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"Your mother did that?" Even Lucifer seemed shocked at my story as he perched on the edge of the dresser across the room from us. We'd let him inside about ten minutes before and I'd spent the time explaining everything that Dad saved me from.

I nodded, "Yeah. Of course, I had no idea it was her... My vessel's mother was convinced I was possessed by Satan..." I couldn't help laughing at the irony.

"By me?" he questioned, his signature smirk returning as he placed a hand to his chest, "I'm hurt... I'm not that mean, am I?"

"Before today, I would've gone with yes..." I mused, making him laugh as Gabe got up beside me and went over to the window, "What is it?"

"Sam and Dean," Luci grimaced at the mention of the Winchesters and I guessed there probably had a history. Gabe turned back to him as I heard a car door close in the street below us, "You wanna stay here? Explain everything to them?" The uncertainty in his voice told me he knew they wouldn't believe us that easily.

"No," Lucifer replied calmly, straightening up and hooking his thumbs in his pockets, "I'll go until they leave. Don't mention that I was here or they'll insist on hunting me down - they always do..." He sighed, rolling his eyes. "I'll be back when they're gone."

With that, he was gone, and when I opened the door I saw he'd taken the corpse with him, removing all the evidence that he was ever there. Hurried footsteps coming up the stairs were soon followed by worried shouts down the hallway as both Sam and Dean saw me stood in the doorway and came running towards me.

"Liz?" Dean asked cautiously, clearly taken aback by my new form. I nodded and he abruptly enveloped me into a hug, "Oh, thank God, we thought Lucifer might have-"

He was cut off by a cough behind me as Gabe leaned against the doorframe, "Well, he hasn't. I can't feel him yet so he's not close... is Castiel with you?"

"Could he sense-?" I asked mentally and Gabe nodded discreetly at me when they weren't looking. Damn, we hadn't taken him into account... he could give everything away...

"No, he stayed at the bunker," Sam replied as we exchanged a relieved look, "We didn't think Balthazar was really trustworthy enough to leave alone..." He looked at me cautiously in case he'd offended me.

I chuckled, "I don't blame you..." If they'd left Dad alone, the place would be wrecked because he 'got bored' - a trait I think I picked up from him.

"Come in," Gabe gestured, looking around carefully as if he was scared Lucifer might be coming, "We don't want to draw attention to ourselves..."

"Wow, he's a pretty decent actor..." I flinched slightly as Lucifer's voice echoed inside my head, "Oh, hi. Probably should've mentioned I was gonna drop in. Hope I haven't interrupted any important thoughts..." he went quiet for a moment as I tried to stop him digging any further, "ooh... now then, that's very naughty, Beth..."

"Shut up..." I replied as he chuckled, trying my best not to blush as he delved into my daydreams about Gabe. No one was supposed to know about those...

Sam blew out a breath, drawing me back to the situation at hand, "Is it me or is it cold in here?"

"The heating is busted in here," Gabe quickly covered as Dean narrowed his eyes at him.

"But it's sixty degrees out...?" He looked between the two of us with suspicion clear in his hard gaze. "What's going on here?"

I thought fast, "Uh... well, I got a little worked up before you two arrived and, uh..." I stopped and faked an awkward cough, "well, you know... I'm apparently cold when that happens..." I blushed pink purposefully to feed the lie as Dean's eyes widened.

"Oh... um, well, okay..." he choked, looking over at Gabe who blushed, too, before giving me a look that said 'really?'. I silently thanked him for playing along.

"Nice save," Lucifer commented in my head, "I mean, it's my fault you had to cover up but... nice save..."

"I hate you..."

"No, you really don't..." I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"Beth, you okay? You've gone pink..." Sam brought me back to the real world again. Gabe was looking at me oddly, he probably knew what was going on in my head already...

"Yeah..." I breathed, looking up at him before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. I motioned for the two of them to sit and they did, taking up the chairs near the window, "So, what are you planning to do now? Lucifer isn't here at the moment so we're safe, right?"

"It seems like it... strange though..." Dean hummed, leaning back on the chair as it creaked beneath his weight, "You two are the only things left in this town and he hasn't found you yet... it's a little off, don't you think?"

"Yeah," I agreed, knowing that arguing would make me more suspicious, "we thought that, too, but we can't go and search the town... we'd be walking further into the trap..." I hoped they'd catch my drift so I didn't have to tell them what to do.

"We'll go and scout around," Sam announced, saying exactly what I wanted him to say, "Stay inside... we'll be back soon..."

Gabe and I nodded as they got up and walked over to the door, "Be careful, he could be anywhere..."

"We know... we understand your concern, Gabe, but we've faced him before and sent him back to Hell. I'm sure we can do it again." Dean's harsh tone scared me, leaving me wondering what had happened the last time they'd come face to face as they left, closing the door behind them.

Gabe let out a sigh before raising an eyebrow at me, "Seriously? Raising the sex card?"

"What? What else was I supposed to say?" I asked incredulously, shaking my head, "You were no help..."

"No help? At least I didn't put the image in their heads of us doing the dirty..." He looked away in disgust, shuddering, "You don't even wanna know the things Dean was imagining... You're lucky that Luci was in your head but you could've made it a little more discreet..." He seemed angry at first but his face soon cracked into a smile, "The look on their faces, though..."

"Uh, speaking of Luci... can I come back now? Are those douchewads far enough away?" Lucifer's voice came back into my mind, making me laugh.

Ignoring Gabe for a minute, I wandered back to the window and watched as the Impala drove away and turned the corner. I waited a few seconds until they were definitely away, "Yeah, you can come back now..."

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