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Castiel didn't return for quite a few Earth hours and that sent a wave of worry through the entire bunker. Dean brought the Impala into a large garage inside the bunker and Sam read through some of the scrolls, trying to find a way to tame my powers while Dad and Gabe waited nervously for Cas.

Meanwhile, I stayed in my room. I sat on the bed with my back against the wall, staring at the wall ahead of me in thought. After the incident earlier, Dean was now a little edgy around me but it meant he shut up about Gabe and I so I was more than happy - his constant exclamations of 'awesome' were getting on my nerves anyway.

"Hey, what's up?" Sam's voice cut through my thoughts and I turned my head to see him stood in the doorway, leaning against it.

"Just a bit bored," I sighed, sitting up properly and gesturing for him to come and sit beside me on the comforter, "It feels like being in prison being shut away in this bunker..."

He nodded understandingly, slipping his shoes off and pulling his feet underneath him, "I know. I don't really like it either but it's safe and I haven't felt safe in a long time..." I'd noticed he hadn't brought any special belongings with him, just his clothes. I'd left all of my belongings at Dad's...

"Any word from Cas?"

Sam shook his head, shuffling to get comfortable, "Balthazar hasn't heard anything from him but he says it's nothing to worry about. Something about time being different in Heaven?" I nodded, remembering how weird it was coming back to Earth after being up there for a while.

Neither of us spoke for about ten minutes as we had nothing important to say. Silence rang through the bunker - even Dean remained quiet as he wandered the halls impatiently, and I heard Gabe sigh from the library.

Eventually, I'd had enough. I got up and headed down the stairs and through into the main room, everyone looking around at the sudden movement as my footsteps echoed throughout the entire place. Gabe was still sat at one of the main tables, pouring over a pile of scrolls as Dad stood against a pillar in the corner, both of them lifting their heads as I walked in and pulled up a chair, scraping it across the concrete.

"Found anything else?" I asked, receiving an indefinite hum in reply.

He pointed to a paragraph on the nearest scroll, "It's not really about you but it's about this place. There seems to be some sort of lockdown system in place, controlled by a lever in the room back there," he pointed over to the door beside that which led to the garage, "Locks down the entire bunker, trapping us inside but preventing anything from coming in, even if they have the key."

"Did Cas take the key?" I wrapped my arms loosely around Gabe's neck from behind as he shook his head.

"No, it's here." Dean came up the stairs from the garage and lifted up the ornate key which was strung around his neck on a length of string, "Figured I'd keep it safe... I don't really trust angels. No offence."

"None taken," the three of us replied at the same time, all being sarcastic.

"Okay... creepy," Dean trailed off, coming and sitting across from Gabe, "We got anything else on Nephilims or whatever Liz is?"

"Nephalem," Dad corrected, looking offended as his lip curled upwards, "Nephilims are very common, result of an angel breeding with a human... like I would stoop that low..."

"You bred with a demon? Surely they're worse...?" I kicked Dean's shin beneath the table and he yelped in shock and pain.

"I thought she was an angel, okay? Besides, I got a beautiful daughter out of it so it wasn't that bad," Dad smiled and ruffled my hair as I laughed at Dean's pained expression, "She's got a horrid mother but an, as you would say, 'awesome' father..."

"I hate to fuel your ego but I agree," I said as Dad scoffed, muttering 'Ego? What ego?'

Gabe suddenly cleared his throat, "All I've got so far is a load of bull saying Beth should be dead but since she isn't, that isn't going to help... there is this one thing, though..."

I looked over his shoulder at the part he was pointing at, "What is it?"

His finger lay over the words 'Twilight Manipulation', "It's not very clear but it's something to do with the fact that you're a child of both darkness and light. According to this, you can manipulate both..."

"On what scale?" I asked, intrigued as Sam came in, curious as to what we were discussing.

"Any scale. With the right amount of energy... you could block out the sun..."

I had no answer so Dean did it for me, "The freaking sun? How can she hold all that energy?"

"She can't. Not at the moment, anyway..." Dad placed a hand on my shoulder, "Darling, this is why we need to train you..."

"You keep telling me that. But we've still not got around to it... Gabe taught me how to control my anger-"

"You did?" Dad asked, surprised as Gabe nodded, "Well, I guess that helps..."

"Yeah, it does, but I still don't have any idea how to control my countless other powers... I'm new to this, I've only known about all this supernatural business for about two weeks now..."

"I'm not sure if that makes me more or less scared of you..." Dean took the scroll and read it through to double check, "Probably more... so you're gonna train her?"

Gabe let out a breath and leaned back on the chair, seeming to be the only one not intimidated by the news of my power, "Yeah, probably. We'll start later in the woods out back, make sure we don't draw attention to the bunker..."

Dad was about to argue when a knock at the metal door interrupted him. "Ah," he sighed, "Castiel is back."

Dean went over and unlocked the door, letting the rather flustered angel into the bunker. His hair was matted with blood though there were no wounds - he'd probably already healed them on the way over - and there was fresh blood on his hands. "I may have encountered some resistance..."

"No kidding..." Sam piped up from the doorway, "What happened?"

"Somehow they found out I was in league with you," Cas came further into the room as Dean closed the door behind him, "I had to fight my way out."

He turned to me, pain in his gaze, "They plan to hunt you down and kill you - along with everyone else here..."

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