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I must have fallen asleep at some point while we were sitting in silence because I woke up to an empty room, covered in my comforter on the bed. It seemed I'd slept straight through the day and the rest of the night since I could hear sizzling from the kitchen and the clattering of plates. Sitting up, I caught a whiff of the air and could smell bacon - perhaps Gabe had advised Sam against pancakes for now...

I cursed myself as it reminded me of Dad. Gabe and Luci had been trying their best to keep him off my mind but it didn't seem to be working as a sob escaped my throat and I buried my face in my pillow. After a matter of seconds, I felt the mattress beside me compress and a hand brush my hair back from my face, tucking loose strands behind my ear.

"You need to get out of here, Beth..." Gabe sighed, smiling weakly as I peered up at him through my damp eyelashes, "It's not doing you any good, being surrounded by memories of him..."

"But where?" I croaked, my voice hoarse and muffled against the pillow.

I felt him shrug, "I don't know. Luci and I are gonna take you out somewhere after you've eaten something, get you some fresh air."

I groaned at the thought of leaving the warmth of my bed,"I'm not hungry." It was true, I wasn't and I didn't need food anyway but he seemed pretty adamant about it as he looked down at me.

"Please? Sam insisted on making breakfast again today since he upset you yesterday... He's really worked up about it, feels terrible..." he replied earnestly, "If you don't get up yourself, I'll force you..." The look in his eyes told me I didn't want to know his consequences...

"O-okay..." I rolled over and looked straight up at his face, my vision still blurry from the tears, "I'm getting up. I promise." I groaned, getting to my feet as my head span. Gabe steadied me as I swayed, holding my arm, "I'm okay, just a little dizzy..."

"It's probably the pregnancy," he observed, his eyes scanning over me before stopping at my abdomen, "It's probably best if you don't exert yourself too much, usually you'd be fine but, since your vessel is already straining at the sheer magnitude of your power, it's weaker... You shouldn't change vessels again until it's born, okay?"

I pulled a face as the room finally stopped spinning, "But that's another eight months, at least!"

"Ah, ah, ah!" I was interrupted by Gabe shushing me in a motherly tone, "You're pregnant and you're gonna have to get used to it, baby..." his arms slid around my waist, encasing me in his warmth as he looked down into my eyes, "I know it's hard for you with everything that's going on at the moment but you've got to start taking it easy on yourself. I'm aware that you're strong enough to do all of these things and sort everything on your own but your vessel isn't - just... let other people do things for you every once in a while, okay? Especially me because you know I refuse to let you do something I can..."

His lips turned up towards the end and I breathed out a sigh as he leaned down and pressed his soft lips to mine for a second. "Okay... just don't go treating me like a little kid. I can still do things for myself."

"I won't, I promise," he smiled, tightening his grip around me and lifting me from the floor. I squealed as he span around the room, laughing and making me even more dizzy.

A knock from the other side of the door threw me into silence as I heard Dean say, "Are you two having sex or something? I want to leave the room with my innocence intact!"

"What innocence? You don't know the meaning of the word!" Gabe shot back as the door cracked open and Dean peered around it cautiously before realising nothing indecent was going on. I swear I saw his face fall at that fact.

"Oh... is there a specific reason Liz was squealing? Or are you two just being cute because if you are I'm leaving..." He shook his head as he pushed the door open fully and Gabe set me back on my feet.

"What's up with being cute, Dean-O?" Gabe smirked, absentmindedly playing with stray strands of my hair as I leaned tiredly into his shoulder. Personally, I wasn't tired but my vessel was drained. "Just 'cause you aren't getting any..."

Dean's eyes went wide at the accusation, "I didn't come in here to be insulted. Sam told me to tell you breakfast is on the table."

"Okay, we'll be there in a minute." Gabe clicked his fingers and the door slammed shut in Dean's face as he leaned down and pulled me into a sweet kiss. I kissed back, smiling into it as he chuckled before pulling away, "Never forget that I love you, okay? And so does everyone else... well, apart from Cas - he doesn't understand the concept." He said the last part in monotone, sounding uncannily like the guy and making me laugh.

"Let's go make Sam feel better, you dolt..."

"Dolt? That's new," he let out a laugh when I slapped his chest before suddenly grabbing my knees and pulling me up to his chest bridal style, "Think I'll spare you the exhausting trouble of walking."

"What did I say about mollycoddling?" I pouted, crossing my arms but making no attempt to get down as he carried me out of the room and down the steps, each footsteps ringing on the metal.

"This isn't mollycoddling. This is Beth-coddling. Who the heck is Molly?" His chest shook as he laughed at his own terrible joke, "You're just gonna have to get used to it..."

I frowned, "I could easily smite you, you know?"

"Oh, I know," he smirked, hitching me up slightly as my body began to slip from his grasp, "but you won't..."

I raised an eyebrow at his chin, "And you know that how?"

"Because he's reading your mind," Luci spoke up as we entered the kitchen. I glared up at Gabe angrily before looking over to Lucifer who was sat on the counter with his ankles crossed as his legs dangled over the edge, "What? You didn't realise that?"

"No," I answered as Gabe glanced down at me sheepishly, "I can't believe you, Gabe! I told you to stop doing that!"

"Sorry..." he muttered, setting me down on the stool nearest Luci, "I promise I won't do it anymore, okay? I couldn't help myself..."

"Okay..." I was still annoyed as he pressed his lips to my forehead but as he looked down at me, the look in his whiskey eyes was enough to make me forgive him, "I hate loving you so much, you know..."

He smiled as Sam pushed a plate towards me, awkwardly avoiding Luci, "I know. What would you have to hate otherwise?"

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