17 Snow

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As to be expected, all the girls were swooning over "how brave" Bellamy had been.

They were all asking to see the scars but Clarke had told him strictly not to remove his bandages and not once did he ignore that order.

Clarke was collecting in the food that the other hunters had managed to catch and kill. She was glad they had had some success with collecting food for winter.

The cloud had turned an odd grey and Clarke assumed it might start snowing soon. She'd never seen snow and the teen in her couldn't wait...but the leader inside her was running through all the things she needed to check.

She sighed as she looked over at Bellamy, he was being talked at by two girls who clarke had to admit...were gorgeous.

Clarke was glad to see Bellamy didn't seem all that invested in the conversation and was simply smiling and nodded occasionally.
She wasn't even sure why it bothered her...they weren't official...quite frankly she wasn't exactly sure what they were!

She looked away as the girls burst into a fit of giggles. He's not that funny Clarke thought bitterly.

She took the animals over to where they were going to be stored and once she had finished she walked over to a log around the edge of camp and sat down.

She was exhausted and was tiring herself out even more as she thought about all the things they still had to get ready for Winter.

She put her head in her hands, running her hands over her hair, when someone was wrapping their arms around her waist from behind.

They pulled her to her feet and she turned to see Bellamy smiling widely, his hand heald out.

"What is it?" Clarke asked, refusing to take his hand without an explanation. He tilted his head as if to say "trust me". Clarke sighed and couldn't believe she was doing this and nodded, putting her hand in his.

He half walked, half jogged to the gate and though the guard seemed like he didn't want to let them out, Clarke gave him puppy dog eyes and he let them out on a strict curfew saying "be back before dark". They had rolled their eyes and nodded like teenagers sneaking off to a secret party.

"You need to stop bringing me off into the woods without an explanation!" Clarke said as he slowed his pace and they walked hand in hand through the woods, lit nicely in the evening.

"Do I intimidate you Clarke?" He said, his voice ammused as he swung round so he was now walking backwards, facing Clarke. He lifted his hand and gently brushed her hair from her face, caressing her cheek.

Clarke stepped up onto her tiptoes and brought her lips only a centremetre from Bellamy's when she smiled "No! Are we there yet?" She stated, moving away from him and continuing to walk.

"Close" Bellamy said after a moment, holding his side and running to catch up with the determined blonde haired girl.

Clarke noted they were close to the cave they had swam in earlier that week but he turned off before they reached it and Clarke was out of ideas as to where they were going!

That's when she saw it. They stepped out into a clearing and stood by the side of a large pool.

"Is this-"

"It runs out from the cave and forms here" Bellamy told her.

"You have way too much time to go gallivanting around the forest!" Clarke laughed, not able to take her eyes off the striking blue water. It was unnatural and was lit up as the fading sun shone down, reflecting off the surface.

She felt Bellamy's arm slide around her shoulders and he looked over her shoulder.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered into her ear and she smiled, leaning into him as he planted a soft kiss on her neck.

"So why bring me out here now?" Clarke said, turning around in his arms to face him as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Because..." he said, leaning close as if it were a secret. "I heard it might snow tonight!" And Clarke smiled so widely at him that he started laughing.

"Do you think?" Clarke asked, tightening her grip on his back in excitement. She really did want to see some snow and he looked up at the sky.

Clarke wasn't an expert but she assumed that's what the sky usually looked like before it snowed.

Clarke turned back around to face the water, her back to Bellamy and she heald his hands, where they met around her color bone.

"Thank you for bringing me here"

"I thought you'd like it" he said and Clarke could almost hear the smug smile on his face.

She span round and gave him a hard shove, causing him to step back.

He then charged for her, grabbing her waist and threatening to pick her up. Clarke squirmed in his grasp, bursting into a fit of giggles as he nestled his head in her neck, tickling her.

She turned around and his lips were on hers. The kiss was soft and slow, as they took in the other person.

Clarke pulled away as she felt something cold hit her shoulder. Her first thought was rain but she looked up to see a soft flow of white droplets falling from the sky.

It was snowing!

She watched as it began to snow heavily and she looked up at Bellamy who had snowflakes and white drops in his hair, Clarke assumed she did also.

He was looking down at her, his eyes gentle as if she were the most lovely thing in the world. Clarke was smiling up at him almost giddily.

He put his hand around the back of her neck, his touch warm against her skin and he tilted her head up. She felt like she could get lost in his eyes and she nearly melted in his hold as the pure white snow fell all around them as if she were in a dream.

AT: Who doesn't love a bit of snow?? Hope you enjoyed and love ya'll xxx

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