Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen: Baby Names and Breaking and Entering

"What about Jacob?" Meredith asks and I shake my head biting into my piece of pizza. "Leah?" Becca asks and I nod. " I like Leah or Stephanie for girls" I point at Becca and she writes them down. "What does the daddy say about this?" Meredith asks and I shrug. "He hasn't told me yet he's too busy finding a tux for the wedding" I unwrap a piece of chocolate from the giant bowl on the coffee table and plop it in my mouth. "Oh speaking of that what three colors do you want for the wedding? I have it sketched out I just need colors" Becca hands me her sketchbook and I point the the dark flower in the middle of the centerpiece.

"Keep that one flower in the middle black have the rest be purple and the table cloths should just be white" I hand the book back to her and she smiles. "This will look perfect!" She yells and I lay on the couch. "Ooh someone is sleepy" Meredith chimes and I laugh. "So much planning and naming!" I yell as I cover my eyes I hear someone run downstairs. "Hey babe you feeling alright?" Toby kisses my forehead and I nod.

"She's tired from all the baby names and wedding plans" Meredith explains putting a piece of white chocolate in her mouth. "Decide on any certain gender names?" He asks sitting on the couch rubbing my hands. "I really like Stephanie and Leah for the girls and I like Robert because I could call him Bo and I don't know another boy name I like" I rub my stomach and he places his hand on my stomach. "I like Stephanie and I like Tomas or Robert I smile at him while I open my eyes. "I like Robert" "So for right now it's Stephanie and Robert?" Meredith asks and we both nod.

"I need to go meet up with Nathan and Jackson and some other guys" Toby walks into the kitchen and I follow him, I grab his hand and look at him with worry. "Is this about the Tepas?" I ask and he nods. "Do you want me to lock the doors?" I whisper and he nods again. "I won't be long and Becca is here to protect you guys-" "I can protect myself and Meredith" I cut him off and he smiles. "So stubborn" "quit copying twilight" I hug him and he chuckles.

"I won't be long" he squeezes me and I shudder. "You better not" I smile and he kisses me, he leaves and I sit back down taking five to nine chocolates and dumping them on my lap. "So Meredith when is Jackson gonna change you?" Becca asks breaking the silence. "We actually haven't discussed it since that night" she admits and I look at Becca. "Talk to him when he gets back you guys need to talk about it I don't want you to die" I look at her and she nods.


Toby's P.O.V.

"So how's Lily?" Tyler asks and I glare at him. "She won't remember you Tyler" I frown and he smiles. "She might" "you guys sat at the same table in second grade" Nathan laughs sucking in the smoke of his cigarette. "So what's happening tomorrow that's got you so worried?" Jackson asks and Jonathan leans on the truck. "He's afraid her father will grab her and take her away before they can say the 'I do's' and get married" I point at him and all of them nod. I look out to the sunset from the view of the top of the hill it looks so beautiful, the rest of the guys are in lawn chairs but Jonathan and I lean on the car.

"Where are you guys getting married anyways?" Tyler asks and I shrug. "That's the thing we have everything for the wedding but we don't know where we are gonna have it" I sigh and Nathan flicks his cigarette on the ground and steps on it. "What have you guys thought of for a boys name?" He asks and I smile. "Robert she likes the idea of calling him Bo" I cover my mouth and smile. "And if it's a girl?" Jackson asks and Jonathan laughs.

"What?" Tyler asks and I nod at Jackson. "Stephanie is a cute name" he smiles and I blush. "It is a cute name" Nathan admits and I sigh.

"What am I going to do about the baby?" I ask and they all look up in surprise. "We never thought of how I'm going to see the baby let alone Lily if I take one step inside the house he might kill me" "well you're already dead" Tyler jokes and I glare at him. "You're the dad and her husband legally you have the right to be with her anytime you want" Jonathan points out. "I just don't want to be so far away from her" I look at the ground and a gust of wind hits me.

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