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"This is a strange choice of dwelling..." Castiel looked around the cabin, "especially for angels and an abomination..."

Dad huffed angrily, "Will people stop calling her that?" To be honest, I was getting annoyed with it too but I'd promised not to get angry so I stayed quiet.

"It was the safest place for Elizabeth since we thought you were hunting her down," Gabe ignored Dad and folded his hands around my waist.

"Well, it is... cosy?" Cas offered, raising an eyebrow before sitting down by the table. He looked down at the wooden floor, staring at a red stain, "Is that...? Your blood, Gabriel?"

Gabe peered at it, "Yeah, probably." I laughed as Castiel's eyes widened and I could almost see all the possible situations that were running through his mind. Gabe noticed too, "Yeah, we were sacrificing puppies to Lucifer in our spare time and I must've got caught with the all-mighty sacrificial blade..." I had to bury my face in his shirt to stop laughing horrendously at the horrified look on Cas' face.

"Is this true? Why does our brother want dead puppies?" he asked Dad who was also smirking as Gabe lifted his arm so that it was around my shoulders.

Dad shook his head, "No, Cas. He's kidding."

"I do not understand," Cas still looked puzzled and I sort of felt sorry for him.

I looked up at Gabe's face, fascinated as to how he wasn't cracking up but the twinkle in his brown eyes said he was laughing hysterically on the inside. "Cas, they did a ritual to shield themselves from the other angels. It involved both of their bloods so some must have spilled on the floor. No Satanic puppies were involved..."

"Okay." He still didn't sound sure but he looked slightly less terrified. "So that is why I could not find either of you?"

"Yes, that will be why," Dad clarified since Castiel seemed to be a bit slow on the uptake. "We apologise if that offended you," he said as Gabe whispered 'no, we're not' in my ear, making me suppress another laugh.

Unfortunately for me, Gabe seemed to be in a playful mood and, as I was sat in his lap, I was his next target. He began by tickling my sides, discreetly and out of sight of Dad and Cas as they talked about everything that had happened, before sliding his hands down past my hips and placing them on my ass while I tried my best to keep a straight face.

It got worse as they continued talking, oblivious to the torture that Gabe was enforcing on me as he started to nibble at my left earlobe, all the while keeping a firm grasp on my ass. Slowly, he moved from my ear to the base of my neck, biting at the skin and no doubt scattering love bites across my collar bone as I fought back a moan, edging further into him, but every time I moved closer he tilted his head further back, leaving me wanting.

Unexpectedly, he squeezed my ass, making me squeak. Dad looked over and suddenly Gabe went back to normal but as soon as he turned away again, his hands were back, roaming all over my body.

"Stop it," I hissed but he ignored me, pulling the strap of my bra in his teeth and moving it to the side before leaving tiny kisses all over my shoulder, making me shiver at the delicate touch of his lips. "Please... stop..."

"Never," he muttered into my neck as his fingers fiddled with the hem of my t-shirt before slipping underneath the fabric and venturing up my sides. His hands were unusually cold which made me jump, holding back a squeal this time so that my Dad didn't see what was happening. If Dad knew what was going on at that moment, Gabe's head would be mounted on the wall above the fireplace for sure.

"Gabe-" My breath hitched as his hands moved higher. I tried to move away from him and go to the other side of the couch but he held me back, his grip too strong for me to pull away as his fingertips shadowed over my skin. I looked up and he jumped slightly as I think my eyes had gone grey again, "Please... you told me to stay calm... this isn't helping..."

He sighed in annoyance before retracting his hands and pouting against my neck, "You're no fun..."

"I know," I whispered as he let me move away from his lap.

"This isn't over... be warned..." he replied slyly, pinching my side hard but not hard enough to leave any marks.

"What are you two whispering about?" Dad called over, causing both of our heads to snap up.

"Uh, nothing?" He narrowed his eyes at my terrible excuse but seemed to let us off.

"Okay... well, anyway, Cas has got an idea of how to get away from both the angels and the demons along with everything else in between."

"There is a bunker. Built by the Men of Letters. Anything that is not human cannot get in without the key and there is only one key in existence..." Cas explained monotonously. Nothing much excites this guy...

"And where is it?" Gabe asked, "I've never heard of this bunker."

"It can't be found by any creature but Sam and Dean are on the verge of getting the key. They will require assistance."

"So, you're gonna go and help, then?" I asked but Castiel shook his head.

"No. You are."

"What?" Dad and I said simultaneously, looking at Cas with the same confused expression on our faces. Why me? Why couldn't Cas go?

"I am of no use to them if I cannot lead them to it. Besides, if the other angels see me with them, they too will know the location of the bunker. I need to return to them and spread a falsification of your whereabouts as they will believe me more than anyone," he replied bluntly.

"So you're a double agent now?"

He looked at me, puzzled, "I do not understand."

"Forget it, Cas," I sighed, "Why do you think I can help?"

"Well, apart from the wings and the powers that Balthazar has just informed me of, you seem to respond to protective spells and sigils as a human would, meaning that if the angels do look at you with Sam and Dean they will just see three humans. They don't know what your vessel looks like..."

"Whoa, hold up! Vessel?" I asked confused, looking up a Gabe who appeared to have known something about that, "What vessel?"

"Uh," he struggled, glancing at Dad who shook his head, refusing to help him, "this... body," he gestured to me, "isn't your true form... Your Dad and I were going to explain earlier but you got angry and we didn't want a repeat of that..."

"Wait, what do you mean it's not my true form? I was born like this..." Dad was shaking his head and my eyes widened in confusion, "I wasn't...?"

"No... I should've told you, I'm sorry..." he said apologetically, getting up and coming to crouch in front of me, balancing on the balls of his feet, "When you were left with me, to help you blend in, I visited the nearest children's hospital... your 'temporary' parents had just brought a little girl into the world, a little girl that was destined to die, so I did the decent thing... When the doctor was telling them that she wasn't going to make it, I slipped in and allowed you to take her form... they said it was a miracle when you woke up, but their real daughter was dead... I guess they know the feeling now..."

He looked up into my eyes guiltily as Gabe shifted his body to gauge my reaction. "Oh... I guess that makes sense... I don't know what I expected." I tilted my head at dad, "What do I really look like, then?"

The corners of his lips angled upwards as Gabe seemed just as intrigued as I was, "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... part of me thinks that was the reason I saved you... I was proud to have you as my daughter... I still am..."

"D'aww, Dad..." I crooned, laughing as he pulled a face.

"It's true. I'm serious!" he protested.

"Seriously cheesy, more like..."

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