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"What do you wanna try first, then?" Dad called across the banquet hall. They had cleared the entire room of furniture within seconds so now Dad stood in front of me and Gabe, who had nothing better to do except stay here and help, stood off to the side.

"Telekinesis." I'd always loved the idea of moving things with my mind.

"Okay. You have to be careful with this, we don't want to be attacking me or Gabriel with objects, alright?" I nodded and Dad conjured a small toothpick out of thin air.

Gabe somehow saw my disappointed expression despite being stood slightly behind me, "We've got to start small, Beth."

"Yeah, okay. How do we start?"

Dad stepped forward and placed the pick on the floor between us, "Concentrate on the object. Don't get frustrated with it. Then, ask it to move in the direction of your hand."

"Okay." Taking a few deep breaths, I stared at the pick on the ground and held out a hand, gently willing it to move to the left. I expected it to go but instead, there was a huge thump as Dad was thrown against the far wall and promptly disappeared.

Gabriel ran forward as I gasped in horror, holding me back, "What did I do? Where did I send him?"

"That wasn't you." Before I knew it, Gabe wrapped his arms around my shoulders and teleported us both out of the room, landing in the middle of an empty field. He immediately let me go and looked around as if deep in thought. "Where is he? Where is he? ...Dammit!"

"What? What is it?" I called after him as he ran off in the direction of the nearest road, "Gabe!"

"Castiel... He must have broken through the protection on the house just enough to summon Balthazar. He won't be happy if he knows I lied to him but I'll make some excuse up," he turns to me suddenly and grabs my shoulders, "If I disappear, don't worry. You're hidden from all creatures except me so you're safe if you stay here and wait for m-" And then he disappeared. Great.

"Damn!" I sighed to no one. I didn't even know where I was.

Pacing around for a few minutes, I waited for someone to appear in the field but no one did, not even a single car or truck passed by on the road behind me. Eventually, I gave up and sat down in the long grass, shivering slightly at the breeze on my bare arms and watching the sky darken as the minutes drew on and Gabe didn't appear.

I was about to give up hope when I heard wings again and looked up to find Gabriel looking around frantically. "Down here."

He locked eyes with me, holding a hand out to pull me up, "We need to go. Now."

I got the sickly feeling again as he transported us to some house in South Dakota, directly into the front room, making the three guys sat in it almost jump out of their skins. One was tall with longish hair, the second was a bit stockier and seemed angry to see Gabe, and the other one, sat behind a large desk, had a beard and a battered baseball cap.

"Gabriel?" the tallest of the three questioned, getting up from the kitchen table behind us where he seemed to be on his laptop.

"Hi guys..." Gabe breathed, regaining his balance since the abrupt transportation made us both dizzy. "You okay, Beth?" I nodded but my head was still spinning so it just made it worse.

"What the hell, Gabriel?" the other young guy asked, wide-eyed, "We thought you'd died!"

"Welp, I didn't. Hi!" Gabe looked around, frowning at the unimpressed faces he was met with, "Could you angel proof the house, Dean? It'd mean a lot and since I saved your lives that one time..."

Dean looked at him as if he was crazy, "Not until you explain what the hell is goi-"

"We don't have time, Dean! Angel proofing! Now!" Gabe yelled suddenly, making me jump. He glanced down at me apologetically, "You too, Sam. I need to talk with Bobby..."

Bobby seemed reluctant but he nodded for the other two to go and, once they were out of earshot, Gabe sat me down on one of the chairs before pacing over to stand in front of him. "I need information, Bobby. You have to promise not to tell your little friend Cas or that bastard Crowley, or Meg or anyone about this information, got it?"

"Yeah, okay?" Bobby raised an eyebrow, looking towards me, "You mind explainin' who the hell this is?"

"Bobby, this is Elizabeth, she's Balthazar's daughter-"

"Balthazar's daughter?" Bobby interrupted, bewildered.

"Yes, please don't make a habit of repeating everything I say," Gabriel said as Bobby pulled a face, making me snigger quietly, "She turned eighteen yesterday and the spell her dad placed on her wore off so now Castiel and the God Squad are after her along with who knows how many other demons and monsters..."


"You may ask why, my dear Bobby. Her father is Balthazar, her mother, on the other hand, is a demon," Bobby took a sharp intake of breath, "Drunken one night stand, not his fault, yada yada yada... nine months later, baby Elizabeth is born, placed under a protection spell, it wears off, Balthazar saves her from dear old Cas and now he and I are working together to protect her... We need every piece of information on her species that you have."

Bobby took a moment to process the hoards of crazy information he'd just been presented with, "Er... I'll do my best. Between you and me, I'm not a big fan of Cas either..." He began rifling through the draws and bookshelves around him as Sam and Dean came back in.

"I think we're done," Sam said, sitting down on the couch and looking over at me with a puzzled expression as if I were some sort of wild animal.

"Nope." Gabe clicked his fingers and a specific sigil disappeared from one of the windows. "Now it's done."

"Hey! Won't they get in now you've done that?" Dean protested but Gabe shook his head.

"Only one will be able to."


"Don't be ridiculous, Dean. The guy hates my guts and wants Beth here dead. I'm letting Balthazar in..."

"Balthazar?!" Sam and Dean both said at the same time.

"Jeez, not the repeating again. Yes, Balthazar. I felt it was only right since his daughter is here and he's also on Castiel's hit list," Gabe sighed.

"You're Balthazar's daughter?" Sam asked me, seeming to be the calmer of the two of them. At least he's able to put two and two together, perhaps there is some hope for humanity after all...

"Oh, I thought I'd become invisible as you all argued about my father!" I shouted angrily, annoyed by their cheek to talk crap about him in front of me. It must've flipped the switch in my brain that changed my eyes because everyone but Gabe jumped back in shock and fear, "My mother is a demon, my father is an angel. Get over it!"

"Uh, yeah, Sam..." Dean pushed his brother forward, "Listen to the scary grey-eyed girl..."

I flicked my eyes back to their usual colour, "Help Bobby research about my species. Don't you dare try to contact Castiel. Oh, and when my Dad arrives, don't try to kill him. Okay?"

"Uh, okay... Don't hurt us..." Gabriel turns to me and smirks as they skulk away to help and even Bobby seemed to smile over at me, glad to see them actually listening to someone for once.

"You're welcome here anytime, kid, especially if you can keep them two in line..." he nodded approvingly. I grinned before grabbing a book and helping in the effort as Gabe did the same. At least someone likes me here...

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