19 Stay The Night

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Not much time had passed when Bellamy couldn't hold himself back anymore.

He shuffled on the bench so he could bend around Clarke and his lips nearly touched hers when she pushed herself back slightly.

"Bellamy..." she said, her eyes darting from the campers and back to him. Bellamy sighed and grabbed her hands, pulling her up and when no one was looking they snuck away into Clarke's tent.

"I'm sorry I just don't know how everyone will react to...this!" Clarke whispered while Bellamy heald her around the waist. He smiled down at her and she stared at him seriously for a moment. "Oh screw it!" She exclaimed and her lips came smashing into Bellamy's.

He heald her tightly and kissed her, pushing her back forcefully. Together they breathed heavily as Clarke whipped Bellamy's shirt from his body.

She heald her palms flat on his chest but heald her arms up as Bellamy removed her top.

Together they crashed down onto Clarke's bed and Bellamy kissed her slowly along her chest and neck, wanting to take her all in and he smiled when he saw her eyes had closed.

Suddenly he was being flipped over and Clarke lay over him and she kissed the corner of his mouth and slowly began planting kisses down his neck and down his stomach. It was like sweet torture and he kept his hands firmly on her bare back.

She ran her fingers down his chest and smiled before coming back up to kiss his lips. Her lips were so soft against his and he couldnt have imagined being with anyone else at that moment...he didn't want to be.

Bellamy played with Clarke's hair and watched her where she lay, tucked up under his arm, snuggled up against him.

She had just fallen asleep and her eyes fluttered as though she were mid dream. He hoped it was pleasent. She was so beautiful and Bellamy couldn't believe how long it had taken him to notice...well he'd always seen it but chose to ignore it...not wanting to believe he might have feelings for her. But things were different now.

It wasn't long before Bellamy too fell asleep but it was short lived when he felt Clarke's warmth leave his body.

He woke up with a start to see that Clarke had sat up straight and was holding her head in her hands.

He sat up, holding his body up to her back...she was freezing. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She relaxed into him, letting her head fall back on his shoulder and she had closed her eyes again.

"Does that happen often?" Bellamy asked quietly and she nodded, gasping. Bellamy could feel her shaking in his hold and he wished he could do more, he hated to see her so scared.

"I see them Bell...I see their faces when I sleep...all the people I killed" she whispered as if the mere thought of it was haunting.

"Shhh...it's okay. You don't have to tell me now, come one. Come back to sleep" he said soothingly, pressing his lips to her neck carefully. He felt her nod gently.

He lowered her back down onto the bed with him and she nestled against him, her head nuzzeling into his chest. She brought a hand around his waist, carefully avoiding his injured side.

Bellamy heald her close and fell alseep listening to the steady rhythm of her heart.

AT: Poor Clarke!!! Will the nightmares ever stop?? Xxx

Love you all :) bye

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