Chapter 3

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Sena's Pov

After watching that video, the tension in the room became serious "I wonder who those guys are" one of them whispered but I still heard it "those guys is the world's best gangster, next to me" I coldly said and their eyes widened "you're a gangster?!" They shouted and I simply nodded "yeah, but that was when I was 15, I joined a gang but when I got this decent job, I stopped being a gangsta and focused on my job" I explained btu still with boring eyes and cold tone "I see, but which particular group are you?" Another asked "particularly solo" I said and they nodded.

We went back to the ground floor since these dudes still has a practice going on, they have to focus on their fashion show rather than these problems, I have to handle it "are you sure you can do it?" Their leader asked and I nodded "100% sure, I'll take care of it, its my job" I simply said and they nodded and left.

I hopped on my hover board and started to wander in the city, its been so long since I was here. I pressed a button on my singular ear piece "Blake, find me the RDU gang" I said 'copy that, wait for a secooonnd! Aha! Its in XXXX street, the abandoned building' she replied "okay" I flew to the place given and hid behind the trashbins, I activated my hover boards invisibitly and used my glasses to observe from afar.

Two guys, with the same logo as RDU was holding a girl "yah! Let me go!!" The girl shouted as they went in. I guess another torture has been created "Hey! What are you doing there?!" Oops! I guess I got found out! I quickly rode on my hover board and deactivated its invisibility. I flew away but they were still following.

Knowing RDU gang, they won't stop chasing the person who caught their unlawful actions unless that person is dead nor traumatized. I turned to an alley way and ...... Darn this shit! Its a dead end! "Well, well, well what do we have here? Seems like a cat can't walk up?" This bastard.

I hopped off the hover board "come down and face me like a man" I said through gritted teeth "well, its my pleasure" he said and boom! More men came. They surrounded me and I patiently waited for their attack, as soon as the fight started, I was having a hard time getting them down. How could they be strong?! One of them kicked me and my back met the hard concrete walls "is that all you got?" He asked and punched my stomach "hey!!! Stay away from her you jerk!! Or else I have no choice but to call the police!" What the actual fuck is he doing here?! Isn't he supposed to have a practice?! Well, not just him but THEM!

The guys scurried away and I stood properly and brushed the dust from my clothes "sena, are you okay?" This shit! "Okay?! Do I look okay to you?! Look, I almost had them and finished my job but you just interfered and ruined my whole plan!! Aish! I want to get this job done in a jippy so that I could have the rest I want!! But thanks to you I don't!!" I let it out "look, we just wanted to help--" I cut him off "help?! Does it look like your helping?! Wow! Look here, I got my job and you got yours, so why don't you focus and your job and I focus on mine! You dorks are just giving me a head ache" I said and ride on my hover board and left. Those dorks!

Sehun's Pov

She's really mad "look hyung, I told you that we shouldn't have canceled the practice to come to her, now she's mad" I said and the guys nodded "what's so important about her anyways?" Chanyeol hyung asked and he looked at us "you're not gonna understand anyways" that's what he said then left, we just followed quietly and went back to the company.

As we entered, we saw sena speaking to Mr. Lee, she glanced at us and rolled her eyes, she really is mad. We went to the practice room to practice our walks and our simple dance moves to present next week since its fashion week.

Our choreographer clapped his hand two times "okay! Places everyone! We're about to start the walk" he said no, actually he has a tinsy bitsy part of him as a gay, seriously "but Gayoon is not yet here" taeyeon noona, baekhyun hyung's partner in walk said "seriously? We won't wait for her at this moment and I hope she's gonna show up next practice" its good that our choreographer is nice or maybe in a good mood or else war will head right to us.

We started our walks, first the ladies, next us, and the doubles, well, since my partner is Gayoon and she's not here, I just walked alone.

After practice, we went to our dorm and surprisingly Sena was there, hovering on her hover board "welcome home boys" she coldly said and we bowed "look, sena, about what happened earlier--" suho hyung got cut off when a knife was directly pointed at him "speak about that again and I will cut your throat" she said through gritted teeth and suho hyung raised his hands "never, will I thee speak about thy topic again" he said and sena put the knife down "get inside and have some rest, dinner is ready on the table, take your bath and go to sleep" she said and we went in.

I guess Mr. Lee picked a strict agent huh?

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