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I stepped back at the accusation, maintaining my look of shock as Michael stared down at me, "Don't try to deny it. Your little charade is up and, really, my brethren, I am shocked to find you concealing such a creature in your midst. I used to think you had pride..."

Darwena was still looking at me, scrutinising my form with her invasive glare, "I should have seen it before. It's so clear now that you are my own..."

"I don't know what you are talking about. My name is Aliazel, I am an angel of the garrison..."

"He has never been out of our sight, Michael," Gabe countered, looking at his brother who wasn't fully listening, "I can vouch for that."

Michael shook his head, tutting, "I doubt you can vouch for anything, Gabriel, nor can I believe a single word that comes from your mouth. Last I heard, it was yourself and the creature's father who killed over a third of the garrison, including Uriel. Reports are that you both were not alone, but you had a girl with you - a girl who was believed to be the Nephalem. I think I am correct in thinking that they can also change their form at will..."

I glanced to Luci who seemed to be lost in thought. He looked up and met my gaze, shaking his head in defeat... he couldn't find any way out of this... If we fought, we'd be killed immediately but if we didn't, well, we'd be dead anyway... Then, almost unintelligibly, he winked at me.

"Okay, let's say you are right," Luce spoke up, tearing Michael's gaze from me as I understood what he was doing. I looked to Darwena and she, too, was now focused on Luci, as were the rest of demons around us. "How do you plan to prove it?"

"I need no proof," Michael argued as I discretely snapped my fingers behind my back. Within seconds, I was crouched in the shadows behind Darwena and the elder archangel and only Gabriel noticed since I left an illusion of myself beside him. The others were clueless though I could tell Luci knew I'd done something as he looked over to the fake version and a whisper of a smirk graced his lips. "I am the leader of the angels now. They all obey me."

"You got a bit of God complex going on there, Mikey?" Gabe raised an eyebrow, glancing at my true position quickly as I made the illusion look towards Michael, "Should be careful with that, you know, remember what happened to Cas?"

"Do not attempt to distract me from the task at hand, brother," the oldest sneered, looking between his younger siblings before looking to fake me. It seemed to fool him, the illusion, giving me time to formulate a new plan since plan A of killing them without them knowing about me had failed. "We will kill this Nephalem and both of you will die, too, if you attempt to get in my way..."

"K-kill me?" I made my doppelganger stutter. It had a telepathic link to me so anything I instructed mentally, it had to do, "B-but I'm not a threat..."

"You killed Uriel, the head of the garrison, along with countless others. Not to mention those outside of this building. You possess unknown powers and I cannot risk that-"

"There is too much talk!" Darwena suddenly screeched, interrupting him as I instructed the copy to flinch back and it did so very convincingly, "Just kill the thing already!" She drew a large scythe from inside her jacket and stepped towards fake me but Gabriel got there first as I clicked my fingers quietly and caused a ring of holy oil to form on the floor around Michael's feet; it was barely visible so he never even noticed it was there.

"Whoa, lady..." Gabe shielded my copy from her and held his hands up in front of his chest, "Step one inch further and you're gonna have two very angry archangels on your case..." Luci stepped towards her, too, just to emphasise the point.

"What is this? You have feelings for an abomination? And you call yourselves archangels..." Darwena tutted, tapping her foot on the hard floor and shaking her head before looking back towards Michael, "I suppose you're pride for your family is dwindling, honey?" She trailed off as her gaze panned down to the floor and her eyes widened, "Michael! Move-!"

"Too late!" I called from my spot in the shadows, setting the oil ablaze with a simple snap of my fingers and subsequently trapping Michael inside the circle of fire, "You should really watch where you stand, Michael..."

My mother lunged for me but I flashed out of her way, landing on the other side of them room and screaming as loud as possible in my mind, "Dad!"

Luci and Gabe had already pulled out their blades and begun taking on the demons that now surrounded them and me. I unsheathed my own and stabbed the one nearest to me before the familiar fluttering sound brought a grin to my face and I turned to find Dad and Castiel stood behind me. Flanking Cas on either side were Dean and Sam, both looking quite dizzy from the flight, whereas Dad had carried Bobby and Jody - all four of the humans were holding a different weapon, all of which would easily kill demons with just one slice.

Dad rushed to me as the others joined Gabe and Luci in the intense battle that was going on before us. I'd taken my doppelganger out almost immediately since it took a lot of effort to make it fight. "Are you okay, Darling?" Dad held my shoulders, looking me in the eyes as I nodded, "You know, you are in no state to be fighting with a baby on the way..."

"Oh, shut up, Dad," I complained as he chuckled. I looked over and saw Luci taking on my mother, "You weren't kidding when you said Mom was a bitch..."

"Your mother's here?" Dad asked wide-eyed, following my gaze, but as soon as he turned she'd vanished, "Where?"

"She was right there..." I trailed off, searching around for any sign of her.

"Oh well, perhaps she saw me and thought better of it. I don't know whether to be offended or hon-" All of a sudden he choked, blood splattering down his shirt as he looked down in shock, intense hurt pooling in his eyes. I looked to where he was staring and let out an involuntary scream at the sight of the scythe Darwena had been holding now protruding from his chest.

"Dad!" I grabbed his shoulders as he began to fall, quickly pulling him over to the wall as Gabe's head shot up at my scream. In seconds he was by my side as Dad shook and his body went into shock from the rapid blood loss, grasping my hands in his larger ones, "You're gonna be fine, Dad. Gabe can fix you, can't you, Gabe?" I tore my eyes away from Dad's injured form to look at Gabe whose face was grim and emotionless, "Gabe?"

"He can't help, Sweetheart..." Dad managed as tears began rolling down my cheeks and wetting the collar of my shirt, "It's too late for me, now... Promise me you won't give up-"

"Don't talk like that!" I cried, burying my face in his shoulder as he weakly stroked my hair, "You're gonna be okay! You can't leave me!"

"Elizabeth, I'm dying... I know you can't accept that but h-hear me out before I run out of time to say this... I love you, my b-beautiful, beautiful daughter, and you al-alone have made the past three weeks of my l-long life the best ones lived by any man or-" he coughed and more blood cascaded from his lips, "-angel. You are the most charming person I've ever met and believe me when I s-say that I am proud to have been able to call you my own. I'm proud to have you as m-my d-daughter..." He himself was in tears as choked out what he had to say and I wept uncontrollably beside him as Gabe held my shoulders, tears glistening in the corners of his eyes, too, "Oh, and Gabriel?"

"Yeah, Balthy?"

"Look after her. L-look after her and the baby. You'll make a great father, and if you don't I'll come back personally to kick your ass," Gabe smiled solemnly, a tear rolling down past his nose, and nodded as Dad turned back to me, his breaths becoming more and more shallow as he fought to hold on, "Make me proud, Elizabeth... Make your silly old Dad p-proud..."

And with that, a great burst of bright white light expelled itself from his body, filling the room with its light and thusly finishing off the last of the demons still fighting - Dad's last gift to us all. Then, as the light faded and the room became quiet, his eyes glazed over and the imprint of his beautiful wings lay charred and black and beautiful up the wall behind his fallen body...

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