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The bunker was huge. It was huger than huge if that were even possible. I had no idea how rooms so huge could fit beneath such a small building but apparently they could and I wasn't going to dig up the foundations to find out exactly how...

Castiel seemed to be the only one not surprised by any aspect of it, striding over to one of the tables in the centre of the room and sitting down on a chair beside it, "I am assuming you know what all of these scrolls are." He gestured to the shelves which lined the place, stacked high with thousands upon thousands of scrolls both ancient and more modern.

"The Men of Letters' research," Sam said in awe, "Every piece of information collected about every creature in existence... I mean, some of these are over a thousand years old..."

"Some even older..." Gabe added, standing at the entrance to another corridor which looked like it led to a hexagonal room and peering down it, "Bedrooms?"

Dean nodded, "Henry said this used to be a safe house for the Men of Letters." He passed Gabe and headed down the corridor, checking each room both upstairs and down before settling in the doorway of the third around on the upper floor, "This one's mine."


"Because it's the biggest..." he replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "You guys gonna pick yours or...?"

Castiel shook his head, "Only you and Sam require rest. The rest of us will remain in here."

"Uh, speak for yourself..." I countered, following Dean down the corridor, "My vessel is the weakest thing in the world, it needs constant sleep and I feel obliged to give it some..." I looked into each of the rooms, feeling Gabe's presence behind me and hearing his footsteps on the iron stairs as I decided which one I wanted to take. "This one. What do you think?" I asked him, standing in the doorway of a smallish room with a double bed along the far wall, a closet and a mirror hung on the wall by the door.

"It doesn't matter what he thinks, Elizabeth," Dad shouted down to me, "He's not stepping foot in that room!" I rolled my eyes. "I saw that."

"Whatever, it's a decent room anyway," I answered back, taking off my jacket and hanging it in the closet as Gabe remained in the corridor. I raised an eyebrow at him, "Really?"

"Yeah. I figure if I stay on his good side, he won't kill me for dating you..." he replied, shaking his head, "Surprisingly, I don't enjoy being killed... it sucks. Because then I'm dead."

"Oh. So we're dating now, are we?" I asked teasingly, standing a foot away from him but remaining in the room just out of his reach.

He went pink, "I don't know... if you want to, I guess..." I couldn't help thinking how adorable he was as he fumbled over his words since he was usually so cocky and on top of the situation. I'd really flummoxed him.

"Yeah, I'd like that," I smiled, stepping forward just enough for him to sweep me off my feet and into a hug.

"Good," he said, pecking my lips as he held me bridal style and spun around, "because I love you."

"I love you." I loved the feel of the words as they left my mouth - who knew three words could put so much happiness into someone's eyes. The others were still talking away in the main room so he took the opportunity to kiss me again, longer than before but still just as sweet.

"Glad we're agreed on that," he winked as he set me back on my feet. My breathing was heavy against his neck and he looked down at me in amusement, "You weren't kidding when you said your vessel needed rest... Has it always been like this?"

I nodded, "I've got asthma... I'm a Nephalem with asthma... you realise how pathetic that is?"

"Hey," he cooed, lifting my chin with his fingers, "You're not pathetic... Wait, did you say Nephalem?"

"Yeah, Sam found the name. Apparently, it seems to fit my description." He seemed troubled by the name. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... I guess it kind of makes sense, really..." he saw the confusion plastered on my face and decided to elaborate, "There's an old Enochian folk tale, a legend really, naming the child of 'a son of God' and 'a daughter of Lucifer' as a Nephalem. No one ever believed the story but I guess it's coming true... which makes me your grand uncle as well as your uncle... ew..."

"Yeah, it's probably best if we don't think too much about the family tree..." I cut in, my skin crawling as I pulled away from him.

"The family tree can burn in Hell," Gabe smirked, placing a hand on the small of my back and pulling me into another kiss.

"Hey! Some people are quite sensitive about that 'round here!" Dean called up to us, making me laugh against Gabe's soft lips, "Oh God, can't you guys get a room..."

"Nope, sorry," I turned to look down at him, prompting Gabe to attack my ear lobe with his teeth, "Dad already ruled against that..." I felt Gabe smirk against my skin as Dean looked back at Dad exasperatedly.

"Are they gonna do this all the time?"

Dad hummed, "Probably. I had to put up with it alone before so I'm glad we can share their constant PDA now... it's mainly Gabriel, he's corrupted my daughter despite the fact I plainly told him not to..." I couldn't see him but I just knew he was shaking his head.

"I corrupted you, did I?" Gabe's breath tickled my neck, making me shiver at his touch.

I smirked, "Most likely." His eyes shot open in surprise as I suddenly pushed him against the wall behind us, melding my lips into his again but with more urgency this time. I raised a hand to run my fingers through his hair but he caught it, entangling his fingers with mine and holding my hand close to his chest.

"Uh, guys?" Sam interrupted after a few minutes, which was becoming a regular occurrence, "Cas has just left, if either of you care?"

"Why?" I asked in surprise, pulling out of Gabe's grasp as he followed me down the stairs like a lost puppy, "Trouble in paradise?" Castiel was known for disappearing but usually he gave an explanation.

"Seemed like it." Dean laughed from the corner as we returned, "Oh, don't let us spoil your fun..."

I shot him a glare, turning my eyes grey as he jumped in shock, "Shut it, Dean..." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw both Gabe and Dad smirk while Sam grinned at his brother's fear. "That's what I thought."

"Well, if Dean dies at any point, we'll know who the culprit is..." Sam pointed out as I stuck my tongue out at him, "Hey, hey, I'm not the one teasing you..."

"No, you're not," Gabe added, "I don't think Dean will in the future either... Beth could set your room on fire while you sleep..."

I laughed as Dean's eyes went wider and wider, "And I won't hesitate to..." I added a maniacal joker smile at the end to ensure my message hit home.

It was safe to say that no one was going to object to Gabe and I in the future...

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