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"Stay behind me!" Balthazar shouted, spreading his huge brown wings behind him and facing the window as another angel flew in, "Trust me, Castiel. You don't wanna do this."

I heard Castiel reply but didn't stop to hear what he'd said. I was too busy frantically stuffing clothes and other belongings into a rucksack, my heart pounding at over a hundred kilometres an hour. After finding all of the important things - toothbrush, deodorant, clean clothes, etc. - I went over to my special drawer, where I kept everything that meant something to me - the ticket from the first concert I went to, a signed photo from a celebrity I met on the train, a lock of my baby hair.

I left everything else behind - everything that reminded me of my pretend parents, the ones who claimed to love me...

Once done, I hitched my bag onto my back and looked over at Balthazar who was now taking on three different angels at once. "Done!"

He looked over his shoulder, "Get over here! Put your arms around my waist and hold on tight!"

I did as he said, wrapping my newly-healed forearms around his lower torso, careful not to catch any feathers as I held on. More angels burst in through the window, all with different coloured wings flapping against the walls and ceiling, joining in with the onslaught against Balthazar.

Then, just as they seemed to be winning, they disappeared from view. I thought they'd gone before I looked around and realised that it was us that had moved. Peering out around Balthazar's wings, I found we had travelled to a large, open room, filled with lavish furnishings and famous paintings which lined the walls. I'd never seen anything like it in my life - it was like a palace.

"Are you okay, Elizabeth?" Balthazar was the first to speak as I was still in awe of our surroundings. I looked up to find him looking down at me worriedly.

"Y-yeah... W-what was that?" I asked, slightly shaken by the sudden travelling.

"I teleported you here. This is my home."

"Nice," I commented and he seemed to calm down a bit as I got my bearings, letting go of his waist. He retracted his wings, making them invisible and tucking them down the back of his t-shirt as I began to walk around.

"Hey. I need to do something, come here," he beckoned and I went back to him apprehensively, "This might hurt..."

I flinched away as he placed a hand on my shoulder but he looked at me pleadingly so I relaxed slightly, feeling an intense scratching sensation going through my chest like a million needles. My face contorted in pain but I'd felt a lot worse and within seconds it was over. "It wasn't that bad, was it?"

I looked down at my chest, expecting to see some sort of cuts across it but there were none visible, "What did you do?"

"Protected you. I carved some Enochian sigils into your ribs so that the other angels can't find you-"

"My ribs?" I asked in shock - no wonder it hurt...

"Yes. It's the most secure way to protect you. It hides you from all angels, including me so don't go out of my sight or I won't be able to find you again," he explained, showing me through a door into a smaller room with a flat screen TV and some comfy couches.

"Won't they be able to find you?"

"Not for a while. We might have to keep moving in a few days but the house is protected, they can't track me without some serious mojo and most of them already think I'm dead."

"Oh," I replied, "I guess that's convenient..."

He cracked a smile, "Yes, I guess it is. I also have all of Heaven's weapons so that's also a plus!" He laughed before seeing my bewildered expression, "I'll explain later. In the meantime, I'd say you deserve a bit of fun after all you've been through... how about a movie?"

"That'd be cool," I said, smiling for the first time in a long while. I saw a glint of hope in his eyes as I did - maybe I could be happy here...

"Cool. What do you wanna watch?" he asked, jumping over the back of one of the couches and pulling me after him, both of us falling in a heap of giggles on the cushions.

"What have you got?" I was giggling so much it was barely audible but he still understood.

"Everything." He snapped his fingers and a DVD cabinet appeared to my left, the doors opening to reveal millions of different movies stacked one on top of another. I eagerly looked through them all, in complete amazement and spoilt for choice - my 'parents' were never huge fans of movies so I hadn't really watched many, so I chose one that sounded cool.

"Batman Begins?" he hums approvingly, putting it in the player, "Have you seen it before?" I shook my head, telling him that I hadn't really seen that many movies. "You haven't seen any movies! Believe me, Elizabeth, I will ensure you see every movie ever made within your lifetime. Just as soon as I convince my brothers that you're not a threat..."

"All of the angels are your brothers?" I asked as the movie started on the huge screen.

"Yeah, great family, eh?" he chuckles in self-pity, "There's the big brothers who you've probably heard of; the archangels, Michael, Raphael, Lucifer and Gabriel. The older three are dicks but Gabriel's okay, you might like him if he accepts that you aren't going to hurt anyone. The rest of us are all the same age; me, Castiel and the like. Basically, welcome to a world of endless uncles..."

"My parents - my fake parents, sorry - didn't have any siblings. What about my Mother?" His face fell slightly but he still answered.

"I'm not sure... I don't really know how demon bloodlines work but I'd guess she has a lot of siblings too. I admit, I haven't seen her or heard from her since she left you with me as a baby... I wouldn't pin your hopes on her having any maternal feelings towards you," he sighed, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"I think I can manage with just a father. You're better than both of my other parents put together," I told him and he seemed ecstatic at the thought of it, "What should I call you, anyway?"

"That's up to you. I don't want to force you to refer to me as Dad-"

"Okay, Dad," I smiled and his face lit up as he pulled me into a hug, "This is the best family ever. Just the two of us."

"Just the two of us."

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