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At the time of writing this, I have only just started watching Season 8 so any information about the bunker and Henry Winchester is from wikia and the transcript of 'As Time Goes By'.

Edit - most of


"Run that by me again, Cas," Dean requested as we stood in Bobby's kitchen. Dad and Gabe had - very reluctantly - stayed back at the cabin due to the ransom on their heads and Castiel had brought us back to Bobby's.

"There is a key to a bunker that you need to find. It will help to protect Elizabeth and the rest of us so she is accompanying you to aid your discovery of it," Castiel repeated, not making it any clearer.

"Okay, the gist of it's clear... I think..." Sam tried whilst packing a bag, "I reckon we should just get out on the road, it might get easier then."

He looked to Dean who nodded, "I'll get my keys."

As Dean walked out, Cas disappeared and Sam rolled his eyes, "I hope to God that you know what we're doing..."

"The gist of it." I passed him his laptop as he motioned for it, placing it carefully in the rucksack before zipping it up and grabbing the handles. "You guys have a car?"

"Yeah. More like Dean has a car and I'm lucky to be allowed inside of it. Just... don't ask him anything about it, it'll be an even longer journey if we get onto that one-sided conversation..." The exasperated look he had as he said it told me that he'd experienced more than a fair share of talk about the car.

We headed outside as Dean was already starting up a sleek black Chevrolet Impala, "Any idea where we're headed, Liz?" I was taken aback by the new nickname before I realised he was talking to me.

I thought about it for a moment, looking around until I felt a strange tugging sensation. Gabe had taught me how to search for things before I'd left when we'd been left alone in the front room - he'd been really nice about it up until the point where he pinched my ass, winking slyly at me as Castiel flew me away. He wasn't kidding when he said it wasn't over...

"East," I told him. He looked at me like I'd grown two heads. "I know, it's not helpful but it's all I got..."

"Fine... east it is..." He climbed into the driver's side and Sam took shotgun so I was left in the backseat which seemed to reek of Castiel's grace. I'd found I could sense angels by their scents earlier that day and it was proving to be very annoying, especially since Cas smelled like licorice and rain - two of my least favourite things... I much preferred Gabe, whose aroma was one of candy and fresh cotton, and Dad, who always smelled of wine and roses.

"Castiel is a strange angel..." I observed to no one in particular.

Dean glanced at me in the rearview mirror as we pulled out of Bobby's driveway, "Yeah, why do you say that?"

"He has wings that work perfectly well and then he spends most of his time travelling in a car..."

"Yeah, that is weird, isn't it?" Sam agreed, looking back at me, "How are you, by the way? I feel like you've been caught up in all this and no one has really stopped to think about the fact that you're still a person... well, kind of a person."

"I'm holding up," I sighed as Dean started down the highway, the sky darkening as it was getting late, "Dad and Gabe have been looking out for me..."

"Must be strange... having Balthazar for a father," Dean said, keeping his eyes on the road ahead as a truck overtook us, "Jackass..."

I assumed he didn't mean the insult towards Dad, "He's actually really nice once you get to know him. He does the whole 'overprotective dad' thing very well... better than my old dad..." I trailed off and Sam saw the sadness ebbing into my eyes.

"They weren't great, huh?" I shook my head. "I know how you feel..." He looked towards Dean who stayed silent, "You're lucky to have at least one parent who cares about you... Is Gabriel playing mummy, then?"

My eyes went wide at the bizarreness of that mental image, "Uh... no..."

"Why's he hanging around then? Why does he care so much?" Suddenly, realisation washed over his face, "No... You're not- You? ...with Gabriel-?" I nodded, blushing slightly as he let out a girly squeal, "Oh my God, really?!"

"Yes, Sam. Really..."

"But he's like- how old is he exactly? A million? More?" Sam's face was lit up like it was Christmas, glowing like the headlights of the cars that passed us.

"What the hell are you talking about, Sammy?" Dean questioned, annoyed at his little brother's sudden weirdness.

"Elizabeth's dating Gabriel!" he blurted out as I slapped his shoulder.

Dean looked at me incredulously in the mirror, "Gabriel? Really? Jeez... really?"

"Yes, really..." I sighed, not really embarrassed by the fact since Gabe was a fantastic guy/ethereal being.

"I don't believe you," Dean said adamantly, "Prove it."

"How the hell can I prove it, Dean? He's in the middle of Alaska or somewhere... Believe what you want..."

"Oh, archangel Gabriel..." Dean began.

"What are you doing?"

"Praying to him. Cometh to our humble careth and proveth your loveth for Elizabeth-eth," he said in a ridiculous voice.

"He won't come," I told him but was cut off by the flutter of wings and the smell of candy as Gabe appeared beside me, "What are you doing here?"

"You called me," he replied, confused, "I thought-"

"It was Dean," I sighed, glaring at the back of the Winchester's head, "He wanted me to prove something..." I muttered the last part as Gabe looked towards Dean.

"What was it?" I could see him reading Dean's thoughts before he smirked, "Ohhh..." The next thing I knew, I was pinned against the back seat by Gabe's lips as he pressed them forcefully against mine. I couldn't help smiling into it as I heard Dean fake-retching in the front and so did Gabe as he pushed me further into the cushioned leather.

"Okay, okay, I believe you!" Dean pleaded in fear, trying to cover his eyes whilst also concentrating on the road.

Gabe pulled away and grinned, "Still not over..."

"Fine," I breathed, "Now, get lost before the angels find you..."

"Okay," he smiled, pecking my lips again just to annoy Dean who groaned, "See ya. Don't get hurt..." And with that, he was gone.

I glanced over at Dean who I could tell wasn't going to admit that he was wrong. "I am never praying to that dick again..."

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