Chapter 10 Part 1

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Chapter Ten Part 1: Lies, Notes, a Mystery Admirer , and An Awesome Trip to the Bathroom.

It's been only been a week since I was in the hospital now I get to go to school. Yay.

I walk out of my house and walk my usual way to school. I hold the ring Toby found when we were on our date close to me and sigh.

I shove it in my pocket as I get into the school Meredith catches my eye and I walk over to her. "Hey did you hear what happened?" She asks with shock and worry covering her hazel eyes.

"No what happened?" I ask and she grabs my arm and pulls me to my locker. "Open it" she demands and I give her a questioning look and she leans her head towards my locker along with her hand.

I quickly spin the lock to my locker and open it. A thick piece of folded paper falls out with my name written on it.

"Do you know who put it in here?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Well let's see who it's from" I say as I open it I see a message written on it. "Will you go out with me" I whisper as I look at the two boxes below with the words yes and no on the right side of the boxes.

"Well someone seems to admire you I've gotta go see you later" Meredith taps my shoulder goodbye. I smile at her and shove the note back in my locker. I walk past the many people and into my homeroom. This is going to be a long day.


I hold the test tube up to Mike and he pours the liquid into the powder filled beaker. "So what's the story with your hair?-" I look up at Mike and his eyes widen as the beaker started to bubble. "I-I mean to ask-ugh" he chokes on his own words as he holds his head down.

I smile and lift his chin up to face me. "It's fine-" I pause and pour a gooey substance Mr. Farley calls "the mystery goo" into the beaker. "I was born like this it's rare but I'm not the only one with white hair.

"Have you ever thought of dying it? So you know...... People don't make fun of you all the time?" He asks taking the beaker from my hands and stirring the substance, liquid, and powder together.

"No people will make fun of me either way I'm just not likable I guess" I look away as I look on the board for further instructions. I take a small spoon and scoop a few teaspoons of salt into the beaker.

"I think you are a lot of the guys think you're pretty that's probably why the other girls don't like you so much" he smiles at me as whatever we created turned orange.

"You guys did it congratulations" Mr. Farley says with a wide smile on his face as he hands us both a spoon and a pours the now an ice cream like goo into a bowl.

We both watch him with questioning looks on our faces. "It's ice cream?" Mike asks as Mr. Farley walks away I dip my spoon in the bowl and stick the spoon in my mouth.

"Nope Sorbet" I say taking another bite with a smile in my face. "Hmm" he says taking a bite and smiling as he sticks his finger in and puts a dot of it on my nose.

"Hey!" I shout and take some and wipe it on his cheek. "Mmm thank you" he says as he wipes it off his face and licks it off his fingers.

I laugh as the bell rings everyone leaves. I walk out into the hall and I feel a hand grab me and spin me around.

"Are you and Toby still together?" Mike quickly asks and I shake my head.

"Ok I'll see you in English" he smiles at me he reaches up to my face and moves a strand hair away from my face. He walks away and I get ready for chorus.


I walk into the lunchroom and get a slice of pizza I walk out and into the library. I set my lunch down and Meredith soon sits down next to me.

"So I saw you talking Mike Harris in chemistry" Meredith smiles at me and I blush a bit. "Yeah I think he is the one who put the note through my locker but I still like Toby I mean what have you been doing to get by?" I sigh missing Toby. "I talk to Jackson secretly it's hard to do but it's worth it" she smiles at me and takes a bite into her watermelon.

"Ugh I need to pee I'll be back" I get up and walk down the hall to where the bathrooms were. I walk into a stall and finish my duties. I hear heels clack onto the tiles on the floor. I peek out of the stall and watch five girls walk in and start doing their make up.

"Oh my god I fucking hate that new girl what's her name Lila? Lola? She's such a bitch and on top of that she is a freak she had to have job done to her hair it's just not natural" A blonde says as she fixes her hair.

"Oh I know and she's a friking slut dating Toby then dumping him for no reason at all and going after Mike what a skank" A brunette rants while applying more lipstick.

I rush to grab my earphones and put them on pretending to listen to music. I take in a breath and walk out of the stall. I walk over to a free sink and start to wash my hands.

"Look who it is! The fucking slut everyone hates!" The blonde smirks at me as the rest laugh. I flick the water off my fingers and grab a paper towel.

"Awww so upset she's speechless" one of them in the back laughs. I laugh a bit and stop myself. "What's so funny?" The blonde asks and I shake my head. "It's nothing" I laugh a bit more and she smiles.

"Well it's obviously something so why don't you tell us" she says as I throw the paper towel away. "No I think you guys would be better off without knowing" I smile at them as I start to walk away from them I get out to the hall and feel a hand pull on my hair.

I quickly reach behind me and swing my arms to the side. I throw the blonde to the floor and she cries out in pain as a crowd forms around us. "What the fuck did you expect me to do? Let you walk away" the blonde asks and I laugh out loud.

She charges at me and I swiftly slap her across the face. She tries to push me down but I grab her hair and kick the back of her giant heels pulling her down.

She stays down as I kneel down to her I smile. "If I'm such a bitch, a freak, a slut and a skank then how the hell did I just beat the queen?" I smile and stand up.

I walk back to the library before any teachers can see me. "Do you know what you just did?!?!!?" Meredith shouts following me.

"Yup I do and I'm pissed off!" I shout back as I walk closer to the library. Meredith walks ahead of me and stops me. "Just calm down ok I'll meet you in the library" she says then walks back into the library.

I walk down the hall and stop remembering that the girl I just bitch slapped is down there. I pace back and forth and I hear a door swing open behind me. Before I can turn around I am a pulled into a dark closet. I feel a ice cold hand cover my mouth.

I let out a muffled scream as I feel cold breath blow onto my neck. "I just need to talk..." I hear a unfamiliar voice whisper into my ear. He's going to kill me I'm going to die. "I was going to kill you but I decided to give you a chance...." He whispers again and I close my eyes in fear.


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