave just enough time to go upstairs and get in my room.

Loving Him (Sam Pottorff/Jarrad Labarrie Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now