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The new vessel was certainly stronger as we continued training until dawn broke. In that time, I'd harnessed the power to manipulate objects, fly short distances and I'd even managed to call off the relentless rain. Gabe was impressed to say the least, his eyes widened every time I mastered something within minutes of being taught it and by the time we heard the first birds tweeting, he didn't even bat an eyelid as I picked up super-speed in less than a minute.

"I think that's all I've got, babe," he mused, wrapping his arms around me from behind after I sped back to him, "Are we ready to get going?"

I nodded, seeing the sun rising outside the cave and knowing we only had a matter of hours - maybe less - before the angels would see the influx of angelic/demonic activity in the area and come to investigate, "Yeah, where are we going to head to?"

"Nearest town?" I shrugged at the suggestion, grabbing my jacket from where it had been drying and tossing Gabe his own which he caught and pulled on.

"It's probably our best bet," I took his hand as he helped me down the rocks outside, jumping the last few feet and steadying myself on his shoulder before he took my hand and we began walking. We kept close to the cliff, staying out of sight the best we could beneath the thin canopy that the trees offered in the hopes that they would shield us from any angels.

"I meant to ask you before, how are you doing?" Gabe asked after about half an hour of walking in silence, "This has all kinda happened in a rush..."

"I'm fine..." I breathed, squeezing his hand to reassure myself more than him, "I've got you with me, haven't I?"

He looked across at me and smiled as he looked into my eyes, "Y'know, your eyes are still the same as they were before... still beautifully blue, just like you..."

"You're so cheesy, it's almost unbelievable," I shook my head in disbelief, rolling my eyes though he didn't see.

"Almost? I must aim higher..." he joked, snaking his arm around my shoulder, "See? You're perfect height now."

He was right; we were both about the same height which made it much more comfortable for him to have an arm around me. I grinned, "Yeah, I think I'll keep this vessel..."

"I've got no complaints."

Gabe winked at me before picking me up and putting me on his back, catching me off guard as he hooked his arms around my denim-clad legs, "Hey!"

"What?" he asked innocently, looking up at me with puppy eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair, "You're my baby, I have the right to carry you..."

"I don't remember reading that in the imaginary contract I imagined signing to give you these imaginary rights," I laughed as it took him a minute to take in everything I'd said.

"Well, have a little imagination," he raised his eyebrows earnestly, pouting when I poked his cheek, "I will bite you again. Remember what happened last time?"

"You say that like last time was a bad thing..." I smirked against the back of his head as we ventured down a small path that led from the cliff through the trees. Up ahead there was a sign that read 'Red Cloud, Nebraska'. "We must've crossed the state line a way back."

Gabe hummed, "Seems like it... I say we find a motel and base ourselves there for the moment since I can't sense any angels nearby. That's what the Winchesters do, right?" I nodded. "Well, there's our plan then." He hitched me further up his back with his hands since I was slowly sliding down.

We lapsed back into silence after that, him continuing to carry me without a hint of complaining as I twirled his hair in my fingers. Eventually, as we came to what looked like the main road, he carefully set me back on my feet and took my hand again.

I looked around as our footsteps echoed eerily on the asphalt, "It seem a little quiet to you?" He knew I was right; the street was completely empty except for the two of us and every store front was dark - it was creepy, to say the least...

"There's darkness here..." he muttered a reply, subconsciously holding me closer to his side, "but we've got nowhere else to go... at least there's no angels..."

There was a motel halfway down the road so we hastily headed across to it, trying to remain inconspicuous despite us being the only beings there. Only one car was parked in the lot and that seemed to belong to the owner, a sullen-faced man who looked like he'd wasted away quite a few years back and was now just a walking skeleton.

"Uh, we'd like a room, please?" Gabe peered at the guy, waiting for some sign of a reply. He didn't get one, the man just threw a key at us and looked at us in disgust, muttering something about 'kids these days'.

I gave Gabe a confused look as he mouthed 'homophobe' and looked pointedly towards zombie-face. It sunk in as I noticed he was narrowing his eyes at our joined hands so just to spite him, I leaned forward and kissed Gabe on the cheek, smirking against his skin as the man looked away with a sneer.

"Come on, baby, let's get to our room," Gabe winked at me, pulling me up the stairs as he spoke in an over the top stereotypical voice, "It's gonna be so fun!"

I played along, skipping up the steps behind him, until we rounded a corner and were out of sight of the guy's judging eyes... then we fell apart with laughter. Gabe couldn't even stand straight as he fell against me in a fit of giggles and I myself struggled to stay upright, pulling him along with me and finding our room before letting him go on the couch. Looking around, I noticed the owner had given us a twin room - most likely to stop us being 'too gay' in his establishment but that was soon fixed as Gabe helped me push the two beds together.

"Seriously?" Gabe raised an eyebrow while shoving the furniture around, "How hateful can a guy be? The look on his face when you kissed me, though..." he laughed again at the memory, "priceless..."

I sighed before walking over to the window, the view outside wiping the grin from my face as I remembered why we were even here. Then, I noticed something; a man, dressed all in black, just stood in the middle of the street. I was about to call Gabe over when another guy appeared next to him, and another, and another, until the entire street was filled with them, all looking in the same direction. "Uh, Gabe?"

"Yes, honey?" he stopped laughing for a moment, coming to stand by me before cussing in Enochian, "Damn..."

"W-what are they?" I asked, unsure if I really wanted to know the answer.

Gabe let out a deep breath, "Reapers..."

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