Chapter 10 Part 2

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Chapter Ten Part Two: Worse Than Death

I feel fear overwhelm me as the man laughs. "Don't worry I was sent to give you some information..." He mumbles and I nod. "My name is Jonathan and I'm with the Tepas (pronounced Terass) and they would like me to send you a message.." His hands never leave there position.

"You have seen who we are but very soon you will see what we are so take your steps carefully and whatever you do run when you see red in the black room" He slowly lets go of me and I turn around nothing but darkness is between us. "Why is it always me?" I ask and he laughs a little.

"Your the girl with white hair your special" he whispers in my ear as a gush of wind lightly blows my hair he's gone. I quickly walk towards the door and before I do I hear my phone go off. I shove my hands in my pockets and I don't feel it anywhere. I feel my heart jump up to my throat and I shove the door open and see my phone on the ground.

I pick it up and see a missed call from Toby I search through my phone. No message. I walk back to lunch and sit down with Meredith.


I walk inside and see a note on the fridge I walk over to it "I've switched back to over night shifts you know what to do in case of emergencies stay safe Love mom" I sigh and throw the note in the trash I get up to my room and close my door I get undressed and take a hot shower. I run my fingers through my hair and rip out the knots.

I get out and start on my class assignments. Hardest first that means Math. I start to work on it then give up and move to English I zip through it and look at the time. 12:46 PM. I turn off my light and lie down I wrap myself in my blanket and drift off into sleep.

"No!! Please!!!!! don't ...........please don't hurt m-" a girl screams to the top of her lungs in pain. I jump at her cry of pain and slowly and quietly footsteps follow her shout. I look around and see nothing but the bright moonlight shine through the bottom of the door. I'm in a closet. I look through the side and see two men huddled in a corner their heads down their mouths close to their palms like their eating something. I shiver and pull my sleeves down to my long shirt. Why is it so cold in here?

I gasp in pain feeling pain spread through my chest as I do I hear the loud footsteps on the wooden board. "Someone's here...." I hear a familiar voice and I back up to the end of the closet. As the steps get louder my heart races faster the door knob shakes the man trying to open it I close my eyes and cover my head.

I jump up feeling wind hit me like a bag of bricks and I see my window is open. I instantly feel pain from my waist hit my upper chest and I lie back down. "Lily it's time to get up!" My mom shouts as she opens my door she looks at me and frowns. "Is the pain too much?" She asks and I nod tired and weak.

"Well I'll dismiss you from school and I'm going grocery shopping today dropping all of it off and going to work so I'll be gone all day I'll be back in a few hours" she says and I nod again to tired to speak and as I hear the front door shut I slowly stand up and walk to my window. I look out into Toby's window all you can see is his black curtains I think back to when we met and look behind me to the floor where he held me when I was sick.

I look back to my window and leave it the way it is as I walk back to my bed. I sit down and grab my phone I scroll through my contacts and click on Toby's. I text him "Hey" and throw my phone onto my bed bored I lie on my bed in pain from moving. My phone vibrates a few minutes after and I quickly grab it in hope it was Toby.

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