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After Gabriel left, I went back to my room to change as I was still wearing what I had worn the day before. On the way, the encounter with Gabe left me thinking...

"Dad?" I called, waiting for him to come through from the lounge, "Do I have any powers?"

He considered it, "Probably. I'll have to teach you how to harness them first, though, so you don't go accidentally blowing up the house..."

"Oh, okay..." I sighed, a hint of sadness ebbing into my voice.

"Hey," Dad said, hearing it and feeling bad, "I promise I will teach you, okay? I promise. It's just that I have no idea how powerful you are... Demons have completely different skills to angels and if you have both, well, that makes you a force I wouldn't want to come up against..." he holds my face in his hands, "You understand, right?"

"Yeah, I get it. Thanks, Dad," I smiled before hoping he'd get the hint to leave me to change. He didn't. "Uh, Dad?"


"I'm... getting changed?"

"Oh!" he suddenly exclaimed, going red, "Sorry, I'll, uh, go..." He pointed towards the door.

"You do that."

"I will. I, uh... bye." And he finally left.

I sighed in disbelief, shaking my head. Still laughing, I searched around for my backpack, finding it sat on the chair beside my bed but it was empty which worried me. Everything in there was extremely important to me, I couldn't lose it...

"Daaad!" I shouted frantically.

"Whaaat?" he called back, sounding close but not coming in in case I wasn't dressed.

"Where's my stuff?"

"Check your closet!" I did and immediately felt stupid as I found all my clothes neatly hung up and all my other belongings placed carefully on the shelves. "You found it?"

"Yeah, thanks Dad!" I pulled out a pair of black jeans and green t-shirt, tossing them onto the bed before finding some socks and underwear. Once I was changed, I took the old clothes and placed them in the wash basket beside the door, tempted to try and clean them mentally but I knew Dad wouldn't be impressed if it went horribly wrong.

"What are you up to?" I asked as I went into the kitchen, finding him searching through the cupboards for something. He seemed pretty agitated about it. "Lost something?"

"My angel blade." He continued to hunt around, knocking over pots and pans in the process. I looked around the room, guessing he meant the silver blade he had when Gabe came.

It wasn't anywhere in the kitchen and I was about to check again before I saw a glint from the corner of my eye of something on the edge of one of the couches. Leaving Dad rooting around in the kitchen, I walked over and found that I was right - it was his angel blade. "Hey, Dad!"

"Not now, I'm busy!"

"Sure, just thought you might like to know that I found it?" I chuckled as I heard him bump his head on the cupboard door, cursing in what I figured was Enochian. He appeared in the doorway as I twirled the blade in my hands before passing it to him and he safely pocketed it.

"What would I do without you?" he smiled, kissing my forehead gently and pulling me into a careful hug, avoiding skin contact with the necklace as he did so.

"Well, you'd be a blade down for one..." I laughed and he laughed along with me.

"That he would." We both looked around at the new voice, relaxing when we realised it was only Gabe. "I sent Castiel and the angel squad on a goose chase to Japan because someone told them you had fled to there..."

"Thank you, Gabe."

"No problem. It'll give you guys at least three more days to work out what you're gonna do while they search the entire country. Their source wasn't exactly accurate about your location," he grinned, flopping down on the couch.

"Uh, excuse me, archangel blades off the upholstery, thank you very much," Dad chided, making Gabriel put it on the coffee table.

"You remember I'm older than you, right?"

"That's never been proven," Dad scoffed, "Even if you are, it's only a matter of a few centuries..."

His jokes make me wonder; if angels live for millennia and more, how long will I live?

"We don't know, Beth," Gabriel said suddenly, answering the question I never asked, "What? I can read minds, so can Balthy - did he not tell you that?"

"No, he didn't. Have you been reading my thoughts this entire time?" I asked, turning to Dad and looking at him accusingly, actually angry. Who knows what he'd heard...

"I'm sor- whoa!" He suddenly looked up at my face and jumped back in shock. "Y-your eyes, darling..."

"What?" I asked, confused. Gabe conjured up a mirror in one hand and passed it to me, looking slightly less taken aback than Dad was. Looking at my reflection, I realised why...

My eyes were grey. Completely grey. "What the heck?!"

"Must be the angel mixing with the demon; dark and light making grey..."

"That's nice, Gabe, but how do I turn them back?" I demanded.

"Try calming down, love. Deep breaths. It usually only happens when a demon gets angry," Dad instructs. I did as he said, looking at the mirror the entire time so I could see when they changed back. Eventually they went back to brown and my pupils returned but I was still pretty shaken up by it - my eyes changed colour!

"Are you feeling okay?" Gabe looked over at me, considerably unworried by what had happened, "Yeah, I kind of expected it. While I was gone I borrowed a few books and researched what to expect from you. There isn't much history of your kind but there was one case, back in Roman times; sadly they perished before they were out of diapers. You're stronger for some reason... have you tried getting your wings out?"

"No, I'll try now if you want, but stop reading my thoughts!" He held his hands up in his own defence and I rolled my eyes. "How do I do this then?"

"Think of flying," Dad told me which was a bit vague but I tried and suddenly heard a burst of flames behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw two huge wings, as wide as the room but there was one thing that separated them from the rest - they were made entirely of bright red and yellow fire. "Whoa, whoa, put them away! Stop thinking of flying!"

Gabe was, again, unchanged by the wings as I folded them away, "Just as I thought."

"You didn't think to tell me that?" Dad asked him, bewildered and a little confused - as if he couldn't figure out why Gabe could see them - as he patted down a small cushion that had been set ablaze, "Didn't think to say 'oh yeah, by the way Balthy, your daughter's wings are going to burn the house down'?"

"It never came up," Gabriel defended, "It is proclaimed that the child of Darkness and Light will rise like a phoenix, hence the flames. I couldn't find anything else on the species, you don't even have an official name..."

"Daemon and angelus..." Dad muttered and I turned to give him a questioning look, seeing Gabe do the same in my peripheral vision, "Latin names. Daemon is demon, angelus is angel... Some mix of them would be close to what she'd be officially named..."

Gabe hummed thoughtfully, "I'm sure we can rewrite the books between us. Dae-lus... Ang-mon...? Nah, that sounds naff..."

"Daemgelus?" I spoke up as he pondered different assortments of the two names, earning a raised eyebrow, "I like Daemgelus. Is that okay...?" I look between the two angels and tilt my head hopefully.

"Fair enough. Daemgelus, it is!" Dad chuckled, ruffling my hair, "Since Gabriel's here we could start your training - I get the feeling I might need some help. Let's learn what else you're capable of..."

Credit to FeltonandPhelps for the species name :)

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