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We landed quietly in what looked like a broom closet though I had no idea why angels would need mops and buckets. "Where are we?" I whispered in the darkness.

"Main halls of Heaven," Dad muttered back, careful not to step in any buckets, "Stay quiet, there are angels in the corridor outside..." I could sense at least three angels within a twenty metre radius of us, meaning we were surrounded and trapped.

"How are we gonna get past them?" I couldn't think of any way Dad wouldn't be recognised...

"Close your eyes," he instructed so I did, past the point of questioning by now. A bright light grew in front of my closed eyelids, strong enough that I could see each individual vein in the skin there. Within seconds, it faded and Dad spoke up again, "Okay, you can open them now."

I opened my eyes again, blinking to get rid of the spots in my vision, and looked up at Dad... but he looked completely different. Stood before me was a shorter man with golden hair and whiskey coloured eyes wearing a jacket and jeans...

Stood before me, was Gabriel.

"Dad?" I questioned and he nodded. Was he crazy?

"Yep," he even had Gabe's voice, "I know, I'm crazy, but I figured this was the only way to get in without being killed. They'll have two Gabriel's and have no idea which one's real thanks to the spell..." It was so weird hearing Gabriel's voice but Dad's words...

I thought about it before realising he was right, "That's pretty clever... What about me?"

"Act scared." I didn't even have chance to process what that meant as he grabbed me around the throat and pulled me out of the closet as the three nearest angels jumped back before rushing forwards to apprehend him. "Stay back!" he yelled, pulling out a fake archangel blade that looked surprisingly real, "Or I kill the angel!"

The angels stopped where they were, not taking any chances since they thought they had an insane archangel on their hands. "Gabriel?" one asked confusedly, "but I thought...?" He looked down to the doors at the end of the hall and it took me all my effort not to break free from Dad's grip and run down there, knowing that Gabe probably lay beyond them.

"You thought what?" Dad spat angrily, playing the fool and pretending he didn't know Gabriel was here, "It doesn't matter. Do as I say or the angel gets it!" I imagined his grip looked strong but in reality he was holding me gently and carefully; I was doing the rest of the work, struggling and gasping to make it look real to the angels.

"Okay, Gabriel. What is it that you want?" the female one said calmly.

"Take me through there," he gestured to the doors with his free arm, "I believe Uriel is through there?" She nodded. "Well, take me through, then!" I flinched as he yelled right in my ear but he was very quick to apologise once her back was turned. The other two had fled when they had the chance...

The angel nodded again, gulping nervously before heading down the corridor and gesturing for Dad to follow her. He pulled me with him and I yelped in shock as he whispered anpther apology in my ear when no one weren't looking - they probably thought he was just threatening me.

She pushed open the huge wooden doors as if they bore no weight at all, causing silence to fall inside as I was pulled through by Dad. It was a huge room, ornate like those at Dad's house, but I didn't care for the furnishings as I saw who was in the centre of it.

Sprawled on the floor, hair matted with sweat and face contorted in pain, lay Gabriel... my Gabriel... I felt Dad pull me back as I subconsciously stepped towards him, the guilt hitting me like a train. All of the angels in the room looked up in shock, even the one looming over Gabe's broken form, greatly confused as to why there were now two identical archangels before them.

"What is this?" the one who I guessed was Uriel questioned, looking between Dad and Gabriel on the ground, "We're tired of your trickery, Gabriel... just give it up..."

"Oh, we're both incredibly real," Dad countered as Gabe on the floor groaned, his body glowing weakly as he tried to heal the numerous wounds which littered his skin. I felt anger flare inside me as I noticed Uriel was holding his archangel blade, dripping Gabriel's blood over the floor beside him. "But, strangely enough, I bear a greater threat to you all..."

He gestured down at me, tightening his grip slightly but not enough to choke me, "Please! Help me, he'll kill me!" I saw the real Gabe twitch uncomfortably as he heard my voice.

"Shut up..." Dad hissed, holding the blade to my throat again and I was actually scared for a moment at the authority in his voice before I remembered he was acting. I whimpered at the cold metal against my skin. "I'll kill her if you don't free that me and let both of us leave without a challenge..."

"Let the girl go," Uriel instructed but Dad shook his head, "You don't want to do this, Gabriel..." He looked between the two Gabriel's again as real Gabe lifted his head, his eyes filled with disbelief as he saw me held hostage by himself. He raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged, unsure how I could possibly explain this one...

"Oh, yes I do," Dad replied, nodding earnestly, "I really do."

"Yep..." Everyone turned as Gabe spoke up hoarsely, "Definitely..."

"Oh, you can shut up. You've refused to tell us anything about that abomination for the past three hours..." A low growl erupted in my throat at the annoying term, muffled only by Dad's hand as he gave me a pointed look, telling me to calm down - my eyes going grey wouldn't help the situation...

"Hey!" Dad interrupted, "Don't you talk to me like that..."

Uriel seemed to ponder something for a second, "You know, it's strange... I can't sense any of your graces... not even hers," he gestured to me, "How do I know any of you are the real thing? How do I know Gabriel isn't on the other side of the galaxy?"

"How about I shove this blade through your heart? If you feel it, we're the real thing," Dad offered cockily, waving the fake blade in front of me as I winced and shrank away from it.

"I doubt that's necessary..." Uriel laughed, looking around like some great joke had just been told, "Though, I have to thank you for giving me a closer look at that fake blade... nice craftsmanship, very neat..."

Dad's eyes widened as he realised he'd been busted, "Okay, fine!" he dropped the blade and pushed me forward to go over to where Gabe was before changing back to his old vessel and pulling out his real blade from his blazer, "I'll just use this one instead!"

"Balthazar!" Uriel said through gritted teeth, "I should've known... you're on this scum's side now, are you?" he gestured to Gabe who was still glowing but had laid back down. I resisted the urge to kneel down and tend to his wounds, knowing it would give us away completely. "What would Cas say?"

"Something really stupid probably..." Dad gave me a look before glancing down at the blade in Uriel's hand. I nodded, eyes wide at the suggestion but I knew it was our only way out of this now.

"Stupid-?" the angel beside me started but I cut him off, grabbing the blade from his hand as his eyes went wide and the other angels rushed forwards to stop me.

"Yeah, pretty stupid..." I plunged the blade into his chest as Dad sent the other angels flying against the wall, shielding my eyes as light poured out of him.

Then, it fell into chaos...

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