Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven: No Air to Breathe

I jump awake and feel nothing but the cold wet clothes on my body. I hear loud cries in pain for help and my eyes pop open. I look around me there are candles lit on the walls.

I sit up and I feel my head pounding and I lie back down. "Lillian?!" I hear a voice shout I close my eyes and yelp in pain. I open them and see the walls are black the fire place cracks in front of the white bed I'm in. Where the hell am I?

Toby's P.O.V.

I look down my hands tied to loops on the wall my knees on the ground. I close my eyes and I can see Lily's smile. I shouldn't have ever talked to her she wouldn't be here.

Sweat slowly dripped down to my bare chest I have been in this position for hours.

I hear loud footsteps click onto the floor. The door swings open and Nathan slowly walks down the steps. "I'm tired of you Toby but yet I'm glad you fell for Lily she is different from all the others she puts that shimmer of hope in you" he smiles and kneels down to my height.

"Let her go Nathan" I mutter and he smiles. "I'll let you both go if.......... you stay away from her you can't see her again unless it's school" he looks at me and I nod.

"Can I tell her?" I ask and he nods. He cuts the ropes off and leads me to her room. I can't stay away from her I don't know how I'm going to do this.

Lily's P.O.V.

I hear footsteps get louder and louder as they come up to the door. I close my eyes and pretend to sleep. I hear the door open and close I feel someone come onto the bed. I feel their hands wrap around me and I shiver

"Lily?" I hear Toby's voice and I quickly look up at him. "Toby" I whisper and he embraces me in a hug and we both sit up "I want to leave" I say shaking in fear.

"We will I made a deal with Nathan he said he'd let us go if I promised never to talk to you or see you unless it is school" he looks at me and I look up at him.

I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull him closer he leans in as our lips touch I feel his arms drop down to my waist. Our lips move in unison and our tongues touch he pushes me back on the bed and he kisses me more.

I push him away to breathe and he scoots away. "I can't do this I can't pretend we didn't just kiss I can't pretend that I don't know you" I sit up and so does he. I look at him upset and he pulls me into a hug. "I have a plan ok we will get through this" He hugs me tighter as the door opens Nathan walks through and gestures his head for us to leave. Toby grips my hand and we walk out together.

We get to his car and we drive off the car tires screech against the road and we bolt out of the driveway. "Where are we going?" I ask his eyes attached to the road. "Call your mom and say your going to say your going to spend the night at Meredith's we're going to her party Nathan will be following us we can hide from him there" he looks over at me and I nod in fear.

I take out my iPhone and dial my house phone. "Hey mom can I-" "Where have you been?!" My mom shouts and I sigh. "Mom I'm only half an hour late and I was going to ask you if I could spend the night Meredith's tomorrow?" I ask and I hear her sigh.

"Get home now and we will talk about it" I hear my mom hang up and I sigh. "I'm going to bring you to the party if your mother says no then we'll sneak out ok?" He looks at me and I look away. I fight to hold back the tears as I grip the loose ends of my shirt I look out the window. What have I gotten myself into?

"I don't want to go" I whisper and the car screeches to a stop my heart races and I look at him. "Your going Lily you need to go" Toby looks at me his eyes burning strong with anger. "No I- I can stay home and he won't get to me I can handle myself" I look away from him and look forward I see nothing but darkness. "You have no idea what Nathan can do.......... or what I can do....... That's why you need to trust me" I can feel his eyes glued onto me and I nod.

"You better be right on this" I say and he nods he starts to drive and we get to my house. "I'll be in later tonight ok?-" He looks at me and leans in. "I'm sorry I scared you I never meant to hurt you in any way" I feel his hand grip onto my shoulder and I nod.

I walk inside and I hear my mom gasp. "Lily is that you?" I hear her ask. "Yeah mom it's me" I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. "What went wrong on the date? Tell me that and you can spend the night at Meredith's tomorrow" She sits down and rubs her neck.

"Toby and I just don't work out I guess" I look at her and she looks past my lie. "Ok I thought I saw someone so I ran over to see if it was really them and I slipped I twisted my ankle and Toby drove me to the ER to see if it was broken thankfully it isn't but it took us a while to get out because of the paperwork" I sigh loudly out of breath.

"Well it's a good thing it isn't broken" She smiles at me and I smile back. "I have to go out tonight but I won't be long your aunt was just in the hospital and she is still shocked from the robbery I'll be back" She grabs her purse and walks out.

I grin and run upstairs I open my door I walk inside and lie down on my bed. I slowly close my eyes. As soon as I do I hear a loud smack and my eyes bolt open. That sounded like it was in Toby's house. I walk over to my window and pull the curtains back and see nothing.

As I close my curtains I hear the door slam shut I jump and look behind me. "You weren't planning to see Toby were you?" I hear Nathan's deep voice whisper and I quickly shake my head. "Good because I wouldn't want to chain him up again poor boy he was tortured so much he could barely breathe" He says as I turn around to face him I notice he is wearing all black.

"Don't torture him please if anything happens take me instead I'd rather him be safe" I look him straight in the eye and he smiles. He grabs my neck and pushes me up against the wall. How the hell did he get over to me that fast? "You know I usually don't care about the girl Toby falls for but you, you are different from all the others your soul is fragile and you have so many dreams that are similar to the future" He pushes me up high enough so my feet don't touch the floor.

"I'm just an ordinary girl and my dreams are not-" I pause trying to breathe. "Dreams they are nightmares and dress and nightmares can't ever happen unless you make them" I smile and look at him. "You have no idea how much air Toby and I take when we will never need it and soon enough you won't even have nor need it" His grip on my neck tightens and I start to get dizzy.

"Toby was coming here wasn't he?" Nathan asks and I shake my head he looks through my lie and he throws me down and I land on my stomach. He kneels down and I hear a loud snap as pain shoots up my leg I cry in pain. "He was ok! He was" I say as tears flow out of my eyes. "You are the one who said to torture if anything happens" I can already see his smile growing. Nathan picks me up and pushes me up against the wall again his hands wrapped around my neck.

"I'll let him come over this one time but if I see him speak to you or even go near you again I'll make sure you no longer have any air to breathe" He let's me go and I fall landing on my ankle I let out cry in pain. "Sweet dreams Lillian I hope to see you at school" He whispers and the door opens and slams shut.

What am I going to do? I look down and see a puddle of my blood form around my ankle and I moan in pain struggling to get up. I can't tell Toby I won't he will be over protective and attack his own cousin. I limp over to my bed and turn off the light and lie down. Let's just hope I dream of anything but being killed.


Sorry it took so long to write this vote, comment, and read if you haven't bye <33

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