Chapter 38

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Sehun's Pov

We went to her boss' office and sat down "wel--" her boss was cutted off by her "Why did my father die?" She asked and her boss looked shocked "excuse me? He isn't your father sena" Her boss said and sena lifted her head up, sending glares to the guy "he's my SECOND father, Why did he die?!" She asked or shouted, she seemed angry "look, we don't know okay? As from what I heard, he died of leukemia, you didn't know?" Sena looked shocked "You k-knew.." she muttered that only I could hear "pardon me?" Her boss asked "You knew?! But why didn't you tell me!! Why!!" She tackled her boss and I pulled her away, back hugging her she tried fighting back but weakens "wae?" She cried and I hugged her.

Her boss sighed as he stood up and went to his desk "yeah, you're right, I knew that he has leukemia but it wasn't my choice in telling you, he told me about it a year ago, I told him to tell you but he didn't want you to worry over him, so he kept it and pretended that nothing was wrong, he didn't want this to happen sena, but fate was selfish to decide, then when he told me that someone's gonna propose to you, finally, he was very happy, sena, he was happy before he died, you made him happy, he saw something in this guy that he's a good man and your love to him is unbreakable, so he let you be since you're a grown up already, then he died in his sleep last night" his boss said sincerely and sena cried even more harder, Her boss went through his drawers and took out an envelope, he gave it to me "give her that, you're dismissed" he said and we left.

I placed the envelope in my pocket and went to the car "darn! That was so sad" kai hyung frowned and I just nodded in agreement, I opened the passenger seat for sena to get in. I buckled her seatbelt and closed the door, I went to the other side then went in, I started the engines and drove back to the dorm.

I parked it properly and turned off the engines "we'll do the explaining" kai hyung said as they went out first and went in the company, I took off my seatbelt and went out. I went to the other side and opened the door, I took sena's seatbelt off and carefully lead her out of the car and closed the door. We went in the company and to the elevator, I pressed -3 then down we go.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, we stepped out and I lead her to our room, meanwhile the others are listening intently to Blake noona and kai hyung's explanation. I closed the door and locked it so we can talk privately. She sat on the bed and I sat in front of her, I took out the envelope and handed it to her "can you read it for me, please?" She asked and I nodded.

I opened the envelope and took out two papers, I opened the first one and started reading

'Dear sena,

Hey! I'm so happy that you are nearing the stage of marriage, I could see that the guy that you'll be marrying is a good guy, I'm glad. Anyways, by the time you are reading this, I am on a better place where fate decided me to live, don't worry about me okay? Knowing you, you would cry. I know you didn't want this to happen and I am feeling same as yours, but fate has decided on its own. I know you looked at me as a father and I appreciate that, even though I am younger than you, you still managed to call me your father. I'm really sorry for not telling you sooner about my health, I just didn't want you to worry about me. I'm sorry for lying in front of you, for telling you I'm okay though the truth is I am feeling pain. I'm really sorry sena. As for now, I want you to live with Sehun happily, to have bright future kids that can bring you happiness. I want you to live happily sena, whenever you go, if you're engaged in a mission or in a big fashion show, I'll be guiding you from above. As for now, I want you to remember our memories as father and daughter, never forget them. And lastly, I want to end the Father -Daughter relationship. I don't want to see you hurting because of my death. I don't want you to be sad because of me. Always live happily sena, life is too short so spend your days with smiles and happiness filled in the day. Don't cry okay? Stay happy, it was nice meeting you noona.

Your dongsaeng,

I ended and looked at the other paper, it was her and seungjin also the other guys happily smiling. I looked at sena and she was crying, I gave her the picture and she hugged it while crying waterfalls "come here" I said and pulled her in a comforting hug, I looked at the picture and saw a writing behind, I read it

Thank you for the love <3

I just hugged her as she cried her eyes out, I kissed the crown of her head and caressed her back "gwaenchana, I'm here" I whispered as tears fell down. I could feel his sincerity, he was a good man.

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