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After I'd managed to change my eye colour back, I turned to Dean, sharply elbowing Gabe in the stomach, "Any news? Did you find him?"

Sam shook his head and I mentally sighed in relief although keeping my face straight, "We reckon he skipped town... don't think he even noticed you two." He seemed a bit uneasy about it but didn't say anything - I don't think he wanted to worry us.

"Good... I guess we'll keep moving, then..." Gabe replied, rubbing his side where I'd jabbed him, "Thank you, boys."

"No problem," they both said simultaneously, exchanging a look of annoyance as Gabe and I laughed. "We'll head back to the bunker," Sam sighed, hunching his shoulders with his hands in his pockets, "Call us if you need anything..."

We nodded gratefully as they left, staying quiet until we heard the engine sound fade away down the road. As soon as we couldn't hear it anymore, Gabe burst out laughing.

"You dick..." I picked up the pillow behind me and thumped him with it, "I hate you... Why didn't you tell me my eyes were grey?!" He swatted the pillow away from his face but I continued my attack, completely ignoring Lucifer as he flew in behind us.

"Am I interrupting something?" he called over, eyebrows raised. I grabbed the other pillow and aimed it at his head but he ducked and threw it back at me, knocking me over with the sheer force of it as he and Gabe both laughed.

"I hate both of you!" I huffed, sitting up and hitting Gabe one more time as he pouted, "Don't you try the cute look with me, Gabriel, you didn't tell me!"

"Hey now, what have I ever done to you to deserve hatred?" Luci questioned, folding his arms and tilting his head expectantly.

"I'm sure I'll think of something," I replied in annoyance, hearing him chuckle as I turned again on Gabe, "You still haven't answered me!"

He sighed through his laughter, sitting up and ruffling my hair, "I would if you gave me the chance... I didn't tell you mainly because I thought you knew. And because it was hot..."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the answer, "I'm guessing you guys had a good time, then?"

I snapped around to face him, shocked by his assumption, "That's none of your business..." I felt my face turning red against my will.

"Honey, your mouth says no but your face is telling me yes," he smirked. I knew he was teasing me so I tried to ignore him. "Oh, are you ignoring me now? Is that what this has come to?"

"Leave her alone, Luci," Gabe pulled me into his side as his brother chuckled, "The Winchesters think you've left town so they won't be back anytime soon... you have any idea where or how to get Mike down here?"

We both looked over to him as he sighed, jumping up to sit on top of the dresser, "I've got a plan..."


"You really think he'll fall for that?" I asked as he concluded what was one heck of a plan.

"If I know Michael - and, believe me, I know Michael - he'll take any chance he can get to put me back in my cage. If he thinks I have 'the abomination' with me, it'll only make him come down quicker and try to throw us both in there," Luci explained, swinging his legs in front of him, "I think it has a good shot at working... What do you think, brother?"

I looked over at Gabe who had moved to sit cross-legged in one of the chairs by the window while I remained sat on the bed. "If you have faith that it will work then I'll help you..."

"Well, I wouldn't say it was 'faith' exactly..." Lucifer replied, his mouth angling upwards into that annoying smirk once more, "but thank you." He looked to me, "How about you, Be-" he trailed off as his eyes passed over me.

"What? What's wrong?" I questioned, taken aback by his sudden silence "Are the Winchesters coming back?" My gaze went to the window, expecting to hear the Impala pulling up or something.

"No, it's not them..." the poor guy looked like he'd seen a ghost - maybe he had, I expected everything nowadays. He shot a scared look over to Gabe who hadn't really been paying attention, "Um... Gabriel?"

They were quiet after that and I could tell they were having a mental conversation. I tried to tap into it but hit an invisible wall, unable to break through it and listen in. "Guys? Guys, what's going on?"

I didn't get an answer, just a few worried glances now and again until Gabe looked over at me. He came over and sat beside me on the bed, peering at me like I was in a zoo. I huffed at him, "Sorry, Beth... I need you to go back to your old vessel again for me..."

"Why?" I asked in confusion, looking between the two of them.

"Just do it, please..." His tone scared me as he glanced nervously at Lucifer who shared his concern about whatever was going on, "I'm telling you... our senses our clouded..."

Lucifer shook his head, "My senses have never been wrong... Beth, please, just change back. We need to clarify something..."

Reluctantly, I did what they said, concentrating hard before morphing my appearance back to the one I grew up in. "Damn..." Gabe breathed out, covering his face with his hands.

"I told you, I'm never wrong," Luci sighed, ignoring my confused look.

"Never wrong about what?!" That got both of their attentions and Gabe took one hand away from his face to hold my hand, tighter than he ever had before. "Gabe, what the heck is wrong?"

"N-nothing's wrong..." he struggled, not able to look me in the eyes. I crossed my arms stubbornly, glaring at him. "It's just that... uh... we angels can sense a lot of things at the moment they happen and... uh..."

Luci rolled his eyes, the colour seemingly returning to his face as he accepted whatever situation this was, "You're pregnant, Beth."

I laughed, "Yeah, right..." The solemn look on their faces halted my laughter, "That's... not possible..."

Gabe wrapped an arm around me as I began to shake in fear and shock, "I thought that, too... but when I look at you, I can sense two people. Or, at least, one person and an embryo..."

"No..." I looked over at Lucifer, tears running down my face, "It's not true..."

"I'm afraid it is..."

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