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"Silly man, you forgot to lock the door..." she sounded sweet but there was a menacing look in her eyes. I could sense a powerful demonic influence within her body. "But then, spells never were your best subject, were they? Why don't you be a doll and give me what I want? And I promise to kill you and your friends here quickly..."

"You know I can't do that," 'Henry' replied.

"You're not a fighter, Henry," she tutted. Dean raised his gun at her but he and Sam were thrown back against the wall with a flick of her wrist. She tried to throw me back, too, but it didn't seem to work. "No matter."

"Josie, I know you're still in there," Henry was addressing the vessel rather than the demon that possessed it, "You must fight this..."

"I'm afraid Josie's indisposed, pet. It looks like it's just you and me-" she suddenly choked as Dean stabbed her in the back with a knife, her body flickering with gold light as she fell to her knees, "Ooh... Ahhh..." The light suddenly stopped and Dean's face fell, "Well, that is no way to treat a lady..."

No one even questioned what to do next, we all just grabbed anything important and ran out of the door. Dean reached the Impala first, climbing in as Henry got in the passenger seat and Sam and I jumped in the back with Sam yelling, "Go, go, go, go, go, go!"

Dean pulled out of the parking lot, narrowly missing an oncoming car before speeding away down the open road, everyone inside the car breathing manically apart from me since the running didn't affect my body in any way. We drove for a good ten miles before Dean decided it was safe to pull over and as soon as he did, Henry bolted out of the car and threw up in a nearby bush.

I followed him out as Sam and Dean stayed by the car, "You okay?"

"Yes, I will be," he breathed before retching again, "It's just all the adventures I usually enjoy are of the literary nature..."

Dean came up beside me, "Yeah, well, now that you're done blowing chunks, you want to tell us who Betty Crocker was?"

"Abaddon," Henry replied, straightening up, "She's a demon." No shit.

"No kidding," Sam said, voicing my thoughts, "Where'd she come from?"

"Where'd you come from?" Dean added.

"She's from Hell. I'm from Normal, Illinois - 1958."

"I'm sorry, but that is anything but normal," I directed at him before turning to the boys, "This happen a lot?"

"More often than you'd think..." Sam sighed, looking back to Henry.

"Seriously? Dudes time-travelling through motel-room closets? That's what we've come to?" Dean's expression said that this was definitely one of their weirder hunts.

"If you could just take me to John," Henry insisted, "we could clear all this up, I'm sure."

"I've told you that's not gonna happen," Dean said through gritted teeth. Castiel hadn't explained what happened to their father...

"Why not?"

"Because he's dead!"

Henry's eyes filled with sadness as he turned away, "No."

I went to comfort him but Sam held me back, "What's it to you?"

"Everything," he replied, "I'm his father."


After a bit more driving, Dean pulled into the lot of a fairly busy diner, finding us a table and leaving Henry at it before the three of us went over to the counter. "Driver's licence says he's Henry Winchester from Normal, Illinois," Sam sighed, "He knows Dad's birthday, the exact place where he was born. Dude, that's our grandfather..."

Dean thanked the waitress as she took our order, "I'm just saying before we break out the warm and toasties, let's not forget that, uh, H.G. Wells over there," he nodded to Henry who was gazing out of the window, "left Dad high and dry when he was a kid..."

"But maybe he didn't run out on Dad - I mean, not on purpose," Sam reasoned, "Maybe he time-travelled here and, I don't know, got stuck?"

"Yeah, well, either way, Dad hated the son of a bitch..."

"And Dad made up for that how?" Sam questioned, raising an eyebrow, "By being father of the year?" I didn't know much about their father but I kind of related with them on that front - not about Balthazar, but about my old father...

The waitress returned with a tray of food. "Thanks," Dean said before turning back to us, "Look, Dad had his issues, okay, but he was always there for us. I freaking hate time-travel, man..."

Sam picked up the tray and we headed back to the table, Dean and I sitting on one side and him taking the empty space beside Henry, "How you doing?"

"I'll be fine," Henry sighed, looking up at us, "After all, despite everything, I've just met my grandsons, haven't I?" He held out a hand to Sam, "Henry Winchester. It's a pleasure."

"Sam." They shook hands.

"Hello, Sam," Henry turned to Dean who placed a basket of food in front of him.


"This is Dean," Sam explained to Henry who nodded and looked over at me, "And this is Elizabeth. No relation but she's our friend." I smiled and Henry shook my hand, too.

"Well, this has been touching..." Dean said sarcastically, biting into his burger, "How about we figure out how to clean up your mess, huh?"

"Abaddon... she must be stopped..." Henry muttered.

"How come she didn't die when I stabbed her?"

Henry looked at Dean like he was a child, "Because demons can't be killed by run-of-the-mill cutlery. At the very least, you'd need an ancient demon-killing knife of the Kur-" he stopped as Dean pulled the knife out of his jacket, "Wh-where did you get that?"

"Demon gave it to me," Dean replied, tucking it away again, "We've been around this block so many times..."

"Now, this portal or whatever you came through - is it still open?" Sam interrupted. Henry shook his head. "I'm just thinking... if we can't kill this Abaddon..."

"Maybe we can shove her back where she came from?" I finished and Sam nodded, "How did you do it?"

"It's a blood sigil," I could tell he didn't expect me to understand but I nodded anyway, just to spite him, "Blood leads to blood. Or their next of kin."

Sam looked at him thoughtfully, "But Abaddon also came through it, right? So can you create this blood sigil again?"

"My blood, an angel feather, tears of a dragon, a pinch of the sands of time - I - I would need those and... at least a week for my soul to recharge, but, yes, its possible..." Henry explained.

"You tapped the power of your soul to get here? I thought only angels could do that?" Sam looked at me and I shrugged. How was I supposed to know?

Henry looked between us in curiosity, "You should know this. What level are you?"

"Level?" Dean muttered through his mouthful of burger, raising an eyebrow.

"Level of knowledge. You're Men of Letters, right?" I'd heard that term before... Castiel had mentioned it...

"What are Men of Letters?" I asked him, intrigued. Sam and Dean nodded for him to answer me.

"Your father? He taught you our ways?" Henry clarified, confused by their lack of reaction, "You're not... are you?" He laughed before seeing their hard expressions, "Hunters? Hunters are apes... you're supposed to be legacies..."

"Legacies of what?"

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