Robin's Allergies

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Robin walked into the cave to find the team all in the kitchen standing around talking. "Hey guys! Whatcha doin'?" Robin greeted.

"Hey Rob!" Wally greeted "Megan was testing out a new cookie recipe she wants us to try."

Robin smiled "Sounds asterous!" he then hopped up onto the counter and let his feet dangle "so what flavor is it?"

Megan smirked "It's a surprise!"

The team waited around for a few more minutes till they finally heard the oven go off. Megan made them wait a little bit longer saying that they needed to cool. To say the least when she finally took them out of the oven the team was excited. Mostly because they were all thinking the same thing 'She didn't burn them this time!!!'

She then proceeded to put them on a plate and hand them out to everyone. They all took bites greedily out of their cookies. "Wow Megan these are really good!" Artemis said smiling. Connor and Kaldur nodded their heads in agreement.

Megan blushed "Thanks guys."

Ounce Wally had swallowed the first bite a horrified look plastered itself onto his face. "Wait... Is that peanut butter?!"

Megan frowned a little "Ya it is. Is something wrong? Do you not like it?"

Wally was about to say something when they team was distracted by a fit of coughing. They looked over to see Robin collapse to the floor gasping for air, coughing all the while. Sweat beaded his forehead as the team stood there motionless not sure what to do.

Wally rushed over to his friend and started franticly pulling things out of his utility belt, obviously looking for something. When he finally found what he was looking for he cheered in triumph. He pulled the cap off of a strange tube looking thing. In one swift move he jabbed a needle into Robin's arm.

The team waited in anticipation until finally a couple minutes later his coughing died down. And he was breathing heavily. At this point he then proceeded to pass out from exhaustion. Wally looked down at his friend and smiled sadly as he stood up.

Megan was in shock "Wh-what just happened? Is Robin going to be alright?"

Wally nodded "He'll be fine in a day or two. He's just going to have to sleep it off."

"What happened?" Connor asked the question again more insistent.

Wally sighed "Robin has a very deadly case of peanut allergies. He's had them since he was a kid."

"But why did he not ever tell us?" Kaldur asked almost sounding hurt.

Wally shrugged his shoulders "I've known since we were kids. I found out by accident but I still don't know his secrete identity! In fact I just assumed he had told you. I don't know why he wouldn't."

They all were silent till a small raspy voice spoke up "Ba-Batman t-told me n-not to. S-said it c-could e-endanger my s-secrete ident-ity." The team looked over at Robin with shock as he slowly started to sit up leaning his back against the counter. Pain was etched on his face as he peacefully closed his eyes taking deep breaths as sweat rolled down his face.

Artemis scowled "So you're telling me Batman forced you to withhold vital information to us? Which if we had known may have saved us the experience of you almost dying!" they all stopped waiting for an answer. When they got known they looked back over to him to see him once again sleeping peacefully.

Wally picked Robin up bridal style and was about to take him to his room when out of know where Batman appeared. He looked at Wally questionably "What happened?" he asked gruffly.

"Sir we didn't know that Robin was allergic to peanuts so when he tried one of the cookies he had an allergic reaction." Kaldur filled him in.

"I was just about to take him to his room so he could get some sleep." Wally added.

"I'll take him." Batman said taking the boy from the speedster's arms. What he did next horrified the team. He dropped him on the ground causing him to wake up with a shock "Now that you're done napping." Batman said glaring down at him "The Joker has escaped from Arkham. We need to go after him."

Robin nodded and rubbed the back of his head which had hit the floor rather hard. "Yes sir." He then shakily stood up only to almost fall and have to lean on Wally for support.

Batman glared at him even more "Never mind you would just get in my way I'll care of him myself." And just like that he left the room without another word. A second later Robin collapsed back to the floor with exhaustion leaving the team to wonder. Was Robin being neglected by Batman...?

(A/N - Hi peoplez! :) I thought why not end 2015 with a good old Robin fic. why? you may ask. because Robin is amazing that's why! Don't worry about Batman seeming a bit off. It's all part of the plan to have more daddy bats later :)  I hope you all have a very happy new year and remember... Stay whelmed and feel the aster!!!)

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