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Dad returned quicker that time, probably trying not to have a repeat of before. "I dropped her back at her house so she's going to drive over to Bobby's in her squad car..."

I pouted as he said it and Gabe looked at me questioningly. "I want a squad car..."

"What do you want a car for? We're gonna teach you to fly soon, right?" he glanced at Dad who nodded in agreement, "See? As soon as we find somewhere safe to practice, we'll train you."

"You said that about telekinesis... you never finished teaching me that..."

"When it's safe, Elizabeth... You have to understand that it would be like waving a giant red flag if we went outside..." Dad tried to explain as I huffed angrily.

"How am I supposed to defend myself if I can't even use my powers?!" I shouted in annoyance, unintentionally sending a large book flying towards his head. He ducked at the last moment, sending it crashing into the wall behind him and making the plaster crack. Both he and Gabe looked at me in a mix of bewilderment and fear, "I, uh... I don't know how..."

My mind was in a panic so I did the only thing that seemed logical at the time - I got up and ran, darting out of the door and running out into the forest. I had no idea where I was going - I was scared - and I could hear Gabe and Dad calling frantically after me as I picked up speed through the trees. I didn't want them to find me; at least, not just yet.

I ran as far as a large clearing, finding a tree with a large bough that protruded from it about ten feet from the ground. Cautiously and carefully, I climbed the trunk and perched on the bough, which turned out to be thinner than I'd realised but I got comfortable nonetheless, sighing and shaking in shock.

I made a book move... a book - an actual, huge book... and I threw it at my Dad of all people...

Laying my head back against the trunk, I blew out a shaky breath, burying my face in my hands. What had I done?

"You okay?" a sudden voice above me said, almost knocking me completely out of the tree, "Whoa, calm down..."

I looked up to find Gabriel sat on the branch above my head, "How did you find me?"

"Your grace," he explained, floating down to sit beside me, "It glows when your scared so that any other angel can come to help..."

"Oh," I sighed, letting him pull me into his chest as tears pricked in my eyes, "I-I'm sorry... Is my Dad angry?"

"No." He seemed unusually calm considering what I'd done. "Of course I'm calm, I was the same during my training. I didn't see the point in waiting."

"What did I tell you about reading my thoughts?" I laughed through the tears, swinging my legs in the breeze, "What did you do in the end, then?"

Gabe ran his fingers through my hair, calming me down, "I ran away... I guess we're more alike than we realised..."

"How did you learn then? Without guidance?"

"Taught myself," he smiled as I looked up, puzzled as to how that was even possible, "I can teach you, too. If your Dad will let me - I figure one tutor is easier than two, especially if you're a bit shaken up by your abilities?"

"I think that would help... thanks, Gabe." I'd calmed down considerably as he kissed my head through my hair before leaning down and kissing my lips softly.

"You think we should head back now? Your Dad will be worried about you." I nodded as a weird feeling flared up in my gut and I realised it was a sense of belonging... I just wasn't used to people caring about me. "Okay, let's go..."

Gabe helped me down from the tree and we landed with a crunch in a stretch of snow I hadn't realised was there, "Huh?"

"That was you, I reckon. Strong emotions from a creature as strong as you are could cause a lot of crazy weather, so I'd be careful," he said matter-of-factly, taking my hand in his as we began the walk back. We could have ran but it was a lot more peaceful to walk and as I cooled down, the air warmed up. "Your Dad and I weren't kidding when we said you needed to harness your powers - in the wrong hands, you probably have the capacity of about two hundred nuclear bomb..."

"Oh, okay... I'll train, I promise. In the meantime, I'll try to stay calm."

"Good, we'll both be thankful for that," Gabe replied as the house came into view, a worried Balthazar pacing back and forth in front of the door, "Hey! Balt!"

Dad's head shot up and he turned, locking eyes with me before flashing over and taking me into his arms tightly, resting his cheek on the top of my head, "Don't ever do that again... I thought you were gone... I thought they'd got you... I thought-"

"I think your mind is running wild, Dad," I smiled apologetically, wrapping my arms around his neck and pecking his cheek, "I'm okay... Gabe calmed me down..."

"Thank you, Gabriel. Again," Dad chuckled and Gabe nodded, "Come on, let's get out of the open air before someone finds us..." He led us back inside, shutting the door and bolting it this time, probably more for my sake than any angels.

"I'm sorry, Dad..." I muttered and he pulled me into his side, "I didn't mean to..."

"I know... I think every angel was like that in the beginning. I'm guessing Gabriel told you that he acted exactly the same?"

"You were even worse if I remember rightly..." Gabe chuckled as Dad smirked, "Caused chaos in Heaven for about three years..."

"You all loved it really," Dad grinned cheekily, looking remarkably similar to Gabe.

"Oh, sure. Running after you all that time was totally the only important thing we needed to do at that time..."

"Guys, guys... cool it!" The ground had begun to shake as I said it. They both turned and looked at me before looking down guiltily.

"Sorry..." they said in unison.

"You should be-" I was about to laugh when they disappeared and were suddenly replaced by a man in a trenchcoat with a backwards tie, "What?! Who-?"

"Hello, abomination," he said in a gravely voice as I realised we were stood in a basement. A basement I guessed was Bobby's by the amount of guns and equipment lining the walls...

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