15 She Can't Lose Him

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"Oh god! Oh god!" Clarke cried. This was when her medical mindset would usually kick in but she was terrified.

The air was cold and as the wind picked up, it whipped threw her hair and brought it around her face, making it hard to see where all the blood was coming from.

Clarke started to remove his scratched jacket and focused on finding where the wounds were.

So much blood.

She rolled his shirt up and decided she needed to stop the bleeding, over preventing infection and she pulled it off entirely.

He was still awake and was making low moaning groans of pain whenever she moved him.

"I'm sorry" Clarke whispered as he shivered in the cold, now shirtless.

Clarke began ripping his already torn shirt until it was long enough to wrap around his waist. She used it to cover the wound and brought it around his chest twice before tieing it as tightly as possible.

Blood quickly soaked through and Clarke feared it wouldn't be enough.

She pulled him back towards her, holding his head up off the floor. She couldn't carry him.

"Can you walk?" Clarke asked, wiping his matted hair from his face gently. He nodded and Clarke tried to stand, bringing one of his arms around her shoulders. "On three..." Clarke said and Bellamy nodded.

"One...Two..." Clarke felt Bellamy tense as he prepared to be pulled up. "Three..." Bellamy pushed himself off the ground whilst Clarke pulled.

Once he was on his feet, he leaned against Clarke and she looked around at his wound, as Blood began to drip down his side. Clarke had to look away.

"Come on" she said gently and they had only managed a few slow footsteps when Bellamy fell down, bringing Clarke with him.

He was gasping now and his face had turned a sickly white.

Clarke was practically on top of him and was apologise profusely but he lifted a hand and placed it on her cold cheek, stopping her in her attempt to get off him.

He looked like he was about to say something when his eyelids began to drop. Clarke clasped the hand on her cheek so it couldn't fall.

"Come on! Stay with me!" Clarke said, holding his weakening body against her. His eye lids continued to droop and he was unconscious.

Clarke desperately reached into his pocket for the radio. "Octavia? Monty, Jasper? Do you copy?" Clarke said, her voice wavering.

She heard the radio fuzz and then came a voice, Octavia's. "Clarke? Are you alright?"

"No...There was a pack of wolves...and Bellamy..." Clarke said, unable to keep talking as Bellamy spiraled into a fit of coughing. Octavia must have heard because when she spoke next, she was very direct.

"Where are you?" She said, worry etched in her tone.

"I...I'm not sure!" Clarke stammered, panicking as Bellamy continued to wheeze and blood poured down his side. "The...there was a river...a...a stream and we are deep in the forest..." she said, noting all the trees and dense under growth.

"Okay we're coming Clarke!" Came Jaspers voice and then they cut out.

Clarke leaned over Bellamy's cold body, pulling his head up to hers and she kissed his forehead.

"Hold on please...." she whispered, fighting back a flow of tears.

It was a long time before Clarke heard the sound of footsteps and Octavia's voice.

"Bell?" She breathed, running over to where Clarke was cradling her brother.

Jasper and Monty appeard behind her and didn't ask questions, they just picked up Bellamy together.

"Watch his side...he has several puncture wounds which are probably infected. Irritating them could be bad!" Clarke stated, getting to her feet and following them as they started walking back.

"Yes Doc!" Jasper said with a smile and they hurried as fast as they could back to camp.

"Open the gate!" Octavia cried once they could see camp. The guards saw Bellamy and obeyed.

Jasper carried Bellamy to the Ark and Clarke followed with Octavia.

"Mom?" Clarke cried, running into medical. Abby looked up instantly and stood when she saw Bellamy.

"Put him on the table!" Abby ordered Jasper and he laid Bellamy down.

"You two wait outside" she said and although Octavia wanted to argue, Jasper gently pushed her out of the room and Clarke saw Lincoln come to the door and hug her before the door closed.

"What happened?" Abby asked, removing the shirt Clarke had wrapped around his waist.

"A...a wolf...came at him from behind..." Clarke stammered, pacing as she desperately wanted to help.

"It's infected...we need to sterilise the wound" she said and Jackson went to find something.

"Clarke get me a syringe, a needle and some thread!" Abby said turning to her anxious daughter.

Clarke did as she was told and Abby set about wiping away as much leaking blood as she could. She then injected something into his side, above the bite wounds.

Once his condition seemed stabalised and his breathing returned to a normal rate Clarke went to sit beside him as her mum stitched the wound.

Once Abby was done, she left Clarke to clean him up.

She wet a clean cloth and wiped his chest carefully before placing a patch over the wound.

Once everything was done she fell down by his side and let her head fall over his chest.

"I can't lose you..." she whispered to the boy with brown eyes, who still hadn't woken up.

AT: Will Bellamy wake up or will Clarke have another death to deal with??!!!

Hope you enjoyed it...well you probably didn't sorry bout that xx

Love you all and thanks for just reading this book it means so much that even one person is!! Xxx

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