Chapter 3

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Cnapter3: Nightmares

I lay in my bed and wait for something to happen my mom isn't home yet so I'm pretty bored. I sit up and look at a picture of my mom and dad smiling with me in my dads arms. I got his white hair from him my mom never got it but they do say that daughters resemble their father and sons resemble their mothers.

My father died when I was one, he just disappeared my mom thinks he left us I think he died. My phone goes off playing "Can't Hold Us" by Ryan Ray Lewis and Macklemore. I snatch it from my pillow and see a text from some guy.


"Hey who is this??" I press send and lie back down and turn my phone on vibrate

My phone vibrates right as I close my eyes. What the hell??.

"It's Toby sorry I didn't say my name I guess I forgot I know your name though....... Lily :)"

My eyes shoot open at the text and I smile a bit.

"Well it is very nice to meet you Toby So how long have you stayed in Gotland?" I send the text and sit up to hear a loud smack at my window.

(Sorry forgot to make up a town name but it is Gotland)

I quickly stand up and walk up to my window I pull the light pink shades away and see Toby hanging off of a wire connected from his window to mine.

I pull the window open and get on my knees and put my chin on my arms and smile.

"Why hello there Toby" I smile and he laughs struggling to get through my window. "Hi- umm can I get a little help?" He asks and I nod. I pull him half way through my window and he gets through the rest himself. "Nice room" He looks at me then resumes looking at my walls which were painted a sky blue fading into a pink mist with green and yellow butterflies.

"Thanks so may I ask why are you trying to sneak into my room?" I ask smiling I walk over to my bed and sit criss cross.

"Because texting is boring talking face to face is WAY better" He laughs a bit and so do I. "So you never answered my other question How long have you been in Gotland?" I ask again reaching over to my mini fridge and taking out two sodas and handing him one.

"I have been here since I was about two or three before that I lived in Tampa, Florida." He smiles opening the soda and taking a sip of it.

"I've moved so much I lost count at 28 I think and that was when I was 6" I start to laugh and so does he. "I wonder what it is like to be in a different place every one or two months" Toby says with fascination.

I smile and shake my head. "It isn't as fun as you think it would be I mean once we stayed four nights at a trailer park then got on the next plane to Miami" I say taking another sip of my soda. He laughs a bit and sits on the ground criss cross.

"You are very interesting nothing like the other girls." Toby smiles at me and I blush a bit I crawl over to my fridge again and pull out a bag on m&ms. "You my good man are going insane if you are going to say that skittles or m&ms?" I ask crawling back to the fridge.

"Skittles please and thank you and I'm not insane for telling the truth am I?" He asks as I throw him a bag of skittles.

"No I guess not" I say as I pour some of my m&ms in my rootbeer and mash them up. Toby looks at me oddly I look at him while drinking it. "What? It tastes really good" I say smiling and he smiles at me. He finishes his drink and puts his skittles in his pocket.

"I have to go I'll see you tomorrow bye" He waves goodbye and jumps out my window.

I smile and look at my clock and see the time 11:27 PM. I run into my bathroom and change, brush my teeth, and put my hair up. I run out and jump onto my bed and turn off the light.

"Lily? Is that you?" I hear Toby's voice but I can't see him. "Toby where are you? Are you close-" I'm cut off by someone's hand covering my mouth. I try to shout for help but all that comes out are soft muffles.

"LILY?!?!?!?!" I hear Toby shout I see a dim light through a thin layer of cloth. I'm blindfolded. I feel two hands grab me and throw me over an edge as soon as I hit the hard metal bars on the ground I see the dim light getting brighter and hear a loud whistle go off. I'm on train tracks!

"Lily No!!!!" I hear Toby shout and hear his dark shoes crunch the sand near the tracks. "It's ok I got you you'll be fine" I hear his voice whisper in my ear I feel him lift me but fall back down again I hear a zapping noise and see a man holding a tazer gun. Toby screams in agony and falls a man picks him up and drags him away from me.

"No Toby!!!!!!!!" I cry in fear as the train gets louder I feel a gush of wind hit me and the bright light blinding me through the blindfold.

I jump up terrified I look over at my alarm clock and see the time 3:34 AM. What the hell did I just dream about?


Hope you guys liked the third chapter if you haven't read the first two chapters then you should read them ok bye<333333333

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