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When we returned to the motel room, Gabe was busy pacing back and forth on the carpet, almost making a track in the fibres from the amount of times he'd walked over them. He looked up as we walked in, taking the door rather than just appearing since it was making me dizzy every time Luci did it - his landings definitely weren't as gentle as Gabe's...

As soon as I stepped through the door, Gabe attacked me in a hug as Lucifer sighed, "Really, Gabriel? I wasn't gonna kidnap her... What do you take me for?"

"I take you for the Devil, Luci," Gabe said pointedly, holding my shoulders in his warm embrace, "We may be brothers but that doesn't mean I have any trust in you."

"You would be a fool if you did." Luci strolled past us and perched on the window sill, staring through the glass at the street below. "I taught her some stuff. Powerful stuff..."

"How powerful?" Gabe peered down at me, checking my arms for any signs of injury that he thought Luci might have inflicted. He wasn't kidding when he said he didn't trust him...

"Very," I grinned, snapping my fingers and watching his face drop as I dissolved in his arms. He looked around, scared and shocked as the real me stepped into the room, grinning, "I seriously fooled you with that?"

Gabe stuttered, struggling to form words as Luce laughed, "Wh-wha? H-how? It felt real..." He looked up at me as I leaned on the doorframe, wonder in his eyes, "You learned that in that short amount of time?"

"Yeah, it took me about two hours in the end... I learned from the best," I smirked as Luci grinned and shook invisible dust from his shoulders, "Perhaps I can trick the Trickster..."

Gabe held his arms out for a hug, "This is you this time, right?" I laughed and nodded as he pulled me into a real hug, "I'll admit, I didn't think you could manage it... I've gotta stop underestimating you, eh?"

"She surprised me, honestly," Lucifer interrupted, "I needed a back-up plan for Michael if you weren't up for it and I guess we've got one now."

"Speaking of Michael," Gabe sat down on the bed and pulled me onto his lap where I curled up against his warm chest, sighing at the feeling I'd been missing, "I was thinking about how to get him down here. It's gonna need to be something pretty big to catch his attention but not too big in case we all get ourselves killed by what's left of the God Squad..."

"Any ideas?" Luci questioned and I gathered he was as clueless as I was.

A hum came from Gabe as he pulled his legs up under him, shifting me slightly to get comfortable, "I would say it was too dangerous to contact anyone but we've got two archangels here now... I doubt any angels will attack us if we stick our necks out slightly." He looked to his brother who had crossed his arms and leant back against the window pane, "They're all terrified of you after what happened last time you were up..."

Luci smiled smugly, "Now, that I'm not surprised about... So you're suggesting we get some more people on our side? Build our forces? Sorry to burst your little bubble there, Gabriel, but we're a bit of a motley crew, don't you think?"

"Sam and Dean?" Gabe offered as Lucifer pulled a face, "We've at least got Balthazar on our side."

Luci rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Balthazar? That drunkard?"

I coughed indignantly, glaring at him despite it being slightly true, "Excuse me, that's my father..."

"I'm sorry, Beth. My apologies but he does always seem to have alcohol on his person," he reasoned and I shrugged, letting him know I didn't take it too personally, "I guess we can consult them... but be warned, if they turn hostile I'm getting out of there. I don't particularly like having my ass hauled back to the cage by the Winchesters..."

"Let's face it, the only one of us who isn't on their bad side is Beth," Gabe pointed out, glancing down at me, "She can probably explain the situation better..."

"Okay. Should I give them a call?" I asked. Gabe nodded, leaning over and grabbing the phone on the table behind us before tossing it to me.

I swiftly caught it in mid air, cradling the cool plastic in my hands as I punched in the number I'd now memorised. Sam picked up on the second ring, much quicker than I'd expected, "Hello?"

"Sam, it's Beth again. We're fine before you ask," I heard him stutter before stopping, "I need you to promise me something before I explain this to you?"

"What is it?" Dean was mumbling away in the background too, presumably to Cas.

"Promise you won't overreact? Because if you do I swear I will just hang up and come over there myself anyway..." I threatened but it was an empty threat. An angel would see me for sure and, without Luci or Gabe, I would have no back up.

"Okay... I promise?" He sounded unsure but I guessed he didn't want to argue with me.

"Right... We have another person on our side..."


I gulped, crossing the fingers on my free hand, "Lucifer."

Sam exploded, almost literally, "Lucifer?! What the hell, Beth?! Are you insane?!" As he yelled down the phone I could hear Dad and Cas talking away to either each other or Sam.

"What happened to the promise?" I sighed as he ranted on about something I wasn't listening to, "Pass me to my Dad, Sam... You hearing me? Pass the phone to my Dad..."

He huffed but obliged and I heard him shuffle to give the receiver to Balthazar. "Darling?" Dad's accented voice came through the phone, "Is this true what Sam is telling me? You're with Lucifer? Where's Gabriel?"

"He's here, too," I assured him, thankful he was a little calmer, "Listen, Dad, Sam didn't give me chance to explain. Luci wants to bring down Michael and Gabe shares his hatred so we're going to work together to defeat him... we don't have many people on our side, though, and we're not prepared for a suicide mission..."

"Let me guess..." Dad sighed, "You want our help? I'm not sure, Darling... I mean, I despise Mikey as much as the next angel but you realise going up against him is going up against Heaven, right?"

"Yeah, it's a risk we have to take... he tortured Gabe, Dad! Just to spite Luci!"

"I didn't know that... believe me, Honey," Dad's breath hitched slightly as I gave him the horrid information. He sighed again, deeper this time, "Okay, I'll help but only because I don't want you getting hurt... Is there anything else?"

I glanced up at Gabe who was watching me carefully, putting my hand over the receiver, "Should I tell him? About..." I gestured to my stomach and Gabe's eyes went wide in fear.

He deliberated for a moment, shooting a desperate look at Luci who just shrugged as if to say, 'Not my problem'. Finally, he looked back to me and gave a shaky nod.

Taking a deep breath, I went back to the phone, "Dad?"

"Oh, I thought you'd gone, Honey... What is it?" He sounded so cheerful that I hated myself for having to tell him.

"Um... I'm pregnant..."


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