Chapter 14- Caught

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I woke up the next morning with Jarrad's arms wrapped around me. He was still sleeping, so I didn't want to wake him up. It took some effort, but I finally managed to get out of the strong grip he had on me.

I grabbed some black tights, an oversized Arizona sweater that I think used to be Sam's, and a pair of dark brown boots. I headed to the bathroom and took a shower.

As I was drying myself off, I noticed that Jarrad gave me a hickey. I didn't mind. It reminded me of how amazing last night was, but I knew that Kian would kill Jarrad if he saw it. I got dressed and put some makeup over the hickey to make it less noticeable.

I blow dried my hair and straightened it. Too pull off my look, I put a pink bow in my hair that held back my bangs. After I put on some mascara and eyeliner I went downstairs to get some breakfast.

Sam was at the table eating. I looked around asking him where Kian was.

"He still sleeping. I think that he took some cold medicine."

"Oh. Okay." I said this while looking through the fridge for something to eat.

"Ugh. I'm so tired. I couldn't sleep last night. Something was keeping me up." Sam said this, and I could tell that there was something weird in his tone.

I closed the fridge and decided on an apple instead. "What was it? Wait. Let me guess. Your nonexistent social life?" I said joking around like me always do.

"You think you're so funny don't you?" he said laughing.

"Yes actually I do." I said while sitting down at the table.

"Well no it wasn't anything like that. I just kept hearing something...hmm I think that it went along the lines of 'Ohh Jarrad don't stop! Jarrad! Ohh!"  he said in a mocking tone.

I quickly looked down and whispered almost certain that he couldn't hear what I said "You heard that?" My voice was shaking.

"Yeah. I did hear that. What the hell were you thinking?"


"Yeah. I know. You weren't thinking. You're lucky Kian is all drugged up. If he heard you and Jarrad, he would've killed him."

"Please. Don't tell."

"I'm not going to, but seriously Jessie? You're 14. What if you got pregnant? Are you guys even using protection?"

"Sam. Not right now, okay." Jarrad walked in and sat beside me. 

"What? So now you're ashamed of having sex?"

"I'm not, but Kian could wake up any minute."

"Seriously Sam. Just stop." Jarrad said trying to calm down Sam. That didn't work.


"What's going on?" Kian said sleepily walking into the kitchen.

"Nothing!" Jarrad and I both said quickly.

Sam wasn't going to let us get away with this. "What's going on is that your sister lost her virginity last night to the douchebag sitting next to her."

This got Kian's attention. "What!?!?"

"Kian I promise you that he's lying!!" I said hoping that he wouldn't get mad. And besides, I wasn't lying. I hadn't lost it last night...I lost it on the beach.

"Jessie. Tell me the truth." There was anger in Kian's eyes. I had broken his rule. "Did you have sex with Jarrad last night?"

I looked down and lowered my voice. "Yes."

"Then why did you say that Sam was lying?"

"Because last night wasn't my first time." I said so quiet that I was sure that no one heard me.

"You weren't a virgin?!?" Kian and Sam said together.

I looked up and said "Well if it makes you feel any better I've only had sex with one person."

"Jessie go upstairs. I'll talk to you in a minute." Kian said and he looked at Jarrad.

I said okay knowing that Kian would get really mad if I didn't listen.

I walked up to my room and heard a few words being shouted. It was Kian yelling to Jarrad.

A few minutes later Kian came up to my room and said "I'm going to talk and you're going to listen. Got it?" I nodded my head.

"Jessie, I'm not mad. I'm very disappointed, but not mad. Jarrad told me that you said that you were ready. And I can't blame you for being ready for something that you wanted to do. It was your choice. And yeah. I'm going to get mad. I mean, what else am I supposed to do. My little sister is growing up so fast and I don't even know what to do. It's like you aren't even my little sister anymore. You're more like a little woman that I call sister. God I'm an awful brother. I can't even protect you from getting hurt." his eyes started getting watery. "Just promise me one thing."


"That you'll be safe. And use protection."

"I promise." Kian got up and started walking out of the room. I stopped him and gave him a big hug.

"What was that for?"

"You're the best brother that anyone could ask for and don't ever think twice about it. And I will always be your little sister. No matter what. I promise."

"Okay. Now get off of me. I don't like this 'best friend brother and sister' thing we have going on."

We both laughed and went back downstairs.

Jarrad was still sitting at the kitchen table with Sam. He looked happy. Sam, on the other hand, looked pissed. I sat down and gave Jarrad a kiss. This infuriated Sam even more. He got up and left. Which was weird because he never leaves.

Jarrad and I had been kissing for a while when Kian "cleared his throat"

"Sorry." we both said.

"Guys just don't have sex while I'm in the house." Kian said and we all laughed.

"No. I'm serious. No sex while I'm in the house. I don't want to hear that."

I laughed and said okay. Then went back to kissing Jarrad. I was so happy that Kian wasn't mad and I could tell that Jarrad was happy too.

I just couldn't figure out why Sam was so mad. It actually scared me because he never acted like this with me. And I mean ever.

I mean I know that he said that I was the love of his life when he was  yelling at Jarrad, but if assumed that those were empty words. Only meant to make Jarrad feel guilty.

But were they sincere?

Did Sam really love me?

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