Chapter 10

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(A/N – this chapter is dedicated to @Luna5224 :) she accidently made a suggestion in the comments that I kinda liked and I'm sure you all will too! :) enjoy!)

April 1st aka April Fool's day. For any member of the team you should be very afraid. That is unless you are either Kid Flash or Robin. You see on this day they hold a prank war. They both go out of their ways to prank each other. Unfortunately most of the time their pranks back fire and wind up hitting the rest of the team.

This April Fool's day was no different. It had all started with Robin painting Wally's entire room pink. Robin was currently sitting on the couch trying to write a computer program so whenever Wally entered the room it would announce him as 'Mr. poopy pants'. Sure it's childish but so is Wally replacing all of Robin's boxers with panties. The rest of the team just sat around talking not really paying attention to what he was doing.

Suddenly Wally ran into the room holding some kind of remote in his hands. Artemis raised an eyebrow at him "And what's that supposed to be?"

He grinned evilly "It's an EMP. Now Rob won't be able to use his computer!"

Robin's eyes widened in fear "Wait! Wally No!" but he was cut off by Wally's hand slamming down on the button.

Robin's computer shut off as did all the other machines in the mountain. Wally was smirking with pride until Robin let out a pain scream and grabbed onto his right ear. "Robin what's wrong?!" Megan asked wordily. He quickly pulled out a small silver devise from his ear. It was sparking and obviously was the cause of his pain.

He huffed and fingered the devise in his hand "THANKS A LOT KID IDIOT!" he yelled.

"What is that?" Connor asked.

"WHAT?" Robin yelled again. He sighed "This isn't going to work." He mumbled to himself. He took out a pen and note pad. "Here" He tossed them to Connor. "Write what you want to say on that." he said still fiddling with the devise.

"Why can't I just ask you out loud?" Connor said looking at Robin who just gestured to the note pad. Connor sighed and finally wrote 'Why can't I ask you out loud?'

Robin face palmed when he read it "Because then I wouldn't be able to answer you very well thanks to Kid idiot over here."

"What did I do?!" Wally asked offensively. Robin just rolled his eyes and pointed to the note pad. Wally reluctantly did as he said and wrote his question on the paper.

Once he had finished reading it Robin glared at him "You set off an EMP that's what!"

Still confused Zatanna took the note pad next 'What is that thing in your hand' she wrote.

Robin held it out to her. "It was my hearing aid until someone fried it with an EMP." He glared at Wally.

'Why do you need a hearing aid?' Artemis wrote.

He face palmed "What else would I need them for?! I can't hear that's why."

'Since when?'Kaldur wrote.

"A few months after I first became Robin. Batman and I went out on patrol in Gotham. We then got into a fight with Man-Bat. Batman had special ear buds built into his cowl but I didn't. When Man-Bat screeched it was loud enough for me to completely lose hearing in my left ear. It messed up my right ear enough that I can't hear well without a hearing aid but at least I'm not completely deaf." He said smiling.

Wally looked down at his feet "Sorry..." suddenly the computer and other machines whirled to life.

Robin smiled and took the hearing aid back from Zatanna "No problem." He said placing it back in his ear. "Although you are going to get a supreme pranking for this." While smirking he quickly threw down what looked like normal smoke bombs and ran out of the room.

"What is it with him and smoke bombs?!" Artemis said aggravated.

"I guess he..." Wally started then suddenly started sneezing. A few seconds as did the other members of the team.

"SNEEZING POWDER?!" Wally sneezed "Real mature Rob!" Every one could hear the distinct cackle coming from somewhere in the cave.

(A/N - Finally a new story arc! :) Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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