Chapter 6 Part 2

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Chapter Six Part Two:Closer to Insanity

I walk into the library and see Meredith sitting at our usual spot. "Hey are you doing anything tomorrow night?" She asks and I look down. "Nothing I know of why?" I look up at her and she smiles. "Cause I'm throwing a party and you are definitely invited." She smiles at me and I hug her. "Thanks partying is the only thing that relaxes me for some odd reason" I laugh and she laughs with me.

"I'm going on a date tonight" I say a little excited and her eyes widen. "With who and give me details on the date" She says so fast it makes it seem like road runner is slow as fuck.

"It's Toby he asked me out last........ Yesterday" I look at her and she smiles. "You two would be such a cute couple!" She yells and heads turn I roll my eyes and look at her. "Shhhhhhhh god you need to control your voice level we are in a library" I smile at her and we both burst out into quiet laughter.

"Well I have to go to class see you later......oh wait what's today?" I ask and she smiles. "It's Friday silly" she smiles at me and I nod and walk away. The rest of the day was a breeze.

I put my stuff in my locker and look at myself in the mirror then see Nathan walk up to me and open the locker next to mine. Oh come on!

"Hello once again Lily did you have a nice day?" He asks smiling at me while shuffling his books into his bag. "Yeah it was pretty good" I say quietly as I write a note on the sticky pad on my locker I rip it off and shove it in my pocket.

I feel his hand grab mine and pull me a bit closer to him. "Can I show you something?" He asks and I shiver in fear I shake my head and his grip got tighter.

"I really need to go now I have a date and I have to get ready so you will have to show me later" I say in a shaky voice. He pulls me closer and pain shoots through my arm. "Ow Nathan your hurting me" I say in fear and regret of ever meeting him.

I feel someone's hand push me away from him and I feel a pair of arms catch me from falling. I see Toby push Nathan up to his locker. "If you touch her one more time I swear to god I will make sure you won't have any hands to touch her with" Toby pushes him one more time and lets him go.

Toby walks up to me and grabs me pulling me away from Nathan and out of the building. "Ow..." I whisper but Toby was able to hear me. "How did that happen?" I ask him looking at the deep cut on the palm of my hand. Toby grabs it and I flinch he gently caresses my hand and let's it go. "I have a first aid kit in my car come with me." He takes my other hand and we walk to his car. "I thought you walked to school?" I ask wondering why his car is here. "I do but my friends brought it here for me just in case" He smiles at me and we both get in the car.

He pulls it out of the glove department and cleans the wound and wraps it up. "Do you want a ride?" He asks and I nod. "My mom wants to meet you anyways" I say with a smile on my face he smiles at me and starts the car.

I sit back in my seat and relax thinking of where we are going, what if we run into Nathan again? What will Toby do? My eyes shoot open and I look at Toby his hair was different it was blonde and cut. "Toby?" I ask he turns his head and fear overwhelmed me. Nathan.

I never realized how beautiful he was probably because he freaked me out. It was dark we were driving somewhere. "Where's Toby?" I ask worried and he smiled. "You don't remember you were there he's in the trunk remember we are going to bury him you must have some bad memory loss" He laughs some more.

"You killed him!" I shout and look back but he pulls me back to my seat. "I still have to show you that thing" He gives me the same evil smile he always gives me. "W-what is it?" I stutter and he smiles he parks the car and grabs me his smile grew larger as fangs slide out of his mouth. This isn't real it isn't real. I push him away and turn to the door and try to open it but it's locked the lock was busted off. No no no. I feel his hands grab me and pull me close he bites down on my neck his teeth felt like nails being shot into my neck.

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