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As Uriel fell to the ground beside him, Gabe jumped into action, grabbed the blade from his chest and got to his feet. He was seemingly healed as he hugged me briefly before getting Uriel's own blade and passing it to me. "Behind you!"

I spun around just in time to stab the angel that tried to sneak up on me, sending him falling as I pulled it back out of his chest. "Thanks, Gabe... I need to tell you something..."

"Not now, Beth!" he called back, taking on two angels at once as a third attacked me from the left, receiving a blade to the gut. I looked across the room, seeing Dad taking the full force of a dark haired female's anger, dueling with her before plunging his blade into her throat.

"It's important, Gabe!" I insisted but he understandably ignored me as the two he was fighting fell the the ground but another three attacked him from all sides. I cornered one of them, slicing at him with my blade as Dad siphoned off the second, grabbing her shoulder before placing his blade in her gut, sending her crashing to the floor. "Gabe, I love you..." I muttered, unsure if he'd hear.

Beside me, Gabe's eyes went wide as he finished off the last one, spinning around to challenge another before realising there were none left; those who weren't dead had flown off and, to be honest, I doubted they would challenge the three of us again.

"Well..." Dad whistled, looking around at the devastation and all of the burnt black wings that spread across the floor and up the walls, "I've got to admit... that was not how I saw my plan playing out..."

"There was a plan?" I asked, wide-eyed and breathing heavy due to my asthmatic vessel, "I thought we were just going with it..."

"That was the plan." I rolled my eyes as he went to stroll around, poking the deceased with the tip of his blade to make sure they were dead.

Gabe turned to me, looking sheepish due to both what happened last time we were face to face and what I'd just said, "D-did you mean that?"

I couldn't find words as his gaze captivated me so I managed to sigh and nod, looking up into those honey eyes to find some reaction. 'He hates me', the silence said, 'he doesn't love me back'.

Gabe suddenly cut through the doubt as he pulled me into an abrupt hug, pressing his lips, harshly but sweetly, to mine with a hint of desperation in the kiss which deepened within seconds and became more heated. His hands found my ass, lifting me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he flashed us across the distance to the wall, pushing my back against it and leaning his entire body into mine, trying to kiss me with every last bit of energy in his body.

The kissing was cut short by someone clearing their throat behind us and I pulled away as I saw Dad standing there expectantly, looking right at me. Gabe continued to kiss me regardless, moving down to my jaw and neck, "Uh, Gabe...?"

"Tell him to get lost," he mumbled against my skin, "I love you, too." He looked up at my face as he said it and it felt like someone had lit a million fireworks in my stomach and they'd all just exploded at once. He took the opportunity and recaptured my lips and I melted into it again, ignoring Dad as he tapped his foot impatiently.

"Sam and Dean just arrived at the bunker," he called over, making us both look up, "Ah, thought that'd get your attention..."

"How? We left Dean about an hour ago," I said, confused and still breathing hard. Gabe loved me back... it didn't seem real...

"Time's different in Heaven," he explained, letting me stand but still refusing to let me go which I was perfectly happy with as he whispered, "I really love you." I repeated it, making him smile happily, his eyes shining like liquid gold.

"Yeah, well, if you lovebirds are quite finished..." Dad sighed as Gabe finally turned to face him, mimicking him whilst holding me close to his chest, "Wayhay, you love each other, fun times! But they're calling us and I doubt they'll be happy that they haven't seen any of us in over a week..."

A week? Gabe wasn't kidding when he said time was different... "Fine, let's go, then..."

As soon as the words left my mouth, Gabe transported the two of us to a parking lot outside of what looked like an old power station. As Dad landed beside us, I rushed over to the Impala parked outside, happy to see both Sam and Dean sat on the front.

"Hey, Liz!" Dean grinned, pulling me into a hug and looking over at Dad and Gabriel, noticing the happy grin on Gabe's face, "You made up, then?"

I nodded, "Yeah, seems kicking some angel butt does great things for a broken relationship... He's still an idiot, though..." I said the last bit a little louder so that Gabe would hear.

"Now, that's just harsh..." he pouted, walking up behind me and wrapping his arms loosely around my waist before kissing my neck.

"What about Henry?" I asked the brothers. Sam shook his head solemnly and I figured there was no need for an explanation as I saw the half sad, half reminiscent look in Dean's eyes, "And Abaddon?"

"Worse than death," Dean smirked and I saw Gabe rooting around in his memories to find out what they did. He always scrunched up his nose when he was doing that...

"Wow," he suddenly said, looking at Dean and nodding approvingly, "That's pretty impressive. I'm proud of you, boys... Of course, I taught you everything you know..." I elbowed him to shut him up and he let out a small 'oof'. "You're so mean to me..."

"I'm Balthazar's daughter, what do you expect?"

"Speaking of Balthazar," the man himself called over, "He's rather scared that we might die since we just slaughtered over a quarter of the heavenly host and he would like to go inside... like, right now... preferably... please..."

"Yes, I think that would be wise," Cas suddenly appeared behind the Impala and headed towards the door, "I assume you have the key?"

"Nice of you to say hello, Cas," Gabe said sarcastically as Dean rolled his eyes. Cas looked at him confusedly, "Forget it. Yes, they have the key... Can we get inside before Balt cries, please?"

Dad stuck his tongue out at him, "Oh, I'm sorry for actually caring about my own life..."

"Ladies!" I intervened as Sam and Dean followed Castiel to the door. Gabe went to say something, "Ah!" Dad smirked and opened his mouth, "No! Zip! Hush! Quiet!" They both looked at me with the exact same childish expression. "Good boys."

"You're so weird," Gabe muttered, holding my waist.

"So are you, angel boy," I mimicked him in the same tone, laughing as we headed inside.

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