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In less than three minutes, the three of us were hunched in the shadows of a dingy back alley, staying as quiet and close to the grimy wall as we could. Outside on the street, less than twenty metres from us, exactly thirteen demons were standing in v-formation, surrounding the front of the State House.

"Darwena is inside," Lucifer muttered above me as Gabe breathed against my side, "So is Michael... they appear to be talking..." He seemed confused and his tone emanated that feeling.

"About what?" I whispered, not turning my head to look at him but he heard me anyway.

He took a breath, glancing at Gabe as they both listened in with their apparent angel hearing, "You... they're both willing to make a deal in order to take you down... Darwena knows what you look like..."

"I'm guessing that's bad...?"

"Very," Gabe replied under his breath, "You can't just walk in there. They'll recognise you immediately and, if they realise you're pregnant, they'll kill you on the spot if not faster..."

"Can I even be killed?" I questioned and he shrugged, not really helping.

"Who knows? But if you can, you can guarantee Mike has the power to find the right weapon. We're gonna need you to change but it's not gonna be easy with that lot out there, they're bound to see..."

He looked to Lucifer for a solution who seemed deep in thought. It was hard to see them as brothers sometimes since they were so dissimilar in both looks and personality but it was obvious that they loved each other, even if it was buried deep down. "She could fly away again and come back but they could follow her so that's a no go... Uh... there's nothing without drawing attention to ourselves... You know what that means..."

Gabe sighed and raised an eyebrow, seemingly dissatisfied, "All guns blazing?"

"All guns blazing," Luci confirmed, nodding before looking back to me. I figured I didn't really need an explanation as to what that meant. "Alright, so you change your form when I tell you to and be ready to attack as soon as it's done. We'll charge in - Gabriel takes the left four, I take the middle five and you take the right four - simple smite job should be fine, then we go from there. Okay?"

I nodded and saw Gabe do the same from the corner of my eye. It was clear they both had military backgrounds, Lucifer more than Gabe, and it seemed they struggled to let go of the past. A bit like a few others I'd recently met... cough Sam and Dean cough...

"Good. Be ready to run the second you've changed. We'll only have a few seconds to get over there," Luci instructed, looking down into my eyes. I nodded again before standing back from them and clicking my fingers, causing my appearance to change as I tried my hardest to dim the amount of light I was giving off. Gabe's body shielded most of it from spilling out into the street but the demons still noticed and, as the light died down, their footsteps pounded over.

"Good luck..." I heard Luce mutter what I guessed he thought was reassurance before we went out to face them.

The moment I stepped into the street, a knife was swung at my head and I ducked, kicking out and tripping the demon inhabiting the body of a teenage girl. She fell to the ground, causing the older guy behind her to trip and go down with her as two more, a middle aged couple by the looks of them, neared me on both sides. The woman cackled when she was a few feet from me, thinking they'd cornered me but I was too sharp to walk into a trap...

As she reached out to grab my shaking form, her face fell when her fingers slipped straight through my torso. She tried again and so did the man, their hands falling through me like I was made of smoke over and over until they heard screams from behind them and turned to see me stabbing both of the others through the chest with my newly acquired archangel blade - Gabriel got me one from granddad knows where...

"I'd appreciate it if you could stop groping me, please?"

They looked at me bewildered before turning back to the projection of me which waved slyly at them with its muscled hands as I plunged the blade into the woman's back from behind. The man lunged for me but, again, I was way too quick and he suddenly had a lovely silver sword adorning his chest. As he fell to the floor, I wiped his blood from my blade and tucked it away in my shirt before running over to Lucifer who was taking on four demons, "Need some help?"

"No," he called back, stabbing the one closest to him and kicking another's legs.

I looked over to Gabe who was now down to one and seemed to be coping fine on his own. "You sure, Luce? Y'know, I could just..." I stuck my blade into one demon's shoulder and it crumpled before I stamped on the floored one's hand as the creature was reaching for it's knife.

"I'm fine!" he growled through gritted teeth, his eyes going black in annoyance as I laughed and stabbed the one on the ground through the heart, "Dammit, Beth! I said I was fine!" He finished off the last one and rounded on me, glaring as Gabe jogged up beside me.

"Oh, yeah, you'd totally be fine when you had a demon blade in your throat," I countered, looking around at the corpses at our feet. I felt guilty for the vessels but we hadn't had time for any exorcisms.

Luci grunted as Gabe chuckled, glancing up at the building to search for any disturbances. "It wouldn't kill me anyway..." he muttered, crossing his arms after wiping the blood on his blade onto one of the demons' shirts, "There's only three weapons that can kill me and, no, I won't tell you what they are..."

"Aww..." I pouted, tilting my head slightly as the short hair of my less familiar form tickled the back of my neck, "You're mean..."

"I'm mean for not letting you know how to kill me? I think I'll stay mean rather than dead." He followed Gabe's gaze and looked up as I saw someone shifting in one of the windows - it was dark but there was definitely someone there, watching us. "They know we're here..."

I sighed and brought my gaze back to the front door, letting Gabe take my hand, "Let's go say hello, then..."

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