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"What? How?" I spluttered, looking down and finding a devil's trap at my feet - I decided to play along with the idea that I was trapped.

A door at the top of the stairs opened and Dean stood in the light, looking down at the guy in front of me before seeing that I was there, his eyes going wide. So he didn't betray me... We exchange a look of bewilderment, "Cas, who's this?"

The guy who I now knew to be Castiel glanced up at him before focusing his attention on me, "She is the child I was looking for." He held up a lock of hair that I recognised as my own as I cursed myself mentally for leaving it lying around, "This was in Balthazar's home. It is mere luck that it belonged to her."

Dean came down the stairs hastily as Jody appeared behind him, also looking at me in shock, "Okay..."

"What do you want with me?" I demanded, hoping that Dad and Gabriel could find me somehow, "I won't be used as a weapon!"

"Calm down," Castiel instructed but there was a fat chance that was ever happening. My shout had formed an audience at the top of the stairs, both Sam and Bobby looking between us in confusion. "I do not wish to use you as a weapon... I... fear my actions have been misinterpreted... You tried to hide from me..."

"Yeah, 'cause you want to use me..." I pointed out but he shook his head, looking hurt by the accusation.

"Care to explain, Cas?"

Castiel looked round as Dean addressed him, "They have misunderstood me, Dean. It is true that the angels wish to use her but I do not share their views. You yourself taught me that free will is the right way..." He turned to me, "Unless you wish to help them in the apocalypse, I will not force you..."

"You won't?" He nodded. "But... the prophecy...?"

"They can always change. The Winchester's have proven that on more than a few occasions..." he pointed out as Sam came down the stairs to join his brother beside Jody, "I am sorry for what the other angels did to your father. I fear he also misunderstood - he feared I wanted to harm you but you intrigue me. I only wished to meet you..."

"How come the necklace didn't work? Or the carvings on my ribs?"

"Ah, yes. The additions Gabriel gave you," I was shocked that he knew about Gabe but he continued, "He counted on no one having anything that belonged to you to summon you with. I guess he didn't know about your collection?" I shook my head. "He seems to be hidden from me. As does Balthazar." He turned to Dean and Sam, "I also know that you were prepared to go against me..."

"Cas... you have to understand how it looked to us..." Dean covered, "You were working with the God Squad again... we thought you'd tortured Balthazar..."

"I know. I realise that I should have explained to you... I thought the only way to find out more about this child was to act as one of them, getting information from the other angels... I know that devil's traps do not affect you so you can step out of it now," he addressed me, "Bobby shouldn't have speakerphone on if he does not wish me to overhear..." At the top of the stairs, Bobby huffed as I walked straight out of the trap and Dean looked at me in surprise.

"The hell?! Why didn't you tell us that, Elizabeth?" he asked.

"I didn't know until after I'd left..."

"Anyway," Castiel butted in, seemingly unaware of his own obnoxiousness, "I wish to speak with your father and Gabriel. Do you think it is possible that you could take me back there?" I shook my head uncertainly, "Just close your eyes and think of the surroundings as I guess I will not be able to enter the house."

Apprehensively, I did as he instructed, picturing the trees with their green canopies along with the rugged cliff side and the small cabin emerging from the face of it. The next second, I opened my eyes and we were there, Gabe stood before me in shock. He pulled me into a hug immediately before seeing Cas and pulling me back, "You!"

"Hello, Gabriel," Castiel replied placidly as Dad came out of the house, eyes widening as he rushed towards me and pulled me further away from Cas. I was feeling more and more like a ragdoll by the second...

"You get away from her!" he yelled angrily but I placed my hands on his chest, forcing him to look at me.

"Dad! He's not here to hurt me! We all misunderstood..." I pleaded with him to understand. He looked down at me in confusion but Gabriel suddenly pulled out his angel blade and lunged forward, "Gabe! No!" I stepped in between the blade and Cas, bringing Gabe to an immediate halt as his face softened, "Hear him out. Please... for me?" He lowered his arm.

"Thank you, Elizabeth," Castiel stepped around me as I held Gabe's hand, squeezing it to calm him down, "Gabriel. Balthazar. I don't wish to harm any of you, especially not Elizabeth here." Dad opens his mouth to say something but Cas stops him, "No, I don't want to use her as a weapon. I wish to help you to protect her - I know what she is and what she can do and, if she doesn't want to be a weapon, she doesn't have to go with the other angels..."

"Somehow, I'm having a hard time believing this..." Dad said sarcastically, staying close to me as Gabe folded his hands over my own, "Hmm, maybe because your little army of angels tried to kill me!"

Cas winced uncomfortably as he brought it up, "That was a mistake. I take full liability for that... believe me, I had no idea how far they would take it... I merely wished to know where the child was..."

Gabe was still looking at him with distrust clear in his eyes. I leaned into his side, causing him to wrap his arm around me and look down. "I trust him, Gabe. It makes sense..."

He sighed, holding me close, "Okay... I believe you, Cas. I know what a horrid liar you are, anyway." He looked up at Dad who narrowed his eyes at Cas. "For Beth?"

Dad caught my eye and blew out a strenuous and reluctant sigh, "Alright..." He turned to Cas, "If you make any move against her, there'll be a blade in your chest before you can even yell..."

"Make that two," Gabe says, squeezing me protectively. Cas gulps before nodding.

"I understand your concern for her welfare but I assure you she will come to no harm..."

"You better make sure of it," Dad warned, taking my other hand since Gabe was occupying my right one, "Now, let's get inside. I don't fancy any other angels crashing this party..."

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