14 Hunted

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Bellamy had just left her tent and she hadn't said a word since...Bellamy kissed her.

Bellamy kissed her!

Clarke was still in shock and she wasn't sure how she was feeling. The instant his lips had touched hers she had wanted to kiss him back and the feeling of his strong arms holding her as if she would never break still lingered. He wasn't gentle but she had liked it...she had definitely liked it.

Clarke flopped on to her bed and brushed her lips with the tip of her finger. She couldn't stop smiling and a part of her hated how giddy she felt...but another part of her loved it.

She wasn't sure if what had happened was necessarily good...this was Bellamy for crying out loud!

She imagined what her mom would think and shuddered! She wouldn't been keen at all...but did Clarke really care? No!

That night her thoughts were mostly based around Bellamy and how she wanted to be held in his arms again. She tried to snap out of it but giggled herself to sleep.

She woke up the next morning, her first thought being about Bellamy! What was she going to do when she saw him next? How should she act? How was he going to act?

Her mind was swimming with questions which she failed to answer at every attempt.

When Clarke sat down outside for breakfast, she found herself quickly becoming cold and wrapped her jacket around herself.

She couldn't see Bellamy and was partly glad yet disappointed at the same time.

When he appeared, he was accompanied by Miller, Jasper, Octavia and some others. They were equiped with knives, guns and spears and dressed in boots and warm clothes.

Clarke got up and walked over to them. "You heading out?" She asked and Bellamy turned with a smile when he saw her.

"Yeah, winter is coming up fast princess, we need to stock up before the animals become scarce" he stated and Clarke had made up her mind.

"Well I'm coming too!" She stated and Bellamy's eyes widened the way they always did when he disagreed with something.

"No you're not!" He stated and Clarke glared at him.

"I can handle myself just fine!" She snapped.

"She's a good hunter, she could be helpful" Monty pitched in and Bellamy threw him a glare.

"Fine." He said finally and Clarke smiled triumphantly. Monty passed her a knife and Bellamy sighed in disbelief before leading them out of the gate.

"We'll split up! You with Miller, Jasper with Monty..." Bellamy said until it was just him, Clarke and Octavia left.

"I'll go with Monty and Jasper!" Octavia said and she hopped over to the two boys, smiling to herself. Bellamy nodded and everyone began to separate.

"Stay on your radios and alert us on encountering any problems!" Bellamy called out to them all and they nodded.

"Come on" Bellmay said and Clarke followed him into the woods. He lead them to the side of a river bank, having followed a set of tracks.

They stopped there. "It must have crossed the river, let's try and see if the tracks carry on on the other side...what are you doing?" Bellamy said as Clarke began lowering her feet into the shallow water.

"Crossing the river!" She stated, trying to step on as many rocks to keep as dry as possible. Once she was accross she searched for tracks and she found them.

Bellamy came wading up behind her, placing a warm hand on her back as he looked over her shoulder.

They followed the tracks into a denser area of trees and Bellamy silenced Clarke, bringing her to a stop. She looked up to see a wolf like creature. It did not look friendly.

Bellamy raised his spear and began crawling foward.

"Bellamy Wolves don't tend to travel alone...maybe you shouldn't-"

He threw it, it hit the wolf right in the stomach and it yelped as it fell to the floor. Clarke felt bad for a moment when her attention was snapped away by something else.

"Bellamy!" She said quietly, freezing on the spot as Bellamy went to remove the spear from the creature. "Bellamy!" She cried with more urgency and he looked up to see what she was fussing over. A large pack of wolves had gathered around them and seemed angry.

Clarke held her knife in hand and Bellamy slowly came to her side, bringing his gun out.

A wolf came charging fowards but Bellamy shot it down, as if by a reaction to the gun shot all the wolves came charging foward.

Clarke slashed at one with her knife, knocking it back but only injuring it slightly. One pounced on her but Bellamy shot it down before it could do any damage.

He continued shooting them down one by one until he pressed his trigger but no bullet came out. "I'm out!" He said in frustration and as he turned to face Clarke a wolf came from the shadows but Clarke saw it too late to warn him.

The dog flung its teeth into Bellamy's side, scraping his jacket and shirt with its claws.

Bellamy cried out and fell to the floor, trying to shove the creature off him. Clarke started to run for him when another wolf grabbed at her shoes, she span around, slicing the dogs eye and continued heading for Bellamy who's knife had fallen out of his grasp.

Clarke acted instantly and pushed the knife down on the animals neck and it fell to one side.

Clarke bent down and rolled Bellamy over so she heald him in her arms.

She looked down at his wounds. Blood! There was a lot of blood.

AT: Sooooo just when things were looking up huh!!

Hope you enjoyedddd xxx love you all thanks bye xxx

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