Epilogue/One Shot

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"Ready!" I called from the top of the stairs as Gabe and Luci both looked up at me. Smiling, Gabe jogged up, his feet clanging on the metal steps before he carefully picked me up and walked back down to meet Luce since I'd found I couldn't walk down myself anymore without fear of falling head first. I pecked his lips as he let me down and looked up at Luci who was rolling his eyes, "Are you gonna tell me where we're going now?"

He shook his head, smirking at my annoyance but knowing full well I couldn't harm him with putting the baby at risk, "No, sweetheart. You'll find out soon enough."

I looked to Gabe but he shrugged, too, apparently just as clueless as I was. Frowning, I turned again to Luce and sighed, "Okay, fine. Take us on this magical mystery tour, then..."

"Please, I'm not John Lennon," he rolled his eyes and looked at me, unimpressed, "I'll go. You two follow me. I'm really not into the whole holding hands thing like you two are..."

Gabe chuckled as Luci disappeared, looking at me and taking my hand in his, "Let's go."

Seconds later, we landed in a valley overlooking a huge lake. Gabe kept ahold of my hand as he looked around, clearly puzzled at where we were. "Where is this?" I questioned, pulling his attention back to me.

"It's... impossible..." he mused, his eyes flicking around us beneath his furrowed eyebrows, "This place doesn't exist..."

"Why? Where are we?" How could we be in a place that doesn't exist?

"This is England," he trailed off, looking at something behind me. I was pretty sure England existed so I had no idea where he was going with this. "And, uh, that," he gestured up at where he was staring, "That's Hogwarts..."

I turned on my heel and gazed up at what appeared to be a huge castle, lit up against the dimming night sky. It appeared to be glowing in the darkness, illuminated as if by magic, "What the heck is Hogwarts?"

Gabe stared at me like I'd gone mad before his eyes softened slightly, "Oh, I forgot. Hogwarts is the castle in Harry Potter - it's where all the wizards and witches go to learn magic." My eyes widened at the bizarreness of what he'd just said and he sighed, "That's what the books are about..."

"Right... I'm guessing it's very fictional, then?" He nodded and glanced back up to the castle, it's light reflecting in his eyes, "So... Luci did this?"

"More than like-"

"Mr. Shurley? Miss Novak?" He was cut off by a questioning female voice as a new source of light splayed across the grass from the pathway up ahead. We both turned, finding an older woman in a long winter cloak and a pointed hat, "Oh, you finally turned up. The headmaster said you may have gotten lost."

At my side, Gabe gasped slightly as if he recognised her and I gave him a pointed look before he choked out, "The h-headmaster?"

"Yes, yes. Now, come along or we'll have to start the feast without you which just wouldn't do..." She turned on her heel and I guessed she wanted us to follow as she headed inside.

As we reached the spacious entrance hall, our footsteps echoing on the flagstones, Gabe nudged my side, "That's Professor McGonagall..."

I hummed so as not to spoil his mood but hadn't got a clue what that meant. Presumably she was an important character. Only seconds later, said woman came to a halt before a pair of ornate doors which stretched far above our heads as if they were made for giants - there were no giants in this world... I hoped...

"Err... there are giants..." Gabe's voice rang through my head and I shot him a glare.

"What the hell? Also, what have I told you about reading my thoughts? This is getting ridiculous..."

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